Virginia Board of Education Meeting Summary


Virginia Board of Education Meeting Summary

Committee on School & Division Accountability

The Committee received a report on appeals for a rating of Partially Accredited: Reconstituted School for schools that did not meet the reconstitution eligibility rubric criteria that will be addressed on the Board’s full Committee agenda on Thursday. Two Fairfax County schools were among those whose applications for changes in accreditation ratings that will be recommended for approval. These schools were Saratoga Elementary School for an initial accreditation rating of Partially Accredited: Reconstituted School and Mount Vernon Woods Elementary for a continued rating of Partially Accredited: Reconstituted School.

The Committee received a presentation related to measuring School Climate in Virginia.

The Board has identified school climate as a priority area for the next phase of accountability. The Committee reviewed the definition of a healthy school climate including improved student outcomes, enjoyable work environment, increased attendance, and reduced need for suspensions. Discussion also focused on the 3 tiers of the Virginia Tiered System of Supports (VTSS): Tier 1, Universal; Tier 2, Targeted; and Tier 3, Intensive. The core components of VTSS were reviewed to include: data-informed decision making; evidence-based practices; monitoring student progress; aligned organization structure and culture; family, school and community partnerships; and evaluation. In addition, the following four content domains of school climate were discussed: nurturing student engagement; reaching towards high expectations; developing caring relationships; and fostering safety.

Fairfax County and fifty other school divisions are participating in the VTSS surveys where the scope includes: decrease in office discipline referrals and suspensions, saved instructional and administrative time, and increase in academic achievement for at-risk students. The Virginia Department of Education is now in the process of confirming the results of the surveys administered in the Spring of 2017. Additional survey administration will take place from Monday, February 5th to Friday, March 30th. Students will take the survey in school with teachers and other staff taking the mobile friendly survey at any time. Schools will receive feedback reports within one week with comparisons by the end of the year. A timeline for the administration of the 2018 surveys is as follows: communications with Division Superintendents and School Principals (October, December, and January); a webinar for school principals (December); availability of instructional packets (December); and a parent letter template (December).

Following survey administration, common themes from feedback received will be identified to: focus on alignment of the VTSS with existing local survey efforts; understand how data will be used by state and other stakeholders; and provide additional guidance on the interpretation of survey results. Additional presentation information related to measuring school climate in Virginia can be found at:

The Committee received an update on Local Alternative Assessment Guidelines. The legislative mandates regarding local alternative assessments are found in HB 930 (2014 Session). A desk review and staff interviews were conducted in summer 2015 to determine the types of assessments being administered, identify exemplars, identify professional development needs, and to assist in strengthening assessments. Following this, the guidelines were updated to clarify the expectation that school divisions are to demonstrate progress in moving toward the use of performance assessments. A framework with the following seven stages of implementation was disseminated for divisions to use in determining progress: readiness; design; develop; administer; use; account; and institutionalize/innovate. In 2016, a “Think Tank” composed of Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) staff, regional representatives and professional learning partners was established. Quarterly meetings with the Virginia Association of School Superintendents (VASS) regional instructional leaders was also initiated in 2016. The “Think Tank” co-created the Quality Criterion Tool for Performance Assessment in April 2017. The final version of this assessment will be shared in November 2017.

The next steps regarding the implementation of the Local Alternative Assessment Guidelines include:

  • Conducting the 2017 Survey of Implementation to update implementation status; distributing the Virginia Quality Criterion Tool for Performance Based Assessment;
  • Collecting sample assessments from each division;
  • Creating sample assessment maps;
  • Providing differentiated VDOE professional learning opportunities related to the Profile of Virginia Graduate, new accreditation and accountability requirements, and the balanced assessment framework; and
  • Communicating location and dates for 2018 professional development events to ensure statewide understanding of the Criterion Tool to include the protocol for the review of performance assessments in divisions and the establishment of peer review protocols for summer 2019.

Additional presentation information related to the guidelines for Local Alternative Assessment can be found at:

The Committee discussed the Regulations Establishing Standards for Accrediting Public Schools in Virginia (SOA) (Final Stage) that will be presented for first review on the Board’s full Committee agenda on Thursday. All of the Board’s proposed SOA revisions can be found at:

The Committee received an update from the Governor’s Teacher Shortages Summit. Consensus was reached by those in attendance at the Summit that teacher shortage is a shared statewide problem and that it will required shared solutions. Once compiled, an overview of the key recommendations from this Summit will be distributed by the Secretary of Education’s Office.


Board Work Session

The Committee continued its discussions of the proposed Board’s Comprehensive Plan 2017-2022 with a goal of making this a concise, useful document that could be used as a communication tool. Three priorities were identified by the Board for this document to include:

  • Equity outcomes for students;
  • Recruitment and retention of teachers; and
  • Implementation of Standards of Accreditation reforms.

Additional information regarding the proposed Comprehensive Plan 2017-2023 can be found in the materials provided for the Board’s Business Meeting at: 

The Committee discussed the proposed Annual Report on the Condition and Needs of Public Schools in Virginia. Emphasis was placed on ensuring that the data is current and accurate. Additional information regarding this report can be found in the materials provided for the Board’s Business Meeting at:


Board Business Meeting


The Board approved Resolutions of Recognition for specifically for Centreville Elementary School as well as for Fairfax County Public Schools in general for outstanding environmental literacy.

