Digital Resources - Information for Families and Educators
Digital Resources Compiled by the Family Resource Center
Listed below are resources from FCPS and the community on a wide variety of topics to help families and educators support student success.
Please email [email protected] or call 703-204-3941 the Family Resource Center for more information.
Resources by Topic
- 2e Handbook and Resources (PDF)
- FCPS 2023-2024 Student Rights and Responsibilities
- FCPS Section 504 Procedures Manual English (PDF)
- English (English)
- FCPS Special Education Handbook (PDF)
Minority Student Achievement Oversight Committee (MSAOC)
- Family Advocacy Handbook
Virginia Department of Education (VDOE)
Comprehensive list of All Padlets: This page lists and links to all padlets.
ADHD: FRC resources, behavior and discipline, mental health, etc.
Autism: FCPS resources, support groups, signs and symptoms, preschool, etc.
Bullying: FRC Resources: Students with disabilities, resources for staff, conversation starters, etc.
Career and Transition Services (CTS: Resources for Families: webinars, government agency funding, FCPS resources, etc.
College and Career Planning: FRC and FCPS resources, PSAT and SAT information, college consulting, etc.
Community and Public Supports: Energy Assistance, Internet, Utilities, and Bills, mental health and safety, etc.
Dyslexia: FCPS resources, Community Resources, Conversation starters, educational resources, etc.
Deaf and Hard of Hearing: FRC Resources, FCPS resources, learn ASL, community support, Apps, etc.
Early Childhood Education: Social and emotional milestones, classes, childcare, etc.
Executive Functioning Resources: Videos, organizational tools, resources from FCPS, resources in Spanish, etc.
LGBTQIA+ Awareness: Community resources, conversation and lesson resources, etc.
Resources to Support Immigrant Families: English classes, citizenship and legal services, workforce training, etc.
Respite Care: Resources to support families that need help with older adults, children with liabilities, foster, adoptive, and kinship families, etc.
School Refusal: online support, alternative options for school, mental health and resiliency, books, etc.
Special Education & Section 504 Resources: FCPS resources, IEP process, 504 plan process, dispute resolution, autism, ADHD, etc.
Support Groups: Groups for families of Autistic children, mental health challenges, developmental disabilities, etc.
Twice Exceptional Learners (2e): FRC resources, VDOE, resources, Dyslexia, teaching strategies, etc.
- Summer Camps: List of camps for all children
- LGBTQ+ for Adults: Resources for adults about the LGBTQ+ community.
- LGBTQ+ for Youth: Resources for youths about the LGBTQ+ community.
- Family Support: Resources for the Community with Disabilities, Mental Health Concerns, and Medical Conditions
- Respite Care: Resources for finding respite care
- Adapted Recreation: Activities that are inclusive and adapted for adults and children.
- Resources for Military-Connected Families: Resources in Fairfax County and from the community.
- Digital Resources Guide: This lists and links to all padlets (digital bulletin boards).
