Brand Portal
Our brand mark (logo) and downloadable templates, web icons, hero images, and other resources for your web needs are included in the brand portal on the employee hub.
Like our Strategic Plan 2023-30, which provides a framework for our vision, mission, and principles, our FCPS brand framework forms how we communicate FCPS’ value and benefits to all stakeholders. Our brand mark (or logo), together with selected fonts, colors, and imagery combine to form our visual identity.
This well-crafted identity, along with our messaging, drives all marketing communications and advertising. It is the public face of our brand, conveying our attributes, distinctive personality, and promise of quality.
Attracting and retaining exceptional teachers and staff is critical to fulfilling our promise to transform children through the power of education. And, transforming stakeholders into passionate and engaged supporters becomes easier, too, when their perception of who we are and what we stand for aligns with ours.
We are confident that upholding FCPS’ brand standards will not only solidify our reputation for excellence, it will also preserve our ability to engage, inspire, and thrive.
Our brand mark (logo) and downloadable templates, web icons, hero images, and other resources for your web needs are included in the brand portal on the employee hub.
These are physical or emotional attributes we want audiences to associate with our brand:
We are open and accessible, fostering connections that help build stability, security, and strong partnerships across the community. We value diversity and the opportunity it brings to the lives of all our students.
We value fresh thinking and are constantly finding new ways to achieve the high standards we set for our students and ourselves. We embrace challenge as an opportunity to forge new ground.
We are a motivating force of change. We are forward-looking and ever-evolving to ensure we can meet the changing needs of our students and community.
We foster a caring, responsive, and respectful environment. We strive to make a positive difference in the lives of our students and all who live and work in Fairfax County.
We are committed to excellence and preparing our students to succeed. As stewards of the public’s trust, we value transparency. We hold ourselves accountable for student achievement and for cultivating the skilled workforce our region’s businesses require.
The Fairfax County Public Schools master brand mark (or logo) is the single most important identifier of the school system to students, parents, teachers, the county, and the entire region.
A new visual identity was created in 2016 to align with FCPS’ strategic messaging — representing a modern, forward-thinking school system that is focused on transforming the community through the children. The symbol of the book remains a primary element incorporating trustworthy blue brightened by yellow stars— signs of excellence and fulfilling one’s dream. Emerging from the book is the flame of knowledge, a symbol of enlightenment and learning. The positive visual identity conveys creativity, innovation, and success.
The creation of a new brand mark to designate a department, office, section, region, or specialty program is prohibited.
The Fairfax County logo consists of a graphical element and the full spelling of our name, followed by our tagline. This is the preferred logo.
Minimum size rules for primary logo (to ensure readability):
Use when vertical space is limited.
Minimum size rules for alternate logo (to ensure readability):
Only to be used when the minimum size requirement cannot be met for the primary logo.
Minimum size rules for primary logo without tagline (to ensure readability):
Only to be used when the minimum size requirement cannot be met for the alternate logo.
Minimum size rules for alternate logo without tagline (to ensure readability):
Printed materials - must be a minimum width of 1 inch (1.")
Online/digital content - must be a minimum width of 100 pixels (100. px)
Design restrictions sometimes require the brand mark to be very small. If this restriction means the logo will be smaller then the minimum width, then the following digital icon mark should be used.
For digital use including the web, web banner ads, and social media. It may only be used for print when the minimum size requirement cannot be met for the primary logo.
Minimum size rules for digital icon (to ensure readability):
Printed materials - must be a minimum width of 0.3 inches (0.3”)
Online/digital content - must be a minimum width of 30 pixels (30. px)
Reserved for podium and vehicle signage, diplomas, and other special circumstances.
Minimum size rules for seal (to ensure readability) = 1 inch (1.”)
The specified area of empty space surrounding a brand mark is referred to as the “clear zone.” This space ensures proper visibility of the brand mark and should remain free from any artwork, typography, or background color. The clear zone depends on the size of the brand mark. To determine the clear zone, measure the height of the type block, “Fairfax County.”
Color is a critical component of any brand identity system and a unifying element in all communication materials. The FCPS palette includes modern, fresh, and friendly colors to reinforce a progressive and forward-thinking school system.
Use the primary color palette as the foundation for branded materials.
Use the secondary colors as accents.
FCPS acknowledged its 150th anniversary in 2020 with a look at its past, present, and future.
A foundation of Universal Design for Learning (UDL), AEM ensures that all students can engage in equitable learning experiences.
All communication should be clear, consistent, and aligned with FCPS’ brand identity. Every message you communicate is a reflection upon you, your school or department, and the entire school division.
Everyone has a role in getting to school safely, from walkers to bus riders to bus drivers, parents, and motorists.
The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors and School Board adopted a joint social and racial equity policy called One Fairfax Policy.
FCPS staff collaborate to provide accessibility resources, professional development, and guidance across the division.