Get the Care You Need While Traveling
Information on Accessing Health Care When Out of Town
We hope you can make the most of your summer and get the chance to unwind and recharge. If traveling is in your future plans, please take a moment to review how to access health care in case of an urgent need or emergency. It's always better to be prepared for the unexpected, so having knowledge about where to get care can bring you peace of mind during your trip.
- All health plan members: Be sure to keep your plan ID cards with you at all times. Consider making a photocopy of your cards to place in your luggage, and/or download the mobile application(s) for your carrier so that you can retrieve your virtual identification cards.
Health Plan Tip: While the emergency room is appropriate for life and limb emergencies, less severe illnesses and injuries can often be handled by your doctor’s office or urgent care center. If you need immediate care for an illness that is not life or limb-threatening, Urgent Care centers provide a less expensive option to emergency room services.
- Cigna Members: Customer service numbers for Cigna, Cigna Vision, and CVS (your pharmacy benefits) are written on the back of the card.
If traveling within the US: Your benefits can be used at any urgent care, convenience clinic or emergency room within the U.S. Your costs will be lower if you access care at a participating provider.
If you’re traveling outside the U.S.: Call the Cigna international customer service team at 866-763-8442 before being treated (if possible). If your emergency prevents you from contacting Cigna prior to care, Cigna must be contacted within 24 hours. You will be responsible for paying for your medical care while overseas (Cigna cannot pay a foreign provider). Once you’re home, you can submit a claim for reimbursement as per your plan details. For additional details, please review the Getting Urgent and Emergency Care when Outside the U.S. flyer.
- Kaiser Members: Kaiser has partnered with Cigna to offer you in-network care options while you're traveling outside of a state with KP facilities. This special agreement allows Kaiser members to visit any healthcare provider within the Cigna PPO network for urgent or emergency care services.
Please keep in mind that Kaiser members should continue to receive care at KP facilities when possible. If you receive in-person urgent/emergency care while on travel outside of the Kaiser area but within a state with KP facilities, you will be asked to pay the full cost of your care upfront and file a claim with Kaiser for reimbursement.
If you’re traveling outside the U.S.: Please contact Kaiser prior to traveling using the Away from Home Travel Line at 951-268-3900. Before the phone number, dial “001” for landlines or “+1” for mobile lines. The phone line is closed on major holidays (New Year’s Day, Easter, Memorial Day, July Fourth, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas).
For questions, please visit https://kp.org/travel or call the Away from Home Travel Line at 951-268-3900.
Learn about how to use your Cigna plan to receive care while traveling outside the U.S.