FCPS CARES - December 2022
To recognize an employee with an FCPS Cares, please visit our submission page.
To view past submissions, please visit our previous submissions page.
FCPS CARES of the Month Recipients
Central Office
Lisa Alonso-Sibenik, Willow Oaks Admin Center
"In my experience as an assistant principal I have had to occasionally work with the hearings office on several cases. The experience on December 2nd was so amazingly inspiring I had to applaud this department. I was with a student who had significant concerns. The hearings office had a social worker on standby with resources immediately ready following our hearing. Not only did Ms. Alonso-Sibenik, the HO social worker spend 2+ hours with the student, she continues to follow up with our school social worker. Whoever set the wheels into motion for this level of support, THANK YOU!!!! And thank you to all the HO staff for always being supportive and solution based."
- Karen Hertel, Bryant HS
Erin Whatley, Joe Berret, Lisa Forrest, and Mark Holbrook, Gatehouse Admin Center
"In my experience as an assistant principal I have had to occasionally work with the hearings office on several cases. The experience on December 2nd was so amazingly inspiring I had to applaud this department. I was with a student who had significant concerns. The hearings office had a social worker on standby with resources immediately ready following our hearing. Not only did Ms. Alonso-Sibenik, the HO social worker spend 2+ hours with the student, she continues to follow up with our school social worker. Whoever set the wheels into motion for this level of support, THANK YOU!!!! And thank you to all the HO staff for always being supportive and solution based."
- Karen Hertel, Bryant HS
Region 1
Melvin Marroquin-Andaluz, Oakton ES
"Melvin Marroquin-Andaluz is a wonderful asset to our Oakton community. He greets me every morning with a smile and a hello and often holds the door for staff who are arriving. He helps our dining room assistant every single day with lunch duties even though he doesn't have to. He checks in with children and staff when he knows they have something going on. He strives to have positive relationships with our students and they seek him out daily to engage with him. He has an uncanny ability to sense what staff may need and he get it to them before they even ask. On the occasional day he may not be at work he is greatly missed and everyone asks where he is because he is such an integral part of our school community. He is such a wonderful co-worker to work with. On one particular occasion this year Melvin noticed that there was a student during lunch who was choking on food. Without a thought he ran over to them quickly, assessing the situation and performed life saving techniques to which he saved the students life. Without Melvin, his uncanny ability to sense what people need without asking and his quick efforts who knows what could have happened. Afterwards in talking with him to get the facts about what happened he was very humble about the whole situation and said he was happy to help. We are so very lucky to have Melvin as a part of our team/staff/community. Melvin should most definitely be recognized for his heroic efforts!"
- Kim Theberge, Oakton ES
Region 2
Gregory Webdale, Marshall HS (Pictured) - View the Celebration!
"Greg Webdale is the WAT Teacher at Marshall High School. He brings three students to work in the Kilmer Clothing Pantry three days a week. The students are responsible for looking over the clothes to see if they are gently used and able to be used in the Kilmer Clothing Pantry. Next, they place the clothes on hangers and place them on the correct clothing racks. While the students are working, Greg is so kind, caring, and encouraging to these students. If they need help, he is quick to jump in and show them what they need to do. The students that work with him love him being their WAT teacher! Thank you, Greg, for all you do!"
- Jenny Murphy, Kilmer MS
Region 3
Rosa Dobarco, Fort Hunt ES
"You can ask her for help with anything and she gladly assists you with what you need. She knows literally everything about FCPS’s systems and the ins and outs of how to make things happen!!! Rosa leaves her ego at the door. One day I noticed that she apologized for something that was clearly not her fault to someone on the phone. I asked her why she did that. She told me that the person on the other end of the line was upset. It was clear they needed some grace and understanding. She explained that by saying I’m sorry acknowledges that the person was being heard and as a result was able to move forward from whatever was causing them to be upset. She said, “it’s not a big deal, it’s just a few words that can make someone else feel better. She is the epitome of the “Fox of the Decade.”
- Rachael Smith, Fort Hunt ES
Region 4
Traci Power, Nancy Sawicki and Laura Conover, Kings Park ES
"Traci, Nancy, and Laura go above and beyond for the KPES community every single day. Today stands out, though, because they literally saved my daughter's ability to hear her teacher and complete learning activities for the rest of the day, not to mention saving my family thousands of dollars. My daughter wears hearing aids in both ears, and for the first time today she lost one of her devices on the playground. The teacher sent me a message and I went to walk around the playground to look during my planning time. I didn't find it. I stopped in the office to let the ladies know to keep an eye out (amongst their other duties they help manage valuable lost-and-found items)... and the panic must have been evident in my eyes. They coordinated amongst themselves to ensure the office was covered, and Traci and Nancy went outside to continue looking. It's not their responsibility to keep track of our items, they simply went because they care about my daughter the way that they care for all of our students and families. They found her hearing aid! My feeling of relief goes beyond words, and my daughter is now able to focus and move beyond the worry of the lost item to learn. I am grateful for these ladies every day. I am so moved by them taking time to go above and beyond for my family."
- a Kings Park ES parent
Region 5
Michael Ferraris, Woodson HS - View the Celebration!
"Mike Ferraris is always thinking about others before himself. No matter where he is on campus, he is always the first to come help. He is constantly thinking ahead and offers his time and help for things outside of his security responsibilities. He helps our leadership students put on our huge homecoming bonfire every year. He gifts our Cat B students advent calendars during the month of December. He puts on a Veteran's Day luncheon for our staff. The list of good deeds goes on and on. He goes above and beyond his job duties and is so kind while doing so. Thank you, Mike, for being a great colleague each and every day! We are so appreciative of your dedication to Woodson."
- Alexa Pugnetti, Woodson HS
Other FCPS Cares of the Month Recipients
Nevan Carter, Sprague Technology Center
"Nevan provided outstanding IT phone support, remoting in to my laptop on both 12/2 and 12/5, to ensure that somethings were properly installed and working correctly. Above and beyond 5-star professional, courteous, and friendly IT support. Appreciated and grateful."
- Rita Berlin, Dunn Loring Center
Student Services, Lake Braddock SS
"I would like to give a massive shout to the Middle School and High School Student Services teams at Lake Braddock. Over the past 9 weeks, they have presented to over 2,100 students about recognizing signs of depression and suicidal ideation in themselves and their friends/classmates. They also did individual wellness screenings for all of these students. It is important work that they do, to make sure our students are as safe as possible, but it is also mentally and emotionally taxing work. I am so lucky to work with both teams, who worked collaboratively to make sure all presentations ran smoothly and that students who needed help were recognized and supported."
- Jacqueline Naughton, Lake Braddock SS
Mark Witzel, West Springfield HS
"I received my daughters progress report and was concerned with specific test grades. Mr. Witzel responded very quickly to me and offered to help her any way he could. She spent time with him after school and had a lot more confidence after their session. My mother was a school teacher so I have a great respect for this profession. That's why I like to call out when teachers go above and beyond. Mr Witzel is a real asset to WSHS!"
- a West Springfield HS parent
Cindy Fitzgerald, Gatehouse Admin Center
"I was out on STD for 2 months and my experience with Sedgwick was atrocious. That was when I was connected with Cindy Fitzgerald. Cindy was my lifesaver in all means. I have called her numerous times with questions and concerns. With patience, she helped me understand the process, guided me with steps on documents that need to be submitted and followed up with Sedgwick's office several times on my behalf as I was hardly getting any response. Thank you Cindy for your services to FCPS employees like me. I wish Cindy all the very best and I am certain that she is going to continue to bring light into so many other people's lives."