- Videos
- Tip Sheets
- Community Resources
- Fairfax County Health Department: Helping Kids Stay Vape Free
- Surgeon General Tip Sheet: Know the Risks, E-Cigarettes & Young People
- Partner for Drug-Free kids: The Teen Vaping Trend – What Parents Need to Know
- Stanford Medicine Tobacco Prevention Tool Kit: E-Cigarettes and Vape Pens
- Virginia Department of Health Recommendations Regarding Cigarettes and Vaping
- COVID-19 & Smoking
- Severe Lung Illness Associated with Vaping - Fairfax County Health Department Fact Sheet
- Tips for Teens: The Truth About E-Cigarettes- Consejos para adolescentes: la realidad sobre los cigarrillos electrónicos
- Webinars and Videos
- Tip Sheets
- Talking With Your Teen About Opioids: Keeping Your Kids Safe Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) provides help starting a conversation about Opioids
- Talking with Your Child About Opioids Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) provides help starting a conversation about Opioids
- Tips for Teens
- Community Resources
- Webinars and Videos
- Tip Sheets
- Hable con los niños sobre el alcohol y otras drogas: 5 objetivos de conversación
- Talking to Kids About Alcohol and Other Drugs: 5 Conversation Goals
- Why You Should Talk With Your Child About Alcohol and Other Drugs
- Why Small Conversations Make a Big Impression
- Answering Your Child’s Tough Questions
- Impaired Driving: Talk With Your Kids
- Why Your Child Might Start Drinking Alcohol
- How To Tell If Your Child Is Drinking Alcohol
- What You Can Do To Prevent Your Child From Drinking Alcohol
- The Consequences of Underage Drinking
- Family Agreement Form: Avoiding Alcohol
- Talking With Teens About Alcohol and Other Drugs: 5 Conversation Goals
- Other Resources
- The Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Prevent and Reduce Underage Drinking: This guide gives you the knowledge and tools you need to take action against underage drinking. It
- Virginia: LAWs Facts Lead: Learn Alcohol Basics Information for High School Students A guidebook for students about the dangers of Alcohol Use
- Virginia: Bac, ID, Risk Learn Alcohol Basics Information for College Students A guidebook for students about the dangers of Alcohol Use
- Virginia: Health Safety Choose Learn Alcohol Basics Information for Middle School Students
- Fairfax County: Teenage Alcohol Use in Fairfax County: Statistics and Information about alcohol use.
- Alcohol, Tobacco, and Marijuana: From Virginia Rules: Office of the Attorney General: Virginia laws and legal penalties associated with underage alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana possession and use; the health and safety risks of underage drinking and strategies for staying safe and sober.
- Webinar and Videos
- Tip Sheets
Drug and Alcohol Resources in Spanish
- How To Tell If Your Child Is Drinking Alcohol-¿Cómo saber si su hijo está tomando alcohol?
- Why Small Conversations Make a Big Impression-Las charlas breves causan mayor efecto
- The Consequences of Underage Drinking-Las consecuencias del consumo de alcohol entre los menores de edad.
- Why You Should Talk With Your Child About Alcohol- ¿Por qué debe hablar sobre el alcohol con su hijo?
- Why Your Child Might Start Drinking -¿Por qué su hijo podría empezar a beber?
- What You Can Do To Prevent Your Child From Drinking)-¿Qué puede hacer para evitar que su hijo beba?
- Characteristics and Needs of Twice Exceptional (2e) Learners
- The transition from elementary to middle school and from middle school to high school for 2e learners
- Supporting ongoing learning and recreational needs of twice-exceptional learners in the summer
- Meet the Author Series: Gifted and Distractible with Julie Skolnick
- Twice Exceptional Students: What Parents Need to Know
- Neurodiversity At School: Strategies and Supports for Elementary School Families
- Neurodiversidad: ¿Qué quieres decir con que todos
- AAP Overview Video | La sinopsis de los servicios del Programa Académico Avanzado
- AAP Screening and Identification Video | Evaluación e identificación para los servicios AAP Nivel IV (a tiempo completo)
Tip Sheets
Coming soon
Community Resources
FCPS Links: Family Information
- Family Resources to Support Student Development
- FCPS AAP Philosophy
- Review of the FCPS AAP Executive Summary
FCPS Links: School Services
FCPS Links: Applications
FCPS Parent Resource Center Workshops on Youtube
- Family Digital Wellness: When is the Internet a Problem?
- Digital Citizenship
- Raising Screen Smart Kids
- Strategies for Implementing Communication Devices in Your Home
- Digital Citizenship Series Part 1: How to Find Balance with Technology
- Digital Citizenship Series Part 2: Hot Topics: What Concerns You the Most?
- Promoting Digital Wellness
- Buying New Devices: What Parents Need to Know
Tip Sheets from CommonSense Media
العربية Arabic - 中文 (Chinese) - فارسی (Farsi) - 한국어 (Korean) - español (Spanish) - اردو (Urdu) - Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)
- Selfie Culture Tip Sheet
- Cyberbullying Tip Sheet (English)
- Customizable Device Contract for Families
- Digital Drama Tip Sheet (English)
- Digital Footprint Tip Sheet (English)
- Distraction, Multitasking, and Time Management Tip Sheet
- Family Media Agreement: K-5
- Family Media Agreement: 6-8.
