FCPS This Week - October 20, 2022
Bright colors, interactive design, and creative play is on full display just outside the back doors of Beech Tree Elementary School in Falls Church. Staff spent the summer creating multiple sensory pathways on the blacktop to help children engage and challenge the traditional recess activities.
Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology Application Opens October 24
Middle school students who have an aptitude and passion for STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) are encouraged to apply for admission to the Class of 2027 at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJHSST).
The application will be available on the TJHSST Admissions Office webpage starting October 24, at 4 p.m. Applications must be started by 4 p.m. Wednesday, November 16, with a deadline to submit the application by Friday, November 18, at 4 p.m. Visit the TJHSST registration website for more information.
Principal Recognized for Outstanding School Leadership
Mosaic Elementary School Principal Mahri Aste is one of only nine school leaders recognized nationally by the U.S. Secretary of Education as a recipient of the 2022 Terrell H. Bell Awards for Outstanding School Leadership. The award is part of the National Blue Ribbon Schools Program. Mosaic was named a National Blue Ribbon School earlier this fall.
Principal Aste and her staff work to ensure students at Mosaic—who come from 40 countries speaking 28 different languages—feel emotionally, mentally, and physically safe. The staff is diverse in terms of gender, race, age, experience, religion, and ethnic backgrounds so that students can see role models and learn from people that look like and represent them. Principal Aste focuses explicitly on how to communicate across cultures and develop school-wide strategies that are culturally responsive.
Read more about Aste and this award on our website.
Schools Adopt Text and Translation Platform
FCPS has recently approved the use of TalkingPoints, a two-way messaging app that allows parents and caregivers to communicate with teachers and schools. Look for messages from your child’s school on how they will be using the app. For more information, visit the FCPS TalkingPoints webpage.
The app translates messages, so teachers can input messages in English, and parents can respond in their preferred language. TalkingPoints supports 125 languages, making it easier and faster for our FCPS families to connect with their schools. If you need to update your preferred correspondence language, contact the front office at your child’s school and ask for the registrar.
Proposed Changes to the Capital Project Engagement Process–We Want Your Feedback!
The Capital Project engagement process represents our commitment to ensuring all school facilities support current educational programs and provide safe spaces for students to learn. The plan includes dollars for renovations, modular classrooms, additions to existing schools, and construction of new schools.
FCPS engages in this work on a regular cycle, as projects are in various stages of design and construction, and impact a variety of stakeholders. Over the summer and into fall, FCPS staff conducted a review of the capital project communication process and developed a plan that provides the community an easier way to find information and updates, and to be a part of the process.
Capital projects present an opportunity for families and community members to be involved in the district. Therefore, we want to hear from you. Take a moment to review the Capital Project engagement process outlined on our website and share your feedback. The feedback form will close October 24, and public input will be shared with the Fairfax County School Board.
Community Conversations Continue
Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid has been hosting Community Conversations across the division since August to get to know our school communities. The events continue through November. Registration is not required, but it will be helpful as we plan. We invite you to attend your school pyramid event or, if you have been unable to attend a previous event in your pyramid, register at a location and date that is convenient for you. See the schedule and register for an event.
Unless otherwise noted, all events are scheduled to begin at 6:30 p.m. Language interpretation, child care, and light refreshments will be provided.
Watch your email, the FCPS website, and our weekly newsletter for information on future events, which may include virtual and/or multilingual events. Keep up with Dr. Reid’s work and visits around the county by reading her Weekly Reflections and following her Instagram page.
Be Wise, Immunize!
If your child has missed regular doctor check-ups and recommended immunizations during the pandemic, now is the time to catch up. Make your appointments now and provide updated records to your school.
Opportunity for Students to Have a Voice in FCPS’ Future
As mentioned in previous newsletters, FCPS is developing a Strategic Plan that will serve as our roadmap for the future. We encourage every parent/caregiver, student, employee, and community member to participate in this important work.