- Annie Joseph, Kent Gardens ES
Michael Ross, Dan Meridieth, and Joe Goins, Gatehouse Admin Center
"On December 5, 2022, I reached out to School Security for support concerning suspicious activity reported on our school grounds. Officer Michael Ross arrived within 5 minutes. He was friendly, supportive, and provided the necessary steps to ensure our school community was and felt safe right away. As part of the support, he made sure school security was present for arrival and dismissal all week long. On the days that Officer Michael Ross was not able to be at our school during arrival and dismissal times, Officer Dan Meridieth and Joe Goins were present. Not only was the presence of all three officers welcomed by the students and my community, the ongoing support and reassurance provided was exemplary. Thank you for your dedication and for keeping our schools safe!"
- Ingrid Badia, Annandale Terrace ES
Stephanie Kellar, Susan Hall, and Hao Zhang, Stonecroft Transportation Center
"We are down a baker and have an acting ranger. This team has worked their butts off, have been very professional and have greatly brought up our morale. In the almost 12 years I have been a bus driver this group has been the best team to work for, hands down!!"
- Karen Gilmore, Stonecroft Transportation Center
Michael Hrabak, Wilton Woods Center
"Kudos for Michael! Michael is able to assess applications for FCPS use with his many lenses, his skills and knowledge are appreciated ! His work is a benefit to all of FCPS! Thanks Michael!"
- Rebecca Boyer, Sprague Technology Center
Mahnaz Khalil Khosravi, Johnson MS
"She really cares."
- anonymous
Mario MartinezDiaz, Gatehouse Admin Center
"September 13th was just the first of many, many times Mario helped me this fall. He has taken the time to help me navigate the volunteer background check and badging process for over a dozen volunteers for our PTO after-school clubs process, and he has done it with patience and grace and kindness toward me, our volunteers, and other FCPS staff who made mistakes and caused situations that needed correcting. He has never made me feel I was asking too much, taking too much of his time, or tried to redirect me elsewhere instead of helping me himself. I literally would not have been able to badge enough volunteers to run our school's after-school clubs this fall without his help and he did it so nicely, which was huge in stressful times. Thank you Mario, we are so lucky to have you!"
- a Terraset PTO member
Stacey Allman, Oak Hill ES
"Ms. Allman worked with my son for more than a year when he attended Oak Hill ES, starting during a period of virtual learning. She went to great lengths to find creative ways to engage him during virtual speech therapy, no small task! When they were able to start meeting in person, my son looked forward to the games and activities she had planned. He made great strides in his speech and language skills under her patient and attentive guidance. She was also a valuable member of his IEP team and we really appreciated her thoughtful contributions to the team discussions. She is very kind and talented, and a true asset to the Oak Hill ES community."
- an Oak Hill ES parent
Gregory Germain, Oak Hill ES
"Our son was part of the special education pre-k program at Oak Hill for the last two years and talked often about Mr. Germain. I had the pleasure of seeing them interact in person multiple times as well. Mr. Germain has a true gift for connecting with the students and celebrating their unique strengths. He made my son feel like the coolest kid in the world. He also, of course, taught him a lot of skills! My son misses him now that we are at our base school but we continue to appreciate and think fondly of Mr. Germain."
- an Oak Hill ES parent
Julie Brady, Lees Corner ES
"Ms. Brady goes above and beyond to communicate effectively with parents and make them a part of their child’s classroom. Each week she shares pictures and videos of students engaging in learning and communicates ways parents can help extend learning at home. She makes learning fun for her first graders with engaging age appropriate activities. Thank you for all you have done for your students!"
- a Lees Corner ES parent
Shuling Liao, Armstrong ES
"Shuling Liao greets all of our students with a smile! She is particularly helpful and patient with our students with disabilities. I support one first grade friend who was crying when he didn't have the breakfast item of choice. I turned this into a teaching moment, and helped him use his words to ask Ms. Liao for what he needed. She was amazing with him and without preplanning with her, she supported his emotional growth seamlessly. It is a joy to see her greet the students each morning in the breakfast line. She is truly an asset to our school family."
- Donna Perlish, Armstrong ES
Tyrone Crabb, South County HS
"Tyrone continually finds ways to connect with our students. He generously provided some holiday cheer to several of our deserving students which certainly carried over to the rest of us who were able to be a part of it! Thank you Ty for being part of the culture that South County should be known for!"
- Marci Garrison, South County HS
Lindsey Kearns, Lake Braddock SS
"Thank you Lindsey Kearns for your support of the Performing Arts Department. Ms. Kearns has been attending winter performances across the department through November and December. This is normally 2-3 nights a week in addition to the other activities and games she is attending on other evenings. This is a lot of nights out and a big commitment she is sharing with her staff and students. The department is very appreciative and grateful. Thank you!"
- Michael Luley, Lake Braddock SS
Teri Hampton, Lake Braddock SS
"Thank you to Teri Hampton for supporting her department this winter with attending so many concerts and performances. The performing arts had concerts and performances all month long and Ms. Hampton was there 2-3 nights a week through November and December. That is a lot of nights out and a lot of time to give to us. We are very appreciative and grateful! Thank you!"
- Michael Luley, Lake Braddock SS
Desiree Satterfield, South Lakes HS
"Ms. Desiree Satterfield invited me to co-facilitate a service learning presentation after-school for students in the IB MYP program. She handled all the logistics and jumped in to help answer questions that were specific to the South Lakes program. She is dedicated to her students and works hard to ensure that they are aware of programming opportunities throughout the county. Desiree is a great collaborator, communicator, and school leader. Thank you for the invite to co-facilitate this presentation!"
- Steven Myers, Willow Oaks Admin Center
Angela Newsome, Wilton Woods Center
"Annually, FCPS submits a comprehensive report to the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) regarding special education. The report determines state funding for FCPS special education students. Throughout November, Angela submitted multiple drafts of the report, on behalf of the Department of Special Services (DSS), to the VDOE for analysis and feedback. Angela also collaborated with the DSS Data Management team to resolve errors and prepared preliminary datasets for DSS stakeholder review. Angela worked many hours the past few weeks to support the DSS in addition to her other job duties. Angela's dedication and hard work will have a direct impact on our special education students and their teachers this coming school year!"
- Andrew Guillen, Gatehouse Admin Center
Megan Kendall, Laurel Hill ES
"Ms. Kendall has been a wonderful fit for our daughter this school year. She is kind, caring, and attentive. We are grateful for her warmth and positivity."
- a Laurel Hill ES parent
Alexandra Kolovos, Davis Career Center
"Alexandra is one of our outstanding paraprofessionals at DCC and today she truly was a shining star! We had several staff members out with illness ON TOP OF the 2-hour delay due to weather. As we were scrambling to find classroom coverage due to no subs, Alexandra stepped in and took over the classroom instruction. As the paraprofessional who regularly works with the students, it was natural for her to do so and the students were clearly comfortable with her leading the room. Thank you, Alexandra, for being an instructional leader today and supporting our students and our community!"
- Chad Clayton, Davis Career Center
Fran Peckham, Stone MS
"Fran is an asset to Stone MS and a fierce leader in every way! She has been a phenomenal finance tech that has walked me through the ESSER wellness budget every step of the way. Her professionalism shines in the front office and we are so lucky to have her!"
- Katie Marrefi, Stone MS
Heather Frei, Pully Career Center
"I would like to recognize Ms. Heather Frei. Saying she is professional, selfless, and caring towards all is an understatement. She willingly works with students that need additional behavioral supports and does a remarkable job connecting with these students, and making them feel appreciated, supported, and loved. Heather is remarkable at what she does, and deserves to be recognized. Thank you, Heather!!! You are very much appreciated!!!"
- Peter Kelly, Pulley Career Center
Sook Smith, Dunn Loring Center
"My family first came to the US and our children went in Colin Powell ES. It was awkward even in America, and I was just worried about it, but we were fortunate for our family to meet Sook Smith. She is a person who takes care of even the smallest things and makes our children think positively about America and Colin Powell ES. She is a wonderful woman who helps Korean children and their parents adapt well and holds small events so that American children can learn about Korean culture and food. Mrs. Sook Smith, praise and thanks. Thank you."