- Family Media Agreement: 9-12
- Kids as Coders Tip Sheet
- Managing Screen Time Tip Sheet
- Privacy, Surveillance, and Self-Disclosure Tip Sheet
- Social Media and Body Image Tip Sheet
- Video Games and Violent Content Tip Sheet
FCPS Links:
- Choosing Digital Apps, Games, and Services Wisely
- Digital Citizenship: Establishing Expectations at Home: Rewriting your Parenting Story
- Digital Citizenship For Families with Teens (Online Course)
- Podcast: Digital Citizenship: When Technology and Social-Emotional Learning Intersect
- Social Media Best Practices for Students
- Things to Consider When Getting a New Phone, Computer, or Gaming Device for Your Child
- Using Technology Mindfully: A Podcast
Community Resources
Resources in Spanish
- What Parents Need to Know about 504 Plans
- What is Dyslexia?
- 6 types of Dyslexia
- FCPS Dyslexia Open House 2021
- Equitable Access to Literacy Preventative Measures for Students with Dyslexia and or Dysgraphia
- Tech Tools to Support Struggling Readers
- What Parents Need to Know about 504 Plans
Tip Sheets
- Clues to Dyslexia
- Specialized Reading Programs Chart
- Dyslexia Fact Sheet
- International Dyslexia Association
- Potential Indicators of Dyslexia
- International Dyslexia Association
Community Resources
- Effective Reading Instruction: Structured Literacy instruction from International Dyslexia Association
- Do I have Dyslexia?: Self-Assessment Tool from the International Dyslexia Association
- Dyslexia Assessment: What Is It and How Can It Help? How to identify and assess for Dyslexia from the International Dyslexia Association
- Dyslexia Basics: Definition and Causes from the International Dyslexia
- English Language Learners and Dyslexia: This fact sheet provides information about important considerations when evaluating English learners for dyslexia from the International Dyslexia
- How to Teach Kids With Dyslexia to Read: Systematic phonics instruction is key to building skills and confidence from Child Mind Institute
- Tips for Recognizing Learning Disorders in the Classroom: Characteristics of learning disabilities that can hide in plain sight from Child Mind Institute
- Dyslexia Digital Resources
- Dyslexia Digital Library
FCPS Links: Instruction and Assessment
- 504 Plans for Students with Dyslexia
- Accommodations for Students with Dyslexia
- Assistive Technology for Students with Dyslexia
- Core Instruction for Students with Dyslexia
- Responsive Instruction for Students with Dyslexia
FCPS Links: Characteristics of Students with Dyslexia
- Characteristics and Signs of Dyslexia
- Common Co-Existing Conditions with Dyslexia
- Signs of Dyslexia
- Self-Advocacy and Voice for Students with Dyslexia
- Social Emotional Impacts of Dyslexia
- Twice Exceptional (2e) Learners and Dyslexia
FCPS Links: General Resources
- Dyslexia Regional Points of Contact, Family Guides, Books, and Websites
- Dyslexia Resources: Includes Regional Points of Contact, Family Guides, Books, and Websites
- FCPS Dyslexia Handbook
- Dyslexia Online Training for Parents
- Family Guide to Dyslexia: Elementary Schools
- Family Guide to Dyslexia: Secondary Schools
Resources in Spanish
- Social Emotional Milestones in Early Childhood
- Hitos socioemocionales en la primera infancia
- Supporting Early Childhood Mental Health through Play - Part 1
- Supporting Early Childhood Mental Health through Play - Part 2
- How Screen Time and Sleep Impact Early Childhood Development
- Kindergarten: What Every Family Needs to Know
- Tips to Improving Your Parenting Long Game
- Families as Partners Supporting Your Student’s Social and Emotional Learning SEL
- Parent Coaching in Early Childhood
- Supporting Healthy Habits and Routines in Early Learners
- Challenging Behaviors: ABCs of Behavior and How to Respond
- Seven Steps to Behavior Success at Home
- Exploring Early Childhood AT at Home
- Pathways to Preschool: Video Playlist
Tip Sheets
- A Parent is a Child’s First Teacher
- Adjusting to School
- Articulation Concerns
- Book Enjoyment
- Children Ages 1-2 Meal Pattern
- Children Ages 3-4 Meal Pattern
- Infant Meal Pattern