Addition to Board of Education Approved Courses to Satisfy Graduation Requirements for High School Diplomas in Virginia Public Schools

The Board approved the addition of an Environmental Science course to the list of Board of Education Approved Courses to Satisfy Graduation Requirements for High School Diplomas in Virginia Public Schools and the course was added to the disciplines of Earth Sciences and Biology. In addition, the Advanced Placement in Environmental Science course was added to the discipline of Biology (which is an addition to its current placement under Earth Sciences).

Board of Education’s Model Policy to Address Bullying in Virginia Schools

The Board approved the changes to the Model Policy to Address Bullying in Virginia’s Schools. This revision incorporates the changes to the Code of Virginia § 22.1-279-6, as adopted during the 2017 General Assembly Session, which now require school division policies to direct principals to report the status of an alleged bullying incident investigation to the parents of any student involved in the allegation within five school days.

Appeals for Rating of Partially Accredited: Reconstituted School for Schools NOT Meeting the Reconstitution Eligibility Rubric Criteria

The Board approved multiple requests for schools seeking either a new or continued accreditation rating of Partially Accredited: Reconstituted School. Among those applications approved were for two Fairfax County Schools, Saratoga Elementary School for an initial accreditation rating of Partially Accredited: Reconstituted School and Mount Vernon Woods Elementary for a continued rating of Partially Accredited: Reconstituted School.

Amendments to the Regulations establishing the Standards for Accrediting Public Schools in Virginia, Parts I-VII (8VAC 20-131) (Final Stage)

The Board received for first review the proposed revisions to the Regulations Establishing the Standards for Accrediting Public Schools in Virginia, Parts I-VIII (Final Stage).

Proposed technical edits included:

  • Adding language to introduce list of methods to achieve verified credit;
  • Clarifying language for transition year of accreditation ratings; and
  • Clarifying that Level Two actions include revision to existing multi-year school improvement plan after needs assessment
  • Changed language addressing test security from the requirement that all schools adhere to a policy that prohibits students’ cell phones and other electronic devices with texting or camera capabilities to be in the room where a SOL test is being administered to prohibiting students’ access to cell phones and other electronic devices with texting or camera capabilities during the administration of the SOL tests.

Proposed corrections included:

  • Eliminating reference to department guidelines related to graduation pathways;
  • Adding Code requirement for two sequential electives to Advanced Diploma section; and
  • Specifying that homebound instruction is to be provided only under the supervision of a licensed, qualified teacher.
  • Clarifying that recess is to be free from instructional led activities;
  • Adding a definition of growth so that it is clear the difference between progress and growth.

Additional information regarding the proposed Regulations Establishing Standards for Accreditation Public Schools in Virginia (SOA) (Final Stage) can be found at:

Advisory Board on Teacher Education and Licensure’s Recommendation to Approve New Education (Endorsement) Programs at Averett University, the College of William and Mary, Radford University, Regent University, Roanoke College, Virginia State University, Virginia Wesleyan University, and Washington and Lee University (Rockbridge) Teacher Education Consortium

The Board waived first review and approved the Advisory Board on Teacher Education and Licensure’s recommendation to add a new education (endorsement) programs at Radford University, Averett University, The College of William and Mary, Regent University, Roanoke College, Virginia State University, Virginia Wesleyan University, and Washington and Lee University (Rockbridge Teacher Education Consortium). The majority of the requested programs are in critical teacher shortage areas such as reading specialist, English as a Second Language, early childhood (birth through age 5), early childhood PreK-3, middle school (6-8), dance education, visual arts, foreign language (French, German, Spanish, and Latin), and music education.

Advisory Board on Teacher Education and Licensure’s Recommendation to Approve Education Programs Offered by Virginia Institutions of Higher Education as Required by the Regulations Governing the Review and Approval of Education Programs in Virginia (8VAC 20-542-10 et seq.)

The Board waived first review and approved the Advisory Board on Teacher Education and Licensure’s recommendations to grant: “Approved” status to the education (endorsement) programs at George Mason University, Radford University, University of Richmond; and all other college and university education (endorsement) programs listed in the 2015-2017 Biennial Report except the Spanish program at Emory and Henry College is recommended for “Approval with Stipulations.” Information regarding the stipulations for Emory and Henry College can be found at:….

Board of Education’s Comprehensive Plan 2017-2023

The Board received for first review the Comprehensive Plan: 2017-2023 and directed department staff to make necessary revisions to reflect Board member comments and suggestions. The Board’s Comprehensive Plan includes the Board’s Vision, its Mission, and its priorities and goals for public education from 2017-2023. A draft of this plan can be found at:

Board of Education’s 2017 Annual Report on the Condition and Needs of Public Schools in Virginia

The Board received for first review the 2017 Annual Report on the Condition and Needs of Public Schools in Virginia that can be found at:

The Board’s Annual Report presents the achievement of students and schools, the priorities and goals of the Board of Education as outlined in Board’s Comprehensive Plan and recommendations for revising the Standards of Quality (SOQ) to support continued improvement. Additionally, the Annual Report outlines the condition of public education including:

  • Student demographics;
  • Accreditation status;
  • Achievement gaps among demographic groups;
  • Graduation and dropout rates;
  • Suspension rates among demographic groups; and
  • Education funding as compared to other states.

The report will be brought to the Board for final review and approval in November. Upon Board approval of the report, and any technical or editorial edits by Department staff, the report will be submitted to the Governor and Virginia General Assembly.


The Board received the Statewide Annual Performance Report for Career and Technical Education as well as an annual report from the Virginia Council for Private Education. Additional information regarding these reports can be found at: and….