- a Powell Es parent
Tavion Petty, Riverside ES
"Mr. Petty has been a sub at Riverside since the beginning of this school year, but recently transitioned over to being a special education IA. His impact has already been felt in the classrooms that he is supporting. He jumped right into the position and is a tremendous asset to our school!"
- Lorri Hallenbeck, Riverside ES
Stacey Mitchell, Lake Braddock SS
"Much gratitude to Ms. Mitchell for supporting an awesome middle school drama club! She provides a space for nearly 90 students to express their creativity, including a fantastic event, Holiday Unplugged, JR! The students were so happy to showcase their talents for the holidays and celebrate together."
- a Lake Braddock SS parent
Karri de la Houssaye and Greg Edwards, Sprague Technology Center
"We are so grateful to Karri and Greg for sharing their time and expertise with our SBTS community at the EdCamp to prepare for potential virtual learning days. They were particularly helpful in answering questions related to the unique needs of PreK and K students with iPad access. They have continued to be fantastic collaborators on the iPad project and show through their work each day how much they care about FCPS students, staff, and families!"
- Leslie Borkenhagen, Willow Oaks Admin Center
Adam Bowen, Sprague Technology Center
"We are so grateful to Adam for sharing his time and expertise with our SBTS community at the EdCamp to prepare for potential virtual learning days. He joined to offer support and help answer questions related to Zoom. He also asked wonderful questions to better understand lingering needs around Zoom access for our youngest learners. He has been a fantastic collaborator and shows through his work how much he cares about FCPS students, staff, and families!"
- Leslie Borkenhagen, Willow Oaks Admin Center
Jordanne Reader, Willow Oaks Admin Center
"Jordanne is our brilliant school psychologist! You would never know that this is her first year in FCPS. I have relied on her expertise multiple times this year in reevaluation and eligibility meetings to lead the way in discussions with families, particularly when it comes to technicalities with testing and data to support team decisions. I always know I can turn to her for answers and professional discussion. She is an amazing addition to our DCC team, and I'm grateful for her wisdom!"
- Carli McIntosh, Davis Career Center
Lily shin, Greenbriar East ES
"Ms. Shin has worked closely with my son to help him redirect his energy. She takes him for frequent breaks to run around the track as well as a morning check-in. She understands how some kids need a break from the desk and she acts upon it."
- a Greenbriar East ES parent
Steve Campbell, Instructional Programs Support Center
"Working with federal and state adult education grants that require use of specific forms, our program often goes to Steve for support in producing the forms in large numbers to serve our adult learner enrollments. The forms can be tricky in terms of lay-out and our needs for specific paper materials. Steve is always an innovative problem solver whenever we bring these challenges to him, particularly when we are up against unexpected deadlines. Without these forms, we could not meet compliance requirements which could impact our future grant funding and our ability to serve our students. It is so reassuring to work with a colleague like Steve who takes every request equally seriously and who is determined to always find a solution that works. And he does it genially, reliably and professionally. FCPS Adult ESOL staff thank him for always going the extra mile whenever we need him."
- MaryAnn Cunningham Florez, Plum Center
Erica Spero, Union Mill ES
"Mrs. Spero is the best! She does such a great job keeping our son on task and learning during the school day. She is kind and understanding and has helped our son so much!"
- an Union Mill ES parent
Chloe Mansourimoaied, Union Mill ES
"We were a little nervous about our son starting Kindergarten this year but all of our concerns have been alleviated thanks to Mrs. Mansouri's welcoming and accomodating classroom. Our son has learned how to write, be a good friend, and so much more! We are amazed at how much he's grown this year in Mrs. Mansourimoaied's class!"
- an Union Mill ES parent
Becky Duncan, Union Mill ES
"Our daughter's transition to 2nd Grade has been seamless! Mrs. Duncan has created an amazing learning environment where all students can succeed. We've loved getting to participate in class meetings and as mystery readers. Our daughter has already learned so much and it's only December!"
- an Union Mill ES parent
Jessica Mungal, Union Mill ES
"Mrs. Mungal has helped our daughter in countless ways already this school year! She always communicates needs to us in a quick way and has creative solutions that set up our daughter for success! We are so lucky to work with her this year!"
- an Union Mill ES parent
Heather Smith, Sunrise Valley ES
"Heather Smith has gone above and beyond to provide her students with in-person opportunities to perform for their school, families and community members this school year. Students were able to honor Veterans in our community with a Veterans Day assembly in November, followed-up with the opportunity for students to sing the National Anthem at a George Mason University basketball game, and ending with a winter performance at the Reston Town Center this past weekend. Students and families are able to experience the joy she brings to singing and music education through a meaningful and impactful way. We are fortunate that our children are able grow as musicians with her. Thank you, Mrs. Smith, for all that you do!"
- a Sunrise Valley ES parent
Mary Allen, Hayfield SS
"Mrs. Allan is truly the heart and soul of Hayfield's DSA office, and one the best people of the Hayfield Secondary community. She has a warm smile for everyone who encounters her, and regardless of whether she helped or not, each person feels cared about after their visit with her. Mrs. Allan has multiple responsibilities, including arranging the bussing and coordinating all field trips for Hayfield. This includes communicating with all school members on which students will be away. She goes over every detail each teacher needs to know about field trip process. Our field trips go off without a hitch because of her attention to detail, and due diligence. Another incredible duty Mrs. Allan has, is to ensure that each student athlete is eligible to participate in school activities and sports, which is a monumental task three seasons per year. This process is incredibly time consuming, and she seemingly completes this effortlessly (but truly it is not!). On a daily basis, Mrs. Allan also coordinates all the substitutes needed for the Health/PE department, and is the face of the DSA's office, welcoming every person who arrives to ask questions, meet with the ADSAs and/or the DSA. As stated above, she welcomes each person with a warm smile, that immediately puts them at ease! Thank you Mrs. Allan for your tireless work, the dedication to our school and community, the long hours, and your tremendous attitude you put forward towards each and every person. We can never thank you enough. We are very blessed to have you work with us!"
- James Mercer, Hayfield SS
Morgan Ball, West Potomac HS
"Morgan supported one of our Test-Taker students in preparing for the Biology SOL. This student had already earned a certificate of completion and needed individual tutoring in order to have the best chance to pass. Morgan took on this student on top of her current teaching load and outside of school commitments. The student recently earned a score high enough to earn a full standard diploma! I am so grateful for the expertise and kindness Morgan brings to working with all her students! We are lucky to have her at West Po!"
- Jess Terry, West Potomac HS
Doris Straughn, South County HS
"Senora Straughn is a burst of culture and positivity for our SCHS community. This school year, Senora Straughn went above and beyond with decorating the school for Dia de los Muertos. The school entrance was transformed, the World Languages department members supported with attire, and our students were blessed with a fun experience. Senora Straughn is not only our senior class sponsor but she also supports our community as the SCHS Hispanic Student Association sponsor. Senora Straughn has recently coordinated with Hispanic Leadership Alliance to fund raise and create a scholarship for students. We are thankful for Senora Straughn's efforts and are grateful for her ongoing love and support for our school."
- Claudia Jones, South County HS
Carlos Perez, Sprague Technology Center
"Carlos has gone above and beyond on a special project to put together a comprehensive spreadsheet so that all IT departments can easily identify all of the many consultant contracts in one place providing labor rates, links to contracts, etc. Carlos has always been detailed oriented when given a task ensuring accuracy of his work and taking extra steps to provide additional information. He is a valued employee and a pleasure to have in our department."
- Jean Welsh, Sprague Technology Center
Meaghan Dobson, Bryant HS
"In my 3 years at Bryant HS, Mrs. Dobson stands out as an exemplary model teacher, she always conducts herself in a professional manner and consistently focuses on improving student outcomes. She always focuses on helping the students to the best of her ability and offers a helping hand to her colleagues as well. It is a blessing to work at Bryant with positive and inspiring colleagues such as Meaghan Dobson."
