Photo of a female student sitting at her desk

504 Plans for Students with Dyslexia

Some students with dyslexia may qualify for accommodations under Section 504. A 504 plan, developed for a qualified student, addresses the child’s unique disability-related needs.

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Section 504: Purpose and Fact Sheet

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is designed to eliminate discrimination based on disability in any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.

Section 504 Handbook

Information on Section 504 and 504 plans. Includes procedural information and related forms and documents.

Photo of a female student writing at her desk

Continuum of Assessments for Reading Difficulties

One of the most common questions families have is how to get their child help when they suspect dyslexia or any other learning disorder. Assessments in FCPS start in the classroom and may include a referral to the Local Screening Committee. While these assessments do not diagnose dyslexia, they can…

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Section 504: Identification, Evaluation, and Reevaluation Procedures

FCPS has a responsibility to identify and evaluate those students who are believed to qualify as disabled under Section 504. FCPS also has a responsibility to provide notice to a student’s parent(s) or guardian prior to evaluation, identification, reevaluation, and/or placement.

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Special Education Services for Students with Dyslexia

In FCPS, students with dyslexia usually receive special education services under the category of Specific Learning Disability. Students must meet all criteria to be found eligible for special education services and if eligible, services and supports are addressed through an Individualized Education…

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Dyslexia Handbook

Guidance to FCPS schools and families alike as they identify and provide services to students with dyslexia