- Developing Self-Regulation
- Expressing Emotions
- Fine Motor Skills
- Making Friends
- Routines
- Friends & Feelings: Social-Emotional Development in Young Children (PDF)
- Building Belonging: Providing Guidance for Social Skill Development (PDF)
- Behavior Communicates (PDF)
- OUCH! That hurts! – Biting (PDF)
- Shocking language! — Swearing (PDF)
- Whack! Slam! Bang! — Aggression (PDF)
FCPS Links: General Information
- Apply for PreK and Early Head Start
- Best Practices
- Daily Schedules in an FCPS Early Childhood Classroom
- Early Childhood Child Find
- Early Childhood Curriculum and Instructional Resources
- Early Childhood Portrait of a Graduate
- Families as Partners
- Fairfax Early Childhood PartnershipsHigh Quality Support in Early Childhood
- Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY) Program
- Nutrition and Health Education in Early Childhood
- School Readiness and Transition to Kindergarten
- Self-regulation Skills in Early Childhood
- Special Education Resources
Community Resources
- Potty Training Resources Padlet: Books, videos, apps, articles, tools, and more all to assist with potty training. Helpful for toddlers and for children with special needs.
Tip Sheets
National Eating Disorders Collaboration
- Eating Disorders ad Substance Abuse
- Stigma and Eating Disorders
- Body Dysmorphic Disorder
- Eating Disorders and Diabetes
- Eating Disorders in Males
Community Resources
Eating Disorders What Every Family Needs to Know: View this webinar on eating disorders from the FCPS Parent Resource Center.
Eating Disorders Awareness Week (EDAW) is an annual campaign to educate the public about the realities of eating disorders and to provide hope, support, and visibility to individuals and families affected by eating disorders.
- Where Do I Start? National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) can support you on your journey. These resources can help you take the first step to getting the help.
- Parent Toolkit (pdf): The NEDA Parent Toolkit is for anyone who wants to understand more about how to support a family member or friend affected by an eating disorder.
- Educator Toolkit (pdf): The NEDA Educator Toolkit is a resource for educators, staff who work in a school setting, or those who work with youth outside of school to understand more about eating disorders to support students and the young.
- Coach and Trainer Toolkit (pdf): The NEDA Coach and Trainer Toolkit is a resource for staff who work in gyms, school settings, outside athletic groups, dance studios, etc. who would like to know how to support athletes who may be affected by eating disorders.
The Body Project: This is a group-based prevention intervention that provides a forum for high school girls and college-aged women to confront unrealistic appearance ideals and develop healthy body image and self-esteem.
Academy of Eating Disorders Video Library The Academy for Eating Disorders provides a list of helpful videos available on a variety of topics on eating disorders
How to Help a Loved One: NEDA provides resources. Friends and family are often key to encouraging loved ones with eating and/or body image issues to seek help.
- How to Talk to a Loved One About Eating Concerns
- Tips for Encouraging a Loved One to Seek Professional Help
Free and Low-Cost Support: The National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) provides free and low-cost support options offer ways to connect with others and provides tools to promote recovery.
Padlet (electronic collection of resources): Eating Disorders
Support for Caregivers: Beat, a United Kingdom-based organization, has published guidance encouraging healthcare providers to ensure better support for families of people with eating disorders, including by offering an assessment of their own mental health needs and access to peer-to-peer support programs.
Fairfax County Government: Fairfax-Falls Church Community Services Board's Wellness, Health Promotion & Prevention team encourages people to get screened online, at no cost and confidentially, through their website.