- James Cruz, Bryant HS
Ellen Reed, Frost MS
"We nominate Mrs. Ellen Reed for Frost Middle School, a truly dedicated assistant principal. She is motivated to communicate with the deaf students and staff in ASL(American Sign Language) and quickly began learning our language. We have never seen a brand new assistant principal be so interactive with deaf students. Mrs. Reed has showed genuine, quick interest to learn ASL since August 2022. We think very highly of her."
- Linda Kim, Frost MS
Gregg Foster, Davis Career Center
"Gregg is a team player! He is always willing to step in and help out his coworkers when we are short staffed. Thank you for your flexibility, Gregg. You are appreciated!"
- Polly Huh, Davis Career Center
Stan Zehr, Powell ES
"My older children have graduated from Colin Powell and my youngest is currently enrolled. My children were very lucky to meet Mr. Zehr while taking ESOL classes. The older child, who is in middle school now, due to being in the teacher's class, calmly read books and improved pronunciation thanks to Mr. Zehr influence. This new semester, my youngest is being taught by Mr. Zehr. He always makes classes fun, reads a lot of books, and guides all children to present and answer. He is a warm-hearted person and a true teacher. I want to express my gratitude to him. Thank you."
- a Powell ES parent
Linda Dean, Haycock ES
"Linda Dean is an instructional assistant who goes above and beyond for the whole school, but what she specifically provides to our first grade classroom is invaluable. She provides support to students in different academic areas who need extra time with certain skills. We talk deeply about best strategies and research including how the brain learns to read and how to teach conceptually for mathematics so that she can best help students make true growth and more solid understandings of concepts. She then takes that and applies it to other classrooms and grade levels she works with. I often watch her taking notes and snapping pictures so she can remember what this best instruction looks like and sounds like. I'm also a mother of two young children and we have had a lot of illness. If I have to pick up and go I know there is not a thing to worry about when she steps in when I have to leave unexpectedly. She is truly invaluable and so knowledgeable and we are so lucky."
- Lauren Surber, Haycock ES
Andrew Hanh, Davis Career Center
"AMAZING job supporting the STEP students in gaining competitive employment! I am blown away by the outcomes you and the rest of the team are achieving. Every time STEP students share about their jobs they speak with such pride and confidence. You can truly see how much of a difference these opportunities mean to them. The support you provide your students professionally and personally doesn't go unnoticed, Andrew! Keep up the fantastic work!"
- Theresa Piccolo, Davis Career Center
Jennifer Cunneen and Staff, Forestdale ES
"I wanted to take a minute to recognize an outstanding school in FCPS. My son has been a student at Forestdale Elementary since he was two years old. He started in the Preschool Autism Classes and is now in the 4th grade in both General Ed and Special Ed classes. From the time my son started at Forestdale, we were welcomed with open arms. He has NEVER had a bad teacher or experience at the school! Each year he has had a teacher who clearly loves their students and the job they do! The office staff, including Mrs. Blanca Barrios, Mr. and Mrs. Dylan and Debbie Hoffmann are wonderful! If ever there is an issue with someone other than myself picking my son up for the day, Mrs. Hoffmann is quick to notice and contacts me immediately to be sure I have given my permission. My son has had AMAZING aides in all his classes throughout the years from Mrs. Rivy Howard and Mrs. Melissa Rivera in preschool to Mrs. Melissa Richardson the past two years! Each of them has taken the time to help him grow in all his studies and have become integral in his success at school! Mrs. Richardson is quick to share stories of my son's successes at school with me via texts. She is not only my son's favorite but so many students come to say goodbye to her after school that she is inundated with fans! His current Special Ed teacher, Ms. Alison McDermott, is unparalleled in her love of the children! Her classroom is set up to make learning fun and she manages to reach even the toughest of children with her patience and understanding of their individual needs! She is upbeat and engaging with parents and students alike. I worry from year to year how my son will do in General Ed classes and have learned that at Forestdale there is NO need to worry. From his FABULOUS kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Judy Kelliher, to 1st and 2nd grade with Ms. Katie Brado, which included the challenges of virtual learning for all of us, 3rd grade with the incomparable Mrs. Erin Criss, and finally currently with the fabulous Mrs. Soojin Henceroth for 4th grade, my son has consistently had instructors who are dedicated to making EVERY child a part of their class, including those with different abilities like my son! And just because he has moved on to the next grade doesn’t mean they have forgotten him. Both he and I are greeted with warm hellos and questions about how his year is going when we see one of his former teachers in the hallways. My son's speech Therapist at Forestdale, Ms. Jessica Berman, and his Occupational Therapist, Ms. Dominique Wilson are also a part of his phenomenal growth over the years. Ms. Berman is the one who gave my little boy his voice when he didnt have one and for that I am forever grateful! I cannot forget to give a HUGE thank you to the SACC staff, Mrs. Kim McCollum, Mr. Everett, Ms. Myah and Ms. Demetria. When I suddenly became a single mom in early 2019, I was beside myself with finding childcare for my then 6-year-old kindergartener as my ex-husband used to care for him during the day while I worked. Thankfully, I was able to enroll my son in before school SACC at Forestdale. I NEVER have to worry about my most precious gift when I drop him off in the morning and head to my office! They are quick to notice when he is out of sorts and to redirect his energy to get him back on track and start his day off right! Finally, I cannot complete this letter without mentioning Forestdale’s principal, Ms. Jennifer Cunneen. She has been with the school since my son started, originally as vice principal. She is always positive and upbeat and has a kind word when I see her. The other day I had a hard day at my own job and felt like the world was crashing in. I came into Forestdale to get my son and Ms. Cunneen saw me and gave me a huge hug, which greatly improved my day! Oftentimes schools, businesses, etc. receive letters about things they have done wrong. I am a firm believer that we need to take the time to send a letter when folks are doing things right! Forestdale Elementary is a shining example of what schools should be! Every person there loves what they do, and it shows! We often say it takes a village to raise a child and my Forestdale village is AMAZING!"
- a Forestdale ES parent
Sonya Williams, Stone MS
"Who is that who just ran by in her purple clogs? It is our amazing new Principal, Sonya Williams. It is hard to imagine that she has been Principal at Stone Middle School for only a quarter with all that she has accomplished. Her servant leadership is always focused on the Stone Middle School Community. In her time as Principal, Ms. Williams has established multiple community partnerships with local businesses that support our school’s specific needs such as our school’s food and clothing pantry, mentoring programs, and motivational items for our staff. Ms. Williams’ joy and enthusiasm are contagious as she supports school-wide instructional best practices and interacts with students, staff, and families. She makes an effort to ensure that every member of the school community is valued and heard through daily conversations, surveys, and scheduled visits. She analyzes trends and makes adjustments based upon this information. A few examples are: ensuring that school restrooms are ADA compliant, ensuring that all students have access and opportunity to all school and after-school activities, creating a student-initiated kindness wall, and being ever-present throughout the school."
- anonymous
Aziz Elhayani, Woodson Center
"Aziz came in to fix my Smartboard/Projector. He came in quickly, and was very kind, personable, and responsive. He fixed the problem, made sure I understood how to move forward, and was very patient. He was super amazing and made my Monday much brighter!"
- Meagan Randolph, Providence ES
Chrissy Gibbs, Hunt Valley ES
"Chrissy Gibbs has a way of making you smile. She is extremely kind, and caring, and thinks of others before she thinks of herself. Her positivity makes facing challenging situations feel less stressful and helps you to feel like you are not in it alone. As the Assistant Principal, staff members and families look to her for guidance and she is always there willing to lend an ear, provide the guidance one seeks, and if she doesn't have an answer right away, she makes it a point to find it or point you in the right direction. Her leadership style is one of compassion, calm, and respect. Although she is juggling many responsibilities at one time, she will take time to stop, give you her full attention, and listen, which allows everyone she encounters to feel heard and valued. It never seems to matter how difficult a day may be, or how challenging the situation becomes, she maintains a positive attitude, has a smile on her face, and that makes everyone around her feel calm and comforted. We value Ms. Gibbs and could not imagine Hunt Valley without her leadership or as part of the HVES family."
