Dual Enrollment
Dual enrollment courses are taught at the high school by an FCPS teacher and offer college credit through agreements with a college or university.
Dual Enrollment courses allow high school students to earn credit toward their high school diploma and college credit at the same time. The number of credits that a student may earn in a high school course varies from course to course.
Where can students take these courses?
FCPS Locations
- FCPS high schools - classes offered during the regular school day
- FCPS academies
- FCPS online campus
These courses are taught by FCPS high school instructors who are NOVA adjunct professors and meet NOVA’s credentialing requirements.
Individual high schools, High school academy sites and the FCPS online campus, determine if they will offer dual enrollment courses based on:
- Teacher endorsement requirements.
- Existing course offerings.
- Student interest.
- Course availability varies by school. Please check with your students school counselor to determine the dual enrollment course offerings at their school.
NOVA Campuses
Students can take regularly scheduled college courses directly through NOVA and be part of the general student population at NOVA. High school students taking a course on a NOVA campus or online are required to pay NOVA’s Tuition & Fees enrollment rates. In order for high school students to take courses at NOVA (on campus or online) they must follow NOVA's Independent Enrollment Procedures.
Who can take Dual Enrollment classes?
- High school juniors and seniors, who meet the established criteria, are eligible to participate in dual enrollment classes.
- Freshmen and sophomores can be granted exceptions on a case-by-case basis for specific courses.
- Courses taken at an FCPS high school are provided at no cost to the student.
- Concurrent courses (Independent Dual Enrollment) taken at a NOVA campus or through NOVA online require in-state tuition per NOVA’s Tuition & Fees.
Other Colleges
Other colleges may charge tuition. The tuition is significantly discounted because FCPS provides the instructor as well as the facility. The FCPS teacher will communicate tuition and other requirements to students at the beginning of the school year.
Dual Enrollment Benefits
- Exposure to college level coursework.
- NOVA credit if a student passes the class with a C or higher.
- Potential to
- Earn college credits.
- Eliminate taking the same course in high school and college.
- Decrease the time required to finish a college degree, certificate, or industry credential.
- Lower postsecondary education costs.
Admission Criteria
Students who wish to take a dual enrollment course must meet the criteria set by the college or university for admission into the course. Students work with their high school to register for the course.
Dual Enrollment Policies
In cases where FCPS grading policies conflict with the college or university grading policies, the high school and college grades may differ. These policy differences may include assignment/assessment retakes, extended assignment due dates, and/or the lowest possible score on the grading scale. For course specific policies, students should refer to the college syllabus provided by their Dual Enrollment instructor.
Dual Enrollment Courses in FCPS
Course availability varies by school. Check with your student's school counselor to determine the dual enrollment course offerings at their school.
The courses listed below reflect what is available to students in the 2025-26 school year in FCPS.
Online Campus
Some Dual Enrollment courses are available online through Online Campus.
Learn about Online Campus and Registration
College Acronyms
- NOVA - Northern Virginia Community College
- JMU - James Madison University
- Marymount - Marymount University (Arlington, VA)
Career and Technical Education
FCPS Course | College Courses | College |
Advanced Programming DE (6641DE) 1 credit *Available through FCPS Online Campus (6641D9) | ITP 150 4 credits | NOVA |
Cloud Computing DE (6640DE) | ITP 100 3 credits | NOVA |
Cyber: CISCO 1 DE (8543DA) 1 credit | ITN 154 4 credits | NOVA |
Cyber: CISCO 2 DE (8545DA) 1 credit | ITN 155 ITN 156 8 credits | NOVA |
Cyber: Cloud Computing DE (6651DU) 1 credit | ITN 257 3 credits | NOVA |
Cyber: Systems Tech DE (8629DE) 2 credits | ITN 106 ITN 107 6 credits | NOVA |
Cyber: Network Administration 1 DE (6304DE) 1 credit | ITN 101 3 credits | NOVA |
Cyber: Oracle 1 DE (6660DU) 1 credit | ITD 132 3 credits | NOVA |
Cyber: Oracle 2 DE (6662DU) 1 credit | ITD 134 3 credits | NOVA |
FCPS Courses | College Courses | College |
Early Childhood Careers 1 DE (8285DE) 2 credits | CHD 120 CHD 145 6 credits | NOVA |