Eating Disorders Screening Tool: NEDA provides a short screening — appropriate for ages 13 and up — that can help determine if it's time to seek professional help.
NEDA Blogs
- Back to School After Eating Disorders Treatment
- Back to School: Checking In With Yourself and Setting Reasonable Goals
- How to Cope with School When Struggling with an Eating Disorder
- Maintaining Recovery While in School
- Recovering from an Eating Disorder in College: A Survival Guide
- 3 Ways to Create a Healthy Dorm Environment
- Voices of Lived Experience of Eating Disorders
FCPS Links
Tip Sheets
- Executive Function Fact Sheet from the National Center for Learning Disabilities
- Resources from Harvard
- Enhancing and Practicing Executive Function Skills with Children from Infancy to Adolescence (pdf): An activities guide for building executive function from Harvard
- Less Policing, More Parenting How to Improve Your Child’s Executive Functioning Skills Without All of the Arguements
- How to Improve Your Child’s Executive Functioning Skills Without All the Arguments This School Year
- Supporting Executive Functions at Home
- Setting the Stage for Behavior: Routines, procedures, & Expectations
- Challenging Behaviors: Prevention Strategies and Teaching Self-Control
- Challenging Behaviors: ABCs of Behavior & How to Respond
- Behavior Happens for a Reason: Behavior as Communication
- Strategies for Increasing Replacement Behaviors
- Tips to See an Increase in Replacement Behaviors
- Tips to See an Increase in Following Directions
- Effectively Communicating with Your Student
- Maximizing Student Independence
- Unstuck and On Target! This series of videos is designed to give practical parenting advice that they can immediately use to support their neurodivergent child’s executive functions. These engaging videos feature parents sharing their real-life wisdom and experts who give practical ideas and easy-to-understand explanations. If you have a child with ADHD, Learning Disabilities, or Autism, these videos will help you reduce conflict and turn can’t’s into cans.
- Understanding Executive Functioning
- Motivation: How Everyone in Your Family Can Get More of What They Want
- What do We Do When What We Want Seems Impossible
- Break It Down
- Compromising So Everyone Wins
- Is it a "Can't" or a "Won't"?
- The goal, The Why, The Plan
- Managing Intense Feelings
- Plan A/Plan B & Big Deal, Little Deal
- Talk Less, Write it Down
- Expect the Unexpected and Manage Disappointment
- Preventing Overload
- Videos de funcionamiento ejecutivo de UnStuck y OnTarget en español Esta serie de videos está diseñada para dar consejos prácticos de crianza que pueden usar inmediatamente para apoyar las funciones ejecutivas de su hijo neurodivergent. Estos videos atractivos presentan a los padres compartiendo su sabiduría de la vida real y expertos que dan ideas prácticas y explicaciones fáciles de entender. Si tienes un hijo con TDAH, discapacidades de aprendizaje o autismo, estos videos te ayudarán a reducir el conflicto y convertirás las latas en latas.
Community Resources
- ADHD Toolkit: This toolkit for families provides strategies to help with school success (pdf).
FCPS Links
Tip Sheets
- Fast Facts: Firearm Violence Prevention: From Centers for Disease Control
The Gun Violence Prevention Resources webpage has information about the following topics:
- secure firearm storage,
- modeling responsible behavior around firearms,
- asking about secure storage practices in other homes,
- recognizing the role of firearms in suicide, and
- seeking help for a child who could be a threat to themselves or others.
- Military-Connected Students and School Transitions
- Preparing for the Unexpected: Challenges of Military Families
- Schools and Military-Connected Students: Supportive Programs and Practices
Tip Sheets
Community Resources
- Military-Connected Families: padlet with resources to support military-connected families.