- Keieownna Hightower, Hunt Valley ES
Brandi Cuffee, Hunt Valley ES
"Ms. Cuffee is a fourth-grade teacher that has made and continues to make a positive impact on her students. She sets high expectations for all her students and supports and encourages them to meet those expectations. She teaches them to be accountable for their actions, celebrates their accomplishments, and is their biggest cheerleader. She has taken on the role of SCA and Safety Patrol Co-Sponsor. She works tirelessly to support her students and team. Her integrity, work ethic, and passion are not only what we hope to see in those we encounter personally and professionally, but traits we hope our students learn as they grow into young adults. Her colleagues, students, and families are fortunate to have such an amazing teacher supporting them, cheering them on, and working alongside her. Hunt Valley has a true gem in Ms. Cuffee."
- Keieownna Hightower, Hunt Valley ES
Kaitlin Sanchez, Powell ES
"Fall, the start of the new semester. I was away from home because I had work in Korea, and my children's Aunt took care of them. I was worried about whether or not the children living apart from their mother would affect them adapting well to school life. Kaitlin Sanchez took good care of my child like a daughter while I was away. I heard that Sanchez was so good only through phone calls, away from my child, but after coming to the United States, I met sanchez and got to know it. She is such a warm-hearted and good person. Talking with her, her love for children was conveyed to me as well. Because of her, my child is adjusting well to school and doing well. I express my gratitude to her for taking care of my student like her own child. I praise her and express my gratitude, thinking that she is a wonderful teacher of love and correct teaching."
- a Powell ES parent
Mary Berry, Hunt Valley ES
"Mrs. Berry is a counselor at Hunt Valley. She is an instrumental part in ensuring all of our students feel welcomed, supported, and heard. She has taken on being the ESSER Wellness Lead to help develop and foster programs that will have a positive impact on our students, she spends countless hours supporting students, families, and teachers, and is always willing to step in to assist students when there is a need, no matter the time of day. She is student-focused and will drop whatever she is doing to help our students. She has fostered trusting, positive relationships with our staff, students, and families, and is frequently sought out as a trusted staff member when others are in need. Mrs. Berry has worked tirelessly on our mentoring program, to pair mentors with students that may require that additional, trusting, supportive adult. She works in collaboration with her colleagues to connect families with outside resources and to obtain any additional supports and services they require. Our families look to Mrs. Berry as a person that is always willing to listen, provide advice, and guidance. She is a valued member of our Hunt Valley family, and we appreciate what she does to support our students, families, and staff."
- Keieownna Hightower, Hunt Valley ES
La Tanya Allen, Chantilly HS
"My daughter is a Senior at Chantilly. She came in excused late to school. Her parking space was blocked by double-parked buses. She parked nearby but was worried about taking someone else's spot. Ms. Allen directed her on how to handle it. When her experience with other staff in the school did not result in answers, and she was getting worried, she went back to Ms. Allen. Ms. Allen then went above and beyond and went with her to handle the situation and helped her figure out her parking. She took the time to care about my child as an individual needing help. My student felt loved and supported and cared for by Ms. Allen. She said Ms. Allen was so kind and understanding. Ms. Allen took a situation that was not great and left my daughter very stressed and turned it around. Because of her actions, my daughter knew an adult at her school saw her and cared for her when she really needed it. THANK YOU MS. ALLEN!"
- a Chantilly HS parent
Bradford Allen, Johnson MS
"Brad does an amazing job with the students here at KJMS. Students whisper in the halls about how glorious his class is. He is funny and energetic, someone the students look forward to seeing on a daily basis. Most importantly, he sets clears expectations and holds his kids accountable. You my boy, Blue!"
- David Letsen, Johnson MS
Rajitha Jadala, Wilton Woods Center
"Rajitha was so responsive in helping me get the level of access I needed for EDSL. I was in a meeting, when I realized it changed as result of my changing jobs. Rajitha, immediately responded to my request. She responded so quickly that I was able to continue with the meeting. I am so appreciative her responsiveness."
- Amy Miller, Willow Oaks Admin Center
Tyler Aberle, Chantilly HS
"I reached out Tyler Aberle to inquire about the possibility of getting laptops donated to the Family Literacy Program, which works with English Learner immigrant families. From the initial contact, Tyler was positive and demonstrated that he truly cared. He responded to my inquiry almost immediately, saying that yes, he could donate computers, and gave me the technical details about the computers to make sure that in fact, I could use them. When I asked if the laptops could have Goggle Chrome installed, without hesitation he asked two of his students to work on the project and made it happen. Thank you Tyler for making this possible for our families. Your generous spirit is remarkable and has really made a difference."
- Micheline Lavalle, Willow Oaks Admin Center
Ofiela Clark, Twain MS
"Ofelia is always supporting our students and families as the parent liaison. We were struggling to reach our Spanish speaking families regarding consent for our digital tools. We asked for her assistance and within a day she was able to ensure that these 22 families were able to make an informed decision and the students had full access to instruction and were not limited in their participation."
- Christine Arocho, Twain MS
Marie Dupee, Lorton Transportation Center
"I wanted to thank Marie Dupee because a couple of times our daughter almost missed the bus and she has waited for her, besides that, she always greets the students and whoever sees her. Thank you for your positive attitude, for keeping our students safe and for all you do."
- a Lake Braddock SS parent
Paddy Pennell, Lorton Transportation Center
"Ms. Paddy Pennell. What an excellent, encouraging, exceptional, exciting, and exemplary OJT Instructor! I have many things to share about my OJT experience and instructor Ms. Paddy. I'll start by expressing what a warm and welcoming personality with which I was greeted on an early, cold, first-day on-the-job training, Monday morning. I was not prepared entirely, for the chilly morning on my first day on the job, as a new FCPS Bus Driver, however, Paddy was more than prepared for the both of us. I understood this fact, especially when she offered me the extra set of hand warmers, which, I gladly and thankfully accepted. On the 1st day of OJT, she allowed me to observe the entire procedure of the school bus runs. It was a welcomed relief to know that I could learn from the passenger seat. What was abundantly clear to me, was the passion she brought to the job of driving a school bus but more importantly the safety and well-being of each student. The standard of excellence was set high, yet in a non-intimidating way. Several key items needed to be addressed throughout my week of OJT. One by one she explained each item and worked diligently to resolve them all using her years of experience as a driver and baker (supervisor) to know exactly what to do. Identifying blind spots within the routes, demonstrating proper procedures, and addressing them with the current Baker. Paddy also modeled how to interact with students/parents to ensure the overall safety of all involved within the routes. Once I started performing the pre-trips and driving, she instructed me on ways I could fine-tune the training I received at the training center for specific pick-drop-off procedures. She also gave me real-world radio instructions along with several other important instructions, including what to do if a school is having a fire drill as you approach for drop-offs/pick-ups. Suffice it to say, my overall experience was wonderful because Paddy helped to reduce the stress level in an inherently stressful environment, into one that was less stressful and more manageable. The practical, experience solidified the theoretical classroom instruction. The benefits of having someone with such vast experience, who was willing to share it with "newbies", and respected among her peers, all wrapped in a positive, passionate and professional trainer, in my opinion, is difficult to truly measure. Let me express my sincere gratitude for an extremely excellent and surprising OJT trainer and process. It was truly more than I could ever have hoped for or imagined.
- Robert Lanier, Lorton Transportation Center
Asjah Benson, Johnson MS
"Ms. B is the best! She is such a chill teacher and we have fun together! I love you!"
- a Johnson MS student
Patricia Thomas, Newington Forest ES
"Mrs. Thomas is an exceptional educator and my daughter is so fortunate to have her as a teacher. She is warm, caring and works so hard to motivate her students. As part of the 6th grade team at Newington Forest, I have been impressed with her use of interactive notebooks and creative study guides. She goes above and beyond to support her students and to push each student to reach their potential. Her strong classroom management, communication, and daily routines are truly helping her students prepare themselves to take charge of their learning when they head to middle school. We are so thankful to have Mrs. Thomas this year!"
