Booster Club, PTA/PTO Managed, Fee-Based Classes, Clinics, Leagues, and Youth Camps
Find out how to reserve space for your programs.
School booster clubs and PTA/PTO groups manage a variety of fee-based programs that benefit students such as after-school classes, clinics and camps. The following resources should be reviewed when a booster club or PTA/PTO group wants to manage this type of fee-based activity. Information below does not pertain to other types of booster/PTA/PTO managed programs such as fun fairs, movie nights, fundraising events, etc. Those type offerings should follow guidelines in School Board Regulation 8420.
Regulation and Notice 8424
Be sure to check back to review changes and updates to School Board Regulation 8424. Information regarding School Board Notice 8424 is provided below. The Community Use Section will hold informational meetings several times a year on Regulation and Notice 8424 to assist booster clubs and PTA/PTO. Meeting dates are provided below.
The overview on Understanding School Board Regulation and Notice 8424 provides details on how to complete the ADM-24 Application. It will assist you in understanding the process, and how to complete the application.
View the process and guidelines for Support Organization-PTA, PTO, PTSA, Boosters After-School/Summer Programming Process.
Support Organization Training Meetings 2023-2024
NEW! Training meetings for PTA, PT0, PTSA, BOOSTERS hosting after school programing, clinics, leagues, and camps.
Workshops information.
Application Form ADM-24
Application Form ADM-24 must be completed by the managing organization, and be approved before an activity can begin. If an employee is receiving pay, forms ADM-24A and ADM-24B must be completed once the activity has ended.
ADM 24: Application for Booster Club, PTA or PTO managed Fee Based Camps, Classes, Clinics and Leagues
School Board Notice 8424
Please review Notice 8424. This Notice contains information relating to employee compensation, participant fee limit, and procedures for Booster/PTA/PTO reimbursement to FCPS.