FCPS Links
- Military Families: Planning your Arrival to Fairfax County
- Military Families: Student Registration-A 5-Step Process
- Military Families: Preparing your Move from Fairfax County
- Academic Planning for Military Families
- Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Families
- Identification of Military-Connected Students
- Impact Aid Student-Parent Survey
- Resident on Military Installation - Student Transfer Application
- Resources for Military Families
- Resources for Military Families with Children Requiring Special Accommodations
- Social, Emotional & Behavioral Supports
- Fort Belvoir School Support Services
What Parents Need to Know about 504 Plans
Tip Sheets
Community Resources
- Special Education and 504 Resources Padlet: Find resources to support your child.
- Section 504 and ADA: Protecting Children with Disabilities from Discrimination
- Parent and Educator Resource Guide to Section 504 in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools
FCPS Links
- Elementary School Accommodations
- Middle School Accommodations
- High School Accommodations
- Section 504 Information
- Section 504: Identification, Evaluation, and Reevaluation Procedures
- Section 504: Forms, Related Documents, and Resources
- Section 504: Impartial Hearings
- Section 504: Knowledgeable Committees and 504 Plans
- Section 504: Purpose and Fact Sheet
- Section 504: Plans for Students with Dyslexia
- Section 504: Procedures Manual (PDF)
- Working together through the 504 process.
- Nondiscrimination / Americans with Disabilities Statement
- School-Based Physical Therapy (PT) and Occupational Therapy (OT) Family Support
- ADHD: Does Gender Matter
- Assistive Technology to Support Executive Functioning
- Autism Safety Considerations
- Introduction to Special Education
- Strategies for Implementing Communication Devices in Your Home
- Tech Tools to Support Struggling Readers
- Transition IEPs
- Twice Exceptional Learners in FCPS
- Using Technology to Support Reading and Writing While Encouraging Independence
Tip Sheets
- IEP Tip Sheet: PLAAFPs
- 10 Steps in the Special Education Process:
- Key Timelines for Special Education Process
- Fact Sheet for Parents' Roles Around the IEP Table
- IEP Tip Sheet for Parents: The IEP Team
- Parent and Student Forms: Preparing for the IEP Team Meeting
- IEP Team Meeting Guide for Families
- Developing Your Child’s IEP
- Stories from the Classroom: Hearing Parents’ Priorities
- Disability & Special Education Acronyms
- Korean-English Glossary of Common IDEA Terms
- English to Spanish Glossary of IDEA Terms
- Accommodations for Students with Disabilities A Resource Document
- The difference between IEPs and 504 plans
- Fact Sheet for Virginia’s Parents: IEP vs. 504 Which is Right for My Student?
Community Resources
- The Virginia Family's Guide to Special Education.
- The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) has updated The Virginia Family's Guide to Special Education. This publication is a revision of the former A Parent’s Guide to Special Education which was initially published in 2010. This new state guide was developed by the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) to help those involved in special education, whether as families, teachers, school administrators, advocates, or students.
- Amharic I Arabic I English I Spanish I Vietnamese I Urdu
- Special Education Process: from VDOE, this site explains the special education process
- National PTA: A Special Education Toolkit
- Getting Started: An Introduction to the Special Education Process and how to Advocate for your child.
- From Pre-K to Graduation: Transitioning your student throughout his or her school career and preparing them for college or the workforce after graduation.
- Understanding Federal Policy: An overview of federal disability and special needs policies, including the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.
- A Parent’s Dictionary: Key terms to know when getting started in special education.
- Acronyms: An overview of acronyms used in special education and disability policies and programs.
- Resources: A directory of tools and organizations that families can access for assistance.
- FCPS: The Special Education Process
- FCPS Special Education Handbook: includes details of the special education process.
- Contents of the IEP: The Center for Parent Information and Resources starts with the definition of IEP and explains the parts throughout the IEP.
- VDOE: Understanding Special Education A Parent's Guide to Special Education: The guide includes a description of the special education process and what is required of families and the school during each step of that process.