- a Newington Forest ES parent
Timothy Denny, Robinson SS
"Thank you for going above and beyond to help with a last minute request for a college application. The school had already received the item from Robinson, but had misplaced it due to my child's previous school being listed in his application. Mr. Denny jumped in and ensured that my child's Early Action application was complete and my child has been accepted, so thank you!"
- a Robinson SS parent
Elizabeth Campbell, Robinson SS
"Thank you for making Latin fun and creating an inclusive learning community for your students. I am especially thankful for all the above and beyond things you provide with Latin club and the field trip to Richmond."
- a Robinson SS parent
Meredith Renard, Davis Career Center
"Meredith does a phenomenal job training students at Burlington Seven Corners for independence and success! She continuously demonstrates thinking creatively to support her students at the worksite and beyond. She also provided invaluable feedback at transition meetings."
- Theresa Piccolo, Davis Career Center
Maggie DeSouza, Woodson HS
"Maggie has been a team player since coming back from having knee surgery. She is someone you can count on as a coworker and she is a quick and excited learner! A pleasure to have in the classroom every day!"
- Jayme Cole, Woodson HS
Deborah Maletz, Davis Career Center
"Today I had the opportunity to visit Deb at her worksite, the Tysons Corner Marriott, and see her in action with her students. Deb is new to Davis this year and her enthusiasm for transition and spark for student advocacy and wellbeing has been at the forefront of her work with students; seeing the relationships she has built with her students and colleagues and with hotel staff was fantastic. Deb acted as both facilitator and ambassador for our students and school community by demonstrating patience, problem solving, active listening, thoughtful communication, and, above all else, enthusiasm for her stellar team of students. Thank you, Deb, for being a part of our school and making our school a better place for all learners."
- Chad Clayton, Davis Career Center
Carl Harris, Lake Braddock SS
"My son has always had a good relationship with Mr. Harris. As an 8th grader, Harris is no longer his PE teacher, but they continue to chat when their paths cross. Recently, Mr. Harris introduced my son to the After-school MS Track coach, which was a major confidence booster. My son came home glowing and excited. Confidence is priceless for a introverted middle schooler, and Mr. Harris’ encouragement means the world to us."
- a Lake Braddock SS parent
Jayme Cole, Woodson HS
"Jayme is a 1st year teacher at Woodson High School. So far this year, she has taken on a lot, case managing very difficult cases, multiple schedule changes, and Crisis Team Member, to name a few. Jayme keeps her cool in any situation, especially when crisis is occurring. She has shown tremendous maturity, confidence, and leadership in Cat B, which is not something I usually see from a 1st year teacher. Thank you so much for your support and dedication to our staff and students!"
- Eileen Reap, Woodson HS
Chia Camphor, Woodson HS
"Chia's support in Cat B, especially recently with student behaviors, has been invaluable to our staff. She maintains a calm demeanor while working with the students and urgently responds and make decisions, especially when there is a crisis going on. Chia's ability to act before being told what is needed has really been helpful during these situations. She has become true leader among our IAs as well a good model for what needs to be done and how to do it. Thank you for your dedication and support to our staff and students!"
- Eileen Reap, Woodson HS
Michelle Wright, Johnson MS
"I appreciate Mrs. Wright because she gives me warm smiles when I enter her classroom, I enjoy taking care of the animals in her room and I love science. Thank you for being such a sweet teacher Mrs. Wright, P.S Your baby is adorable!!! "
- a Johnson MS student
Julio Dejo, Johnson MS
"I just wanted to say thank you to Mr. Dejo for doing a good job in after school and controlling the people in the cafeteria. He's so nice, he buys pizza for us sometimes and does all sorts of things for us. Have a good winter break Mr. Dejo!"
- a Johnson MS student
Tyler Curran, Johnson MS
"Mr. Curran is a really nice and responsible teacher. He is really funny and smart."
- a Johnson MS student
Tyler Curran, Johnson MS
"Mr. Curran is a very kind and caring teacher. He is very calm and is always patient with us. He cares about how we feel and is very responsible."
- a Johnson MS student
Seth Jarboe, Johnson MS
"Mr. Jarboe is a very fun teacher and I always have a great time in T.A with him."
- a Johnson MS student
Michelle Wright, Johnson MS
"I like Mrs. Wright because she teaches us good and makes everything fun to learn, she understands if we need help or need more time so she tries her best to make us feel like we can ask any questions."
- a Johnson MS student
Jocelyn Wondong, Lorton Transportation Center
"I would like to recognize bus driver, Ms. Jocelyn Wondong, for going above and beyond for the students of Lewis HS on November 30. Our late bus runs were a driver short that day and she arrived intending to complete her run and one other to fill in this gap. Realizing that there was an additional need for one more late bus run, Ms. Wondong coordinated with her supervisors to be sure that the remaining students would get picked up. She was steadfast in not leaving until this was resolved, and was communicative with her supervisors, other bus drivers, and me. After discussion and collaboration, Ms. Wondong volunteered to take the remaining students home. I so appreciate her dedication to our students, communication, and willingness to do whatever it took to ensure the safe transportation of our students home. Additionally, I was so impressed that Ms. Wondong's intuition that the students may not have had a driver that day was spot on, and she was responsive to this need. Thank you, Ms. Wondong! I appreciate you and FCPS is lucky to have you!"
- Amanda Hudson, Lewis HS
Geraldine Kramer, Davis Career Center
"As our phenomenal ESOL itinerant, Geri is a consistent voice for equity at Davis. From supporting students' language development at worksites to calling up the DMV to request accommodations for driving tests, she is incredibly dedicated to the success of her students in the real world. In my new role this year running reevaluation/eligibility meetings, she has educated me in the best ways to ensure that my communication (verbal and written) with families is equitable and helpful. She has gone out of her way to create resources for teachers and students, get answers to tricky questions regarding our ESOL students at the transition age, and coach and mentor teachers from a place of authentic compassion for students and families. Without a doubt, her work is empowering the Davis community in its efforts to maintain an equitable and caring culture."
- Carli McIntosh, Davis Career Center
Anna Sengstack, Johnson MS
"Ms. Sengstack is very patient and kind. She never gets impatient with our class unless nobody practices and our concert is nearby. She is such a nice teacher and I'm very grateful for her."
- a Johnson MS student
Andy Phung, Johnson MS
"Mr. Phung is such a chill teacher, he always helps us when he can and even puts on music while we are working. He is such a fun teacher."
- a Johnson MS student
Jenna Mollura, Marshall HS
"Just wanted to recognize Ms. Mollura’s commitment to inviting and reinforcing positive school-to-home connections. At the start of each week, without fail, Ms. Mollura sends out a Monday message via email that highlights upcoming events at school that week, invites students/families to contact her with questions or for additional information, and even includes a fun snippet about herself or a relatable anecdote from her life that encourages connection. A weekly email may seem insignificant, but this small act of outreach demonstrates her dedication to keeping students and families at Marshall high school “plugged in” and really goes a long way toward fostering a warm feeling of community at Marshall. Thank you, Ms. Mollura!"
- a Marshall HS parent
Damhu Kang, Johnson MS
"Thank you Ms. Kang for letting us have lunch with you. You are my favorite teacher. You are so gentle and nice. I love you."
- a Johnson MS student
Matthew Rogers, Johnson MS
"Really cool and funny. Always puts me in a better mood and ask if I'm okay when I look or feel down. Really cares about his students and both their physical and mental health. Simply an amazing teacher."
- a Johnson MS student
Seth Jarboe, Johnson MS
"Mr. Jarboe is always being nice and he is funny. He also loves to talk about sports, which I like."
- a Johnson MS student
Lauren Borkowski, Johnson MS
"Mrs. Borkowski is my favorite teacher ever. She is so patient and nice and makes everything more enjoyable. She makes my 8th period fun and interesting."