Our first engagement opportunity will be an optional survey, which will be open to students in grades 3-12. Knowing what is important to students will be very helpful to Dr. Reid, as she leads the planning of FCPS’ future. Schools will administer the survey—and determine the appropriate time during the school day to do so—between November 2-18. If you would prefer that your child not participate, you may opt your child out of taking the survey.
Everything You Need to Know About Opioids
The Parent Resource Center and Tiffany Jones, FCPS substance abuse prevention specialist, will present a webinar for parents and caregivers on Thursday, November 10, at 10 a.m. The webinar is intended for adults only and will address:
- How young people are getting drugs.
- Opioid risk, misuse, withdrawal, and overdose symptoms.
- The dangers of fentanyl.
- Naloxone and how it works.
All are welcome. Please help us plan by clicking this link to register to attend.
Handling the Homework Hassle
Is your child struggling to complete homework? Check out this Healthy Minds Blog featuring tips on creating a productive homework routine.
If your child needs additional homework help, Tutor.com offers scheduled and on-demand instruction through voice or text chat platforms at no cost to FCPS students. Learn more at our Tutor.com website.
It’s Not Too Late! Provide Your Feedback on ESSER Funding
Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER III) Funding was received in fall of 2021, to support the safe operation of schools and address the impacts of COVID-19 on students.
ESSER III focus areas have included resources for prevention and mitigation of COVID, academic services, multilingual engagement, support for students’ social emotional needs, and professional development.
We invite you to participate and provide your feedback via our Online Feedback Form, which is available on the ESSER III webpage through Monday, October 24, at 10 p.m. Your input will inform the School Board and FCPS staff on the community’s view of our work. Your voice matters!
Community Review of Secondary World Languages Basal Resources
FCPS will select new Secondary (6-12) World Languages Basal Resources for the 2023-24 school year. Basal resources are the primary instructional resources used to teach a given subject. The process for selecting new resources includes an opportunity for the public to review the instructional materials being considered. Public review will begin Monday, November 7, and end Thursday, December 8. Find more information on FCPS’ website.
Student-Parent Survey for Federal Impact Aid
FCPS is asking ALL families to fill out a Student-Parent Survey for Federal Impact Aid. Returning this form is important, because information from this survey results in an additional $3 million in grants each year from the U.S. Department of Education. These funds are used to support all Fairfax County public schools and centers. Watch this video to learn more.
For each school-aged child in your household, please complete, sign, date, and return the survey to your child's school. If Sections 1 and 2 of the survey do not apply to you, just check the box in Section 3. All forms must be signed, dated, and returned by November 4. All responses are confidential.
Calendar Reminder: Diwali
Happy Diwali to all those who celebrate this day and the victory of light over darkness. Monday, October 24, is a holiday for teachers and students (only 12-month employees report). Learn more about Diwali.
Quarter End—Early Dismissal and Teacher Work Day
As a reminder, Friday, October 28, is the last day of the first quarter, and a two-hour early release for students. Also, schools are closed for students on Monday, October 31, for a teacher workday. See the complete 2022-23 School Year Calendar.
School Board Meeting on October 20, at 7 p.m.
The School Board will hold a regular business meeting on Thursday, October 20, at 7 p.m. See the complete regular meeting agenda (English only). The meeting can be viewed on FCPS Cable TV Channel 99 (Verizon Channel 11), the FCPS YouTube Channel, and on the FCPS website. Agenda highlights include:
- Solar Power Purchase Agreement for Annandale High School
- Secondary Course Offerings
- Acquisition to confirm the School Board’s title and ownership of Peace Valley Lane near Justice High School.
Recordings of School Board meetings and work sessions can be viewed on the FCPS YouTube channel. To watch School Board meetings dubbed in Spanish, you can visit the FCPS en Español YouTube channel.
If you need language interpretation or American Sign Language support for any School Board meeting, please contact the Board clerk.
Interested in School Board action items? Sign up to get an update on any School Board action items the morning after the School Board meeting.
Find your School Board member and how to contact them on the School Board Members webpage.