FCPS Links: General Special Education
- Abbreviations and Acronyms
- Disability Categories
- Forms Related to Special Education
- Special Education Handbook for Parents
- Special Education Update Newsletter
- Students' Rights and Responsibilities Guidance for Parents of Students with Disabilities
FCPS Links: Special Education Instruction
- Accessible Instructional Materials (AIM)
- Assessing Special Populations in Middle School
- Assessing Special Populations in High School
- Assessment Options for Students with Disabilities
- Special Education Instruction
FCPS Links: Additional Services and Supports
- Adapted Curriculum, PreK-12
- Adapted Physical Education Services
- Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Program
- Assistive Technology Services
- Behavior Intervention Services
- Bus Route Information for Special Needs Students
- Career and Transition Services
- Extended School Year ESY Services
- Occupational Therapy Services
- Physical Therapy Services
- Services for Students Who are Blind or Visually Impaired
- Services for Students Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
- Speech and Language Services
FCPS Links: Special Education Procedural Support
- Special Education Procedural Support
- Procedural Support Liaison by the Pyramid of Schools
- Special Education Procedures for Identification of Students with Disabilities
Community Resources
- Special Education & 504 Resources Padlet: Support Guides, organizations, workshops, websites, and reading material to learn about disabilities, your rights, and available resources to support your child.
Tip Sheets
NAMI: National Alliance for Mental Illness: Fact Sheets for Mental Health Conditions (English and Spanish)
- ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
- Anxiety Disorders
- Bipolar Disorder
- BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder)
- Depression
- Dissociative Disorders
- Eating Disorders
- OCD (Obsessive-compulsive Disorder)
- PTSD (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder)
- Schizoaffective Disorder
- Schizophrenia
NAMI: National Alliance for Mental Illness: Fact Sheets for Related Conditions (English and Spanish)
- Anosognosia
- Dual Diagnosis
- Major Depressive Disorder with a Seasonal Pattern
- Psychosis
- Risk of Suicide
- Self-harm
- Sleep Disorders
- A Conversation about Compassion Fatigue
- Reducing the Stigma around Mental Health Challenges and How to Support Children in Asking for Help
- Rewriting your Parenting Story
- Building Healthy Relationships
- Depression in Children and Adolescents
- Helping Your Child Cope with Stress
- Knowing the Signs: Substance Abuse and Today's Youth
- Raising Children with High Self-Esteem
- Supporting Anxious Children
- Why Won't My Child Go to School?
- Yoga and Mindfulness: Supporting Your Children's Social and Emotional Wellness
- Zones of Regulation
- Zoomed Out? 5 Strategies to Get Even the Most Reluctant Kids Focused, Engaged, and Motivated!
- Examining the Definitions and Differences Between SEL and Mental Health by Dr. Amy F. Parks
- Supporting Early Childhood Mental Health through Play - Part I
- Supporting Early Childhood Mental Health Through Play - Part 2
- Create Calm and Confidence in the Midst of Chaos and Uncertainty: Strategies for Families
- Calming Tools & Space Ideas - For young kids, tweens, teens, and adults
- Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences
- How to Get your Child or Adolescent to Open Up to You - a webinar with Rachel Bailey
- Webinar: Recent Advances in Anxiety - Children/Adolescents
- Fostering Wellness at Home
- Supporting Your Child's Wellness through Health and Physical Education
- Worry & Anxiety: Using Evidence-Based Strategies to Help Kids, Adults & Caregivers Cope - Dr. Berman
- Stressed Out
- The Social Emotional Screener What Every Family Needs to Know
Videos in Spanish
- Manejar los momentos estresantes de las vida - Parte 1
- Manejando el estrés - Parte 2
- Apoyando a sus hijos durante tiempos estresantes -parte 3
- El Aprendizaje Social y Emocional
Videos in Arabic
إﺳﺗراﺗﯾﺟﯾﺎت ووﺳﺎﺋل ﻟدﻋم اﻷﺳرة ﻟﻠﺗﻌﺎﻣل ﻣﻊ اﻟﺿﻐوطﺎت اﻟﻧﻔﺳﯾﺔ-جزء 1
استراتيجيات ووسائل الدعم للأسرة للتعامل مع الضغوط النفسية - جزء2
Community Resources
- National Association of Mental Illness (NAMI) Health Library: Search to find more resources on disorders, treatment, and other family resources.