- a Johnson MS student
Mahnaz Khosravi, Johnson MS
"I am so happy Ms. Khosravi is my teacher, she always goes out of her way to teach in a different way. It was my dream to learn Spanish and Ms. Khosravi made that dream come true! I love her singing and her art I wish I had her talent, much love to Ms. Khosravi."
- a Johnson MS student
Blanca Reyes Chicas, Davis Career Center
"Thank you for helping with dismissal every day! You never hesitate to speed walk to classrooms in search of students and I really appreciate your willingness to roll up your sleeves and help out."
- Polly Huh, Davis Career Center
Krista Pezold, Lake Braddock SS
"Mrs. Pezold, we are really impressed with the Amazing Middle School Winter Concert. We can see a great teamwork, dedication and passion about what you, Mr. Collier and Mr. Gilbert do. When we were kids, we dreamed to have the opportunity to be in Band, however back in our countries we didn't have the resources at that time. We are so grateful to have you as a teacher and feel very blessed that our kids are able to join this wonderful Band team. Thank you for all you do, thank you for all your hard work. We are looking forward for more concerts. Music keeps us inspired and give us many smiles. Music is fundamental in life. Thank you for inspiring our kids and us."
- a Lake Braddock SS parent
Jasmine Vanderhall, Fort Belvoir Upper
"Date of Experience should be daily! Mrs. V goes above and beyond to support our teachers daily at FBUS. I am very lucky to have her as not only a parent but a student monitor as well. Throughout the day you can see her with a smile on her face helping where needed. Mrs. V also supports teachers who need a quick minute and students who need additional supports. Always! Mrs. V has a smile on her face! ALWAYS."
- Fort Belvoir Upper parent
Jamey Chianetta and Margo Parejam, Forte Belvoir Upper and Primary School
"Both principals showed up for our students and community at the Tree Lighting Winter Celebration on the parade field of HQ. The students were so excited to hear their school and their principals were there. The little yelps of "I know her", or "That is MY principal" could be heard throughout the field. As a military community member myself, it is so nice to have people come to help and celebrate WITH us! Thank you Ladies."
- a Fort Belvoir parent
David Abella, Hayfield SS
"As a former Hayfield Hawk, Mr. Abella does more than work in our building! He is always available if needed to translate for any Assistant Principal, counselor, parent, or at any event we have going on. He is observant and knows when others are in need. Many teachers and other staff members share that he is always smiling and it makes them feel better just being around him. When students have improved in their behaviors, he immediately starts thinking about their next actions, and has the ability to communicate in a caring and effective manner. Students will reach out to him to let him know what they need and how safe they feel when doing so. Mr. Abella truly exemplifies what caring feels and looks like. Students know that he cares, because of his actions and his character! Thank you Mr. Abella for helping support and strengthen Hayfield's caring culture!"
- James Mercer, Hayfield SS
Thomas Holland, Hayfield SS
"Mr. Holland is an outstanding example of demonstrating the FCPS strategic plan. He has specific positive impact in the areas of student success and caring culture. Although student success is typically focused on the classroom and the impact of the teachers, Mr. Holland has made a positive impact with his interventions and interactions with all students which have allowed them to succeed despite the various challenges of their educational backgrounds. Mr. Holland has an even greater impact in the area of caring culture. He has gone above and beyond to make personal connections with students to foster a respectful, caring and inclusive educational setting."
- James Mercer, Hayfield SS
Faiza Alam, Johnson MS
"She cares about me and I am very comfortable with her. Science class is fun because of her. I feel like I can talk to her and I have lunch bunch with her. I have her for TA and science and it feels like a safe space."
- a Johnson MS student
Andy Phung, Johnson, MS
"Mr. Phung is a great teacher and person."
- a Johnson MS student
Wafika Albani and Shireen Roughani, Greenbriar East ES
"Thanks to Ms. Wafiqa and Ms. Shireen. They help me in every step I take. I always get support and response to my questions. Thank you."
- a Greenbriar East ES parent
Mahnez Khosravi, Johnson MS
"Ms. Khosravi is very funny and talented. I love her art and singing. She is nice, loving, and she has more fun ways of teaching then other teachers. She always puts a smile on my face before I leave her class."
- a Johnson MS student
Mahnez Khosravi, Johnson MS
"Ms. Khosravi is always happy and she cares about her students a lot. She's very nice and she always encourages us to be strong. I think she is more than just a Spanish teacher, she is someone to go to when you need help."
- a Johnson MS student
Mahnez Khosravi, Johnson MS
"Ms. Khosravi is a very nice teacher. She always cares about her students. She is super kind and encourages us to study and get good grades. She works very hard and helps us achieve our goals."
- a Johnson MS student
Karen Bryan, Willow Oaks Admin Center
"Karen went above and beyond to assist me with obtaining one of the large rooms (1000-A) at Willow Oaks Admin Center to accommodate Employee Engagement Survey Workshops for principals and program managers. She reached out to her team and coordinated swapping rooms or switching to virtual meetings. This allowed us to utilize the larger space and accommodate more school and department leadership teams as requested by the school board. She was quick to respond to emails and followed up continually. I wish others were as helpful and collaborative as Karen. Thank you, Karen, for assisting me with this monumental task."
- Shelli Wayland, Gatehouse Admin Center
Marcia Salgado Campos, Lake Braddock SS
"Marcia is one of our amazing AA's in Sub School 3 at Lake Braddock. Not only is she responsible for A-D of the whole HS, but also MS and HS Math, both very large departments. She knows her students extremely well and it is evident she cares deeply for all of them. MS & HS math are both new to SS 3 and Marcia. She has extended such a warm welcome to each and every one of us. It is evident that she cares deeply for all of us and goes out of her way to help us in any way possible. Thank you, Marcia for everything you do!!"
- Lake Braddock SS
Madeline White, Rose Hill ES
"My daughter has a food allergy which can make her feel isolated from her peers. Ms White, from day one, has been wonderfully empathetic and reassuring. She has taken the time to contact me in advance of parties and rewards so that I could be prepared to provide an equal treat for my child to enjoy with her class. It may seem like a little thing, but to a child it means the world! Thank you Ms White for all that you do for our children!"
- a Rose Hill ES parent
Rachal Edwards, Rose Hill ES
"Principal Edwards went above and beyond to make sure my daughter felt included in the Pizza Party reward for her class. Over several phone calls and emails she made sure that my daughter got to have pizza, that was safe for her, with her classmates. Thank you Principal Edwards!"
- a Rose Hill ES parent
Beth Spille, Lake Braddock SS
"Thank you for your constant support to the AVID student. We appreciate the encouragement you provide to our students, how you keep a good class structure, and the students organized and focused on their goals. Thank you for the organizing the field trip to the colleges, this was a great initiative and teamwork."
- a Lake Braddock SS parent
Krista Pezold, Lake Braddock SS
"She is so supportive, patient, and dedicated to all the band students. Our daughter looks forward to her "Purple Days", which is Band day. Mrs. Pezold, also keeps us very informed and engaged with all the activities she does (volunteers, concerts, rehearsals). Amazing work Mrs. Pezold."
- a Lake Braddock SS parent
Mark Purdy, Lake Braddock SS
"Our daughter didn't like Math until she met you! This is the first time she stated that "Math is great and Mr. Purdy is patient, energetic, and positive, I love Math now," those were her exact words. When we went to your classroom for Back to School night, we noticed that you had cushion on the chair, candy, and a recording for the parents that were not able to attend in person, and most important "You made us feel welcome". We are so happy to have you as her teacher, hope you know that your students really love you and we as parents are very grateful and blessed to have you. You are making a difference. Keep up the great job Mr. Purdy, You are AMAZING!!! Thank you for your weekly emails and your efforts to keeping us inform."
