Schoology Snippets
Short videos to help you learn how to navigate Schoology.
Family Videos
Click on the video title below to see more details and watch the video.
Learn how to move between your Schoology account and viewing your child’s account.
This video shares what information you may see on your child’s home page including:
- student activity,
- recent submissions, and
- grades.
There is also a section that shows Overdue and Upcoming assignments.
This video highlights some of the features in a Schoology parent account including:
- the Recent Activity page and
- how to get back to the home page from anywhere in Schoology.
This video shows some of what you will find in a Schoology parent account including:
- Courses,
- Groups, and
- Resources.
Student Videos
Click on the video title below to see more details and watch the video.
Learn how to download an assignment in a different format using the Ally alternative formats icon. Assignments can be downloaded as
- an ePub file
- an electronic braille file
- an audio mp3 file
- a beeline reader file
Students can also download a translated version of an assignment.
This video will show you how to find a video file on your computer and then submit it as an assignment.
Learn how to submit an assignment by creating your own content in Schoology.
This video will show you how to submit an assignment using your device’s camera to take a picture.
This video will show you how to create a video/audio recording in Schoology and then submit it as an assignment.
This video will show you how to open Schoology assignments, Google Slides and Google Docs from Schoology into a separate tab or window.
This video will show you how to submit an assignment by uploading a file.
Learn how to download an assignment in another language.
Learn how to upload an existing picture for a Schoology Assignment two different ways depending on where the picture is saved.
This video will show you how to submit an assignment by uploading a file.
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Everything students need to know about Schoology in FCPS; including tips, features, and how to get help.

Parents and Guardians
In Schoology, parents and caregivers have in-depth access to classroom learning.

Get help with Schoology

Why Did FCPS Choose Schoology?
You may be wondering why Schoology was chosen as FCPS' new Learning Management System (LMS). This page shares some key points for the division, for teachers, for families, and for students.