Early Childhood Careers 2 DE (8286DE) 2 credits | CHD 165 3 credits | NOVA |
Fashion Careers 1 DE (8280DE) 2 credits | FD 102 3 credits | Marymount |
FCPS Courses | College Courses | College |
Emergency Medical Technician 1 & 2 DE (8333DE/8334DE) 2 credits | EMS 111 EMS 120 8 credits | NOVA |
Exploring the Language of Medicine DE Available through FCPS Online Campus (8383D9) | HLT 141 1 credit | NOVA |
Physical Therapy/Occupational Therapy 1 DE (8365DE) 2 credits | HIM 111 3 credits | NOVA |
FCPS Courses | College Courses | College |
Entrepreneurship 1 DE (9093DE) 1 credit | BUS 116 3 credits | NOVA |
Entrepreneurship 2 DE (9094DE) 1 credit | BUS 165 3 credits | NOVA |
FCPS Courses | College Courses | College |
Automotive Technology 1 DE (8506DU) 1 credit | AUT 100 2 credits | NOVA |
Automotive Technology 2 DE (8507DE) 2 credits | AUT 265 4 credits | NOVA |
Automotive Technology 3 DE (8508DE) 2 credits | AUT 266 4 credits | NOVA |
Heating, Ventilation, AC, & Refrigeration 1 DE (8503DE) 1 credit | AIR 121 4 credits | NOVA |
Heating, Ventilation, AC, & Refrigeration 2 DE (8504DE) 2 credits | AIR 111 3 credits | NOVA |
Fine and Performing Arts
FCPS Courses | College Courses | College |
Studio Art & Design 3 DE (9140DE) TJ Course 1 credit | ART 121 3 credits | NOVA |
Studio Art & Design 4 DE (9147DE) TJ Course 1 credit | ART 131 3 credits | NOVA |
FCPS Courses | College Courses | College |
Theatre 3 DE (1430DE) 1 credit | CST 130 3 credits | NOVA |
General Education
FCPS Courses | College Courses | College |
English 11 DE Composition (1150DE) 1 credit *Available through FCPS Online Campus (1150D9) | ENG 111 ENG 112 6 credits | NOVA |
English 12 DE Composition (1160DE) 1 credit *Available through FCPS Online Campus (1160D9) | ENG 111 ENG 112 6 credits | NOVA |
English 12 DE Literature (1160DW) Prerequisite: ENG 112 1 credit *Available through FCPS Online Campus (1160D8) | ENG 255 3 credits | NOVA |
FCPS Courses | College Courses | College |
College Success Skills DE (0111DE) 0.50 credit | SDV 100 1 Credit | NOVA |
Teachers for Tomorrow 1 DE (9062DE) 1 credit | EDU 200 3 credits | NOVA |
Teachers for Tomorrow 2 DE (9072DE) 1 credit | EDU 207 3 credits | NOVA |
FCPS Courses | College Courses | College |
Calculus 1 DE (3177DW) McLean HS Only 1 credit | MTH 263 4 credits | NOVA |
Calculus 1 & 2 DE (3177DE) 1 credit *Available through FCPS Online Campus (3177D9) | MTH 263 MTH 264 8 credits | NOVA |
Differential Equations (3178D2) 1 credit | MTH 267 3 credits | NOVA |
Discrete Structures & Computer Organization DE (3200DE) McLean HS Only 1 credit | CSC 205 CSC 208 6 credits | NOVA |
Multivariable Calculus DE/Linear Algebra DE (3178DE/3198DE) 1 credit *Available through FCPS Online Campus (3178D9/3198D9) | MTH 265 MTH 266 7 credits | NOVA |
Precalculus with Trigonometry DE (3160DE) 1 credit *Available through FCPS Online Campus (3160D9) | MTH 161 MTH 162 6 credits | NOVA |
FCPS Courses | College Courses | College |
Bio 2: Anatomy & Physiology DE (4330DE) 1 credit | BIO 141 4 credits | NOVA |
Biology 2 DE (4370DE) 1 credit | BIO 101 4 credits | NOVA |
Chemistry 2 DE (4421DE) 1 credit | CHM 111 4 credits | NOVA |
Environmental Science DE (4270DE) 1 credit | ENV 121 ENV 122 8 credits | NOVA |
Geospatial Analysis 1 DE (4220D1) 1 credit *Available through FCPS Online Campus (4220D9) | ISAT 180 3 credits | JMU |
Geospatial Analysis 2 DE (4220DW) 1 credit | ISAT 181 3 credits | JMU |
FCPS Courses | College Courses | College |
African American History DE (2371DE) 1 Credit *Available through FCPS online campus (2371D9) | HIS 141 HIS 142 6 Credits | NOVA |
US VA Government DE (2440DE) 1 credit *Available through FCPS online campus (2440D9) | PLS 135 3 credits | NOVA |
US VA History DE (2360DE) 1 credit *Available through FCPS Online Campus (2360D9) | HIS 121 HIS 122 6 credits | NOVA |
World History and Geography 1 DE (2219DE) 1 credit | HIS 101 HIS 111 6 credits | NOVA |
World History and Geography 2 DE (2221DE) 1 credit | HIS 102 HIS 112 6 credits | NOVA |
Additional testing may be required in order to take a specific World Language course at NOVA. Completion of FCPS courses may not guarantee placement into a specific NOVA World Language course. Dual Enrollment World Language courses may not exactly match Concurrent Enrollment World Language courses as the concurrent enrollment assumes all courses are taken through NOVA or a placement test has been given to ensure appropriate placement.
FCPS Courses | College Courses | College |
American Sign Language (ASL) 4 DE (5998DE) 1 credit | ASL 202 3 credits | NOVA |
French 4 DE (5140DE) 1 credit | FRE 201 FRE 202 6 credits | NOVA |
Latin 4 DE (5340DE) 1 credit | LAT 201 LAT 202 6 credits | NOVA |
Spanish 4 DE (5540DE) 1 Credit | SPA 201 SPA 202 6 Credits | NOVA |