- a Lake Braddock SS parent
McKenna Crews, Lake Braddock SS
"She is so dedicated to the students, keeps all parents informed on a weekly basis with videos, text messages, and emails. Besides that, she goes above and beyond with the students' needs. We really enjoy her videos and communication style. Can't thank you enough for all you do Mrs. Crews!. Keep up the good work, you are AMAZING!!!! We would love to be your students."
- a Lake Braddock SS parent
Kathryn Fawcett, North Springfield ES
"Mrs. Fawcett has used many different techniques with my child to help him learn in ways that might work for him, and communicated to me her concerns about him not being at grade level. I can tell she really cares for her students, and does everything she can to help them learn."
- a North Springfield ES parent
Marcella Fulmore, Lewis HS
"No matter the time of day or the day of the week we can always count on Mrs. Fulmore. My daughter knows that she is there and she can go to her to talk, or cry, or do whatever she needs to do make sure that she can adjust and get back to the school day. I feel better knowing she is there to help my daughter."
- a Lewis HS parent
Philip Jeffers, Sprague Technology Center
"While supporting many users at many sites, Philip was able to organize his schedule to support our team in our office during a recent software update event. Philip is always kind and helpful! Thank you Philip! Your efforts are appreciated!"
- Rebecca Boyer, Sprague Technology Center
Sue Chozik, Lane ES
"On Wednesday, November 30th Sue Chozik, the Librarian at Lane Elementary School hosted a parent night for the Book Fair. The event was a huge success. In my 17 years at Lane I have never seen that many families show up for Book Fair. Ms. Chozik had the event well organized making it such a success! Thank you Sue, for your continued commitment to the success of our students! You rock!"
- Stacy Shick , Lane ES
Micheline Lavalle , Willow Oaks Admin Center
"Micheline is a passionate and dedicated advocate for our English learning families and students. She leads the Family Literacy program through our Title III funds in supporting English instruction for our parents/guardians. Her efforts have launched a combination of in-person and virtual programs providing learning environments for parents and children ages 2-5 years of age. Her efforts provide families opportunities for relationship building, English language learning, showing how to interact and support their child's learning, and creating a welcoming space for them to ease into a new environment. Her kindness, empathy, and passion are truly what makes Family Literacy a successful program!"
- Kanchana Iyer, Willow Oaks Admin Center
Maite Larson, Forte Belvoir PS
"Mrs. Larson is such a blessing to have as a primary teacher. My daughter has her as a 2nd grade teacher and I have watched her grow. While meeting with Mrs. Larson, I was completely distracted by the Word Work information she has. As a 4th grade teacher I am learning the basics again and trying to implement them for SOR. Long story short. I was able to get our ELA Coach to meet with Primary's and get us in Mrs. Larson's room to learn from the pro! We were in there for 15 minutes and I walked out with 3 pages of notes and followed up with my own daughter to see if I am doing it correctly. What a gem! How great is it that I as a FCPS employee and my daughter as a student both get to learn from Mrs. Larson!"
- a Forte Belvoir PS parent
Andy Phung, Johnson, MS
"He is really kind and helpful and he's funny too."
- a Johnson MS student
Christina DePorter, Navy ES
"Mrs. DePorter is an outstanding 4th grade teacher. Besides being one of the most hardworking colleagues in our building, she has worked tirelessly to create a warm, comfortable environment for all of her students. She has even put together special experiences like having a coffee house (with snacks and hot beverages) in her classroom where students can share their poetry. Mrs. DePorter is a loyal, supportive, and generous teammate and the staff at Navy is lucky to work with her."
- Maryn Simon, Navy ES
Sofie Khalid-Schieber, Woodley Hills ES
"Woodley Hills had requested for their choir performance to be live-streamed and Sofie’s support to the IT team was greatly appreciated. She helped us coordinate properly, excellent communication between the IT and School teams, and even provided the IT staff with Starbucks coffee! Without the wonderful and caring support from Sofie, the Choir stream at Woodley Hills would not have been possible."
- Arman Nikmorad, Sprague Technology Center
Lauren Borkowski, Johnson MS
"Ms. Borkowski You are by far my favorite. You are so king and caring and you make English actually interesting! Thank you so so much for being a amazing teacher."
- a Johnson MS student
Seth Jarboe, Johnson MS
"Mr. Jarboe is a teacher that pushes me to do my best and he makes learning interesting. He's also my T.A teacher and I always have a lot of fun in his T.A ."
- a Johnson MS student
Mahnaz Khosravi, Johnson, MS
"Thank you for helping me in Spanish and singing for our class this year has been very fun with you!"
- a Johnson MS student
Julio Dejo, Johnson MS
"He is super nice. He is a cool teacher and he let us watch the World Cup."
- a Johnson MS student
Seth Jarboe, Johnson MS
"He is just a really cool guy and is a great teacher."
- a Johnson MS student
Seth Jarboe, Johnson MS
"Even though he's strict he's still cares and he's really funny."
- a Johnson MS student
Gregory Stowers, Johnson MS
"In class there is a fun and positive environment. When I go up to perform something I feel safe and not extremely scared. He makes a lot of jokes that make class more interesting and entertaining. I hope Mr. Stowers will always teach the way he does now."
- a Johnson MS student
Andy Phung, Johnson MS
"Mr. Phung is really nice because helps me with a lot of work."
- a Johnson MS student
Tyler Curran, Johnson MS
"He is always calm even when I make mistakes and he doesn't make me feel embarrassed when I get questions wrong."
- a Johnson MS student
Damhu Kang, Johnson MS
"She's always helpful and nice during class and she's my favorite teacher and is always teaches super fun."
- a Johnson MS student
Reilly McDonald, Haycock ES
"Ms. McDonald was our daughter's 4th grade teacher last year. However, she has become our daughter's go to, need a pick me up, or just want to laugh with teacher. Today, she sought out Ms. McDonald because she needed a finger nail cut that was falling off due to an injury. Every day after school, she leaves 20 minutes later then everyone else, just so she can spend time with Ms. McDonald. If our job is to build relationships with students, and make each child feel unique and special, Ms. McDonald has mastered that! Thank you Ms. McDonald for going above and beyond for the students of Haycock, and making Haycock a place our daughter is excited to go to everyday!"
- a Haycock ES parent
Seferash Asfa Wossen, Gatehouse Admin Center
"Seferash (Sophie) Asfa Wossen assisted Eagle View ES with a Virtual IEP today as the Amharic interpreter. At the beginning of the meeting there were some technology issues with the parent not being able to hear the meeting. Seferash stepped right in and called the parent on her cell phone, explaining the meeting process in Amharic while it continued virtually. The Special Education Teacher leading the meeting was so impressed with Seferash’s professionalism, knowledge and kindness. Seferash was incredibly helpful throughout the meeting. Thank you Language Services for providing this invaluable service for our non-English speaking parents."
- Susan Smith, Eagle View ES
Cindy Waddell, Bryant ALC
"Dr. Waddell is continuously coming up with fun ideas that challenge our students and all of us as well! She recently arranged a field trip to The Billy Goat Trail in Maryland. We all hiked a section of it together. The hike was quite challenging with many rock scrambles and climbs! It was so impressive to watch our students gain confidence in themselves and pridefully discuss their accomplishments at the end. This is just a piece of what Dr. Waddell does for us day in and day out. She is always finding ways to help our students believe in themselves and realize how incredibly talented they are! Dr. Waddell is an educator who cares so very much and always strives to improve our program!"
- Nancy Chang, Bryant ALC
Natasha Triplett, Annandale Terrace ES
"On November 30th, the GFES ESOL team went to observe the ESOL team at Annandale Terrace ES. All ESOL teachers were very welcoming. However, Natasha Triplett went far and beyond helping a colleague and me by sharing resources she had purchased for her ELLs. She did not accept any money from us because she said it was the right thing to do because she loves collaborating with other teachers. She is the definition of a team player whose main goal is to help the team for the good of the kids. Thank you, Natasha, for your dedication and kind heart!"
- Ileana Rios, Glen Forest ES