Student Technology Resources: Tools and Guidelines for 2022-23
To ensure equitable access to learning experiences and technology, all FCPS students are issued a laptop or tablet for no fee. Check with your school on specific timelines for checking out an FCPS device. Some schools issue them before school begins, others will do so during the first week or so of classes.
Families who wish to send a family-owned device with their student can opt-out of the FCPS device in ParentVUE. For important things to know about our Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) option, please review the BYOD Guidelines.
Any student who was issued an FCPS device and did not return it over the summer should contact their school office to make arrangements for returning the device.
Unless you’ve opted for the BYOD option, an email will be sent to your student’s fcpsschools.net email account to show they’ve been issued a device. The device should be used only in conjunction with projects relating to FCPS educational programs; not as a personal or social device. It should also only be used by the student it is issued to.
For additional information on caring for the device, please review the Student Device Responsible Use Guidelines. Parents are responsible for the replacement cost of devices or chargers that are lost or not returned to FCPS. Please contact your school with questions about your child’s device.
Device Expectations
The following are expectations for the use of digital devices issued by FCPS to students. Parents with questions should consult their school or classroom teacher.
- PreK and Kindergarten: Students will receive iPads in the first few weeks of school. Teachers will communicate whether the iPads should be kept at school or used at home.
- Grade 1 - 2: Students will be assigned a laptop that stays in school. If devices are needed for schoolwork or projects, or in the event of an extended absence or temporary closure, devices will be sent home with students so they can continue to participate in their classwork.
- Grades 3 - 12: Students will be issued an FCPS laptop for school use. Your child will take their device home with them each day, and should come to school each day with their device fully charged.
Check the Student Device Responsible Use Guidelines for tips on charging and shutting down the device at home. All students are able to take their assigned FCPS device home in cases of expected inclement weather when virtual learning may be necessary.
Parental Permission to Use Digital Resources
Some FCPS-approved digital resources require parental consent before they can be used by students. Parents will receive more information from their child’s school prior to the first day of school. This will include the list of educational technology tools used and explain the process for providing permission. It is critical that parents respond to the request for parental permission so teachers can plan to use the best technology tools with students this school year.
Each digital resource used in FCPS has had an instructional and technical review. Information about the educational technology tools approved for use within FCPS can be found in the online Digital Ecosystem Library.
Parents can find more information about FCPS-approved digital resources on the Digital Resources in FCPS webpage.
Device Activity Report for Parents
FCPS has tools to help parents and guardians know more about their child’s activity on the child’s assigned FCPS device. These tools are provided by Lightspeed, our internet content filtering service, directly to the verified parent or guardian at no cost to families. You may sign up for a weekly Parent Report, which will provide a list of the top sites your child visited. If you want more detailed information, sign up for the Internet Use Parent portal and log-in anytime to see more detail about your child’s browsing and “pause” access to the internet during non-school hours. Find out more about Lightspeed Monitoring and sign up for these services.
Password Recovery
Student password change and recovery are available online for older students. Elementary students will update their passwords at school under the direction of their teachers.
Technology Support
Each school has a Technology Support Specialist (TSSpec: pronounced T-speck) that provides support to the staff and students for FCPS devices at that school. If your child has a technology issue with his/her assigned FCPS device while at school, he/she can alert the teacher or visit the TSSpec’s office. If your child is having a technology issue with the FCPS device at home, please visit the Technology Support for Families page, where you can find tips for common problems or enter a support request ticket for your child. Note that FCPS cannot provide tech support for personally owned (BYOD) devices.
Establishing Expectations for Technology Use at Home
The beginning of the school year is a great time to revisit expectations for technology use in the home and get back into routines that support healthy and balanced lives. FCPS provides helpful resources on our Digital Citizenship website.
The 2022-23 Student Rights and Responsibilities (SR&R) document includes information about the responsible use of technology. Please log on to your SIS ParentVue account and sign to acknowledge review of the SR&R OR sign and return the SR&R form to your child’s school by September 30, 2022.