- Warning Signs and Symptoms: From the National Association of Mental Illness (NAMI): Trying to tell the difference between what expected behaviors are and what might be the signs of a mental health condition isn't always easy, but identifying a problem early can help lead to the best outcome.
FCPS Links: Programs
- Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Programs
- Bullying Prevention and Intervention
- Gang Prevention Program
- Restorative Justice
FCPS Links: Crisis Intervention
- Crisis Intervention Services
- Difference between a Crisis and a Concern
- How to Help a Friend in Crisis
- Mental Health Resources and Emergency Services Information
FCPS Links: Wellness
- Family Support Partner Services
- Mental Health and Resiliency
- School Counseling Services
- School Health and Wellness
- School Health Services
- School Psychology Services
- Social Work Services
- Student Voice: Health and Wellness
- Sleep Health
- Student Wellness: Tips and Strategies
FCPS Links Characteristic Specific
Tip Sheets
Fast Facts: Secondary Transition: Why it is important to plan early? (pdf)
- Understanding the Transition Individual Education Program IEP
- Post Secondary Education
- High School Success: A Strategic Transition from MS to HS
- Thinking Outside the Box - Creative Postsecondary Employment Options for Parents of Students with Disabilities
- Transition IEPs
- Exploring Post-Secondary Options through the College & Career Center
- Into Adulthood: The Journey from Dependence to Independence
Community Resources
VDOE Secondary Transition Services for Students with Disabilities
FCPS Links: General Transition
- Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID)
- Career and Transition Services
- College and Career Planning
- College Fair and College Night
- Employment and Transition Services
- Career Assessment Services for Secondary Students Receiving Special Education or Alternative Education Services.
- Postsecondary Options for Students Earning an Applied Studies Diploma
- Transition Planning for students with an IEP
FCPS Links: Transition Education
- Career Instruction in FCPS
- Career Education Programming for students aged 18-22
- College Partnership Program (CPP)
- Early Identification Program (EIP)
- Education for Employment (EFE) High School Course
- Education for Employment for the Office (EFEO) High School Course
- Job Coach Services
- Pathway to the Baccalaureate and Pathway Connection
- Secondary Transition to Employment Program (STEP) Post-Secondary Program
- Work Awareness and Transition (WAT) Middle and High School Course
- Transition to Independence Program (TIP) Post-Secondary Program
- Work-Based Learning Continuum
- Supporting ongoing learning and recreational needs of twice-exceptional learners in the summer
- Twice Exceptional Students: What Parents Need to Know
- Transition from elementary to middle school and from middle school to high school for 2e learners
- Characteristics and Needs of Twice Exceptional (2e) Learners
Tip Sheets
- What is 2e/Twice Exceptional? (pdf)
- Fact Sheet for Virginia’s Professionals Working with Families Twice Exceptional Students (pdf)
Community Resources
- FRC Twice Exceptional Padlet (Digital Bulletin Board)
- Twice Exceptional: Definition, Characteristics & Identification
- NAGC’s report on twice exceptionality
- Finding the Appropriate Educational Environment for Gifted and Twice-Exceptional Children
- Strategies for Teaching Twice-exceptional Students
- How to Use a Strengths-Based Approach for Twice Exceptional Children
- Transitioning Twice Exceptional Children into Adulthood
- How Teachers Can Support Twice Exceptional Students
- Wrightslaw
FCPS Links
- FCPS 2e Handbook and Resources [Printable PDFs: العربية (Arabic) | English | 한국어 (Korean) | Español (Spanish)]
- Characteristics of Twice-Exceptional (2e) Learners
- Common Misconceptions about Twice-exceptional (2e) Learners
- School-based Intervention Programs for Behavior and Wellness
- School-to-Home Communication Tips
- Strategies to Support Homework and Classwork for 2e Learners
- Supporting Twice-Exceptional (2e) Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Supporting Social-Emotional Needs of Twice-Exceptional (2e) Students
- Twice Exceptional Learners Handbook Introduction Video August 2019