Website Modernization Project

Redesigning FCPS Central and School Websites

FCPS is in the process of redesigning our central website,, as well as school websites. Forum One, our current website vendor, is performing this work. They are a Virginia-based company with expertise in creating innovative, state-of-the-art websites. 

Our main purpose for modernizing FCPS websites is to enhance user experience, so families are able to quickly find the tools, information, and resources they need.

Project Overview

The focus will be on improving key site elements such as:

  • Design - Visual elements; the look and feel.
  • Layout - Where items are located.
  • Navigation - Ways users move through the website, including the use of menus.
  • Accessibility - Ease of access for a diverse audience with varying needs and abilities.
  • Content - Information on the site.

Discovery Phase: September - December 2023

The discovery phase began in October. It was one of several opportunities for staff, families, students, community members, and business/community partners to help shape the direction of FCPS’ websites during the redesign process. Activities included:

  • Website Redesign Survey - To provide input on how the sites are working for audiences and potential improvements. The community survey was available in English, Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Urdu, and Vietnamese. The staff survey was available in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese.
  • Card Sorting - To uncover ways in which site users expect information to be grouped and labeled. 
  • Usability Testing - To gather feedback by recording users’ experience as they navigate the website. 

A focus group was held for parents/caregivers who prefer communications in languages other than English. School, office, and department curators participated in feedback sessions.

Project Schedule 

MonthProject Details
December 2023Planning for development and design begins.
November 2023Findings will be analyzed to inform development of design templates (wireframes).
October 2023First round of feedback opportunities.
September 2023Project kickoff. 



Please stay tuned for updates and future opportunities to help us improve our websites. Email [email protected] if you have questions.