FCPS CARES - November 2022
To recognize an employee with an FCPS Cares, please visit our submission page.
To view past submissions, please visit our previous submissions page.
FCPS CARES of the Month Recipients
Central Office
Florence Harrison, Bryant HS
"The student body of Bryant High School is blessed to have Pipi Harrison in their corner. It's compassion, empathy, and passion that drives Pipi to serve her community. She is very aware of the needs in our Bryant community, and she seeks to meet those needs. Pipi networks with community members to fill needs and then executes a plan of distribution. For Thanksgiving, she was able to gather 40 bags of food for our students. For those who did not receive a bag of groceries, she was able to secure food store gift cards. In the end, each of our students in need were provided enough food for their family. It doesn't stop there. Pipi is currently working on a "Holiday Market" for our students. The hope is that each of our students will be able to get a cozy blanket and a sweatshirt for themselves and a gift that they can give to younger siblings. We can all count on Pipi to also find a source to provide food for our students during their upcoming 2 week long winter break."
- Margaret Veenstra, Bryant HS
Region 1
Jessica Bigles, Langley HS (Pictured) - View the Celebration!
"Ms. Bigles is truly a lifesaver. My child had a seizure during an after-school meeting, and thankfully Ms. Bigles was there. She sprang into action and protected my child's head, so she was not injured. She supported her through a second one and kept a cool head. She had paramedics called and was very helpful to them in explaining what happened and supporting my child even through our arrival. Later that night, she was incredibly helpful in giving very detailed descriptions to the physicians about what exactly happened; details most would have overlooked but that were very helpful in getting the correct medical help. We will be forever grateful that she was there, knew what to do, and didn't hesitate to support my child and get her the help she needed. I really think she went above and beyond, especially later that night following up to make sure we had the information we needed. The entire staff at Langley involved were amazing, but I wanted to give a special shout-out to Ms. Bigles."
- a Langley HS parent
Region 2
Jennifer Santos, Camelot ES - View the Celebration!
"Ms. Santos was my daughter's kindergarten teacher. My daughter is spirited and willful, with a tenderness inside that can only be reached once trust is gained. After being at home for the pandemic, she was not used to routines or structure, and I was worried about how she'd do in a school setting. I am so thankful that her first public school experience was with Ms. Santos. Ms. Santos never gave up on my daughter. She was patient, firm, diligent, persevering, and saw the good in my daughter even on the days my daughter was acting out. Ms. Santos set loving boundaries with my daughter that allowed her to feel safe. When I was having difficulty with my daughter at home, Ms. Santos helped me by talking with my daughter and reminding her about why certain rules were necessary. She went above and beyond in communication, and I felt like I always knew what was happening with my daughter and in the classroom, both the good and the bad. I believe it is due to my daughter's kindergarten experience with Ms. Santos that she is now thriving in first grade. She trusts that teachers are loving, trustworthy grown-ups who are there to look out for her. Because of this, my daughter no longer has difficulty following structure or rules in a classroom setting. Thanks to Ms. Santos' diligence, my daughter also entered first grade with a strong foundation in reading, writing, social studies, and math. My daughter gets excited to see Ms. Santos on the playground every day, and Ms. Santos remains an important name in our household. In some ways, I feel like she is a member of our family. Teachers like Ms. Santos deserve accolades and recognition. Teaching isn't a job for her, it is a calling and a passion. Teachers like her change lives. I will always be thankful to her, and the way she got my daughter off to a strong, happy start in her education. We love you, Ms. Santos!"
- a Camelot ES parent
Region 3
Maggie Jones, Hayfield Secondary - View the Celebration!
"I would like to recognize Ms. Maggie Jones for going above and beyond her normal teaching duties. When we lost a teacher only one month into school, Maggie stepped up to ensure there was limited learning loss for the teacher's courses, in particular the demanding AP World course. Maggie came before and stayed after school and offered review opportunities for students. She put together review packets, updated parents, and graded assignments while we had a temporary substitute in the building. Maggie quickly built a positive relationship with these new students built on trust and social emotional support during this tough transition. Most students who take AP World History are taking AP classes for the first time and her hard work helps build future rosters because of the positive experience they have with her. Maggie easily could have done the minimum: providing some vague lesson plans, put grading off until the new teacher arrived, and passed the buck. As the Social Studies chair, I helped in a small capacity but I directly witnessed Maggie serving in this critical role. She totally took the lead in how the weeks should be laid out and how we should handle assignments, grading, and parent requests. Now that the dust has settled and nerves have been assuaged (by parents and students alike!), they are even more appreciative of the Herculean efforts of Maggie. Her efforts really saved the day in our department, and she is so deserving of this recognition. Finally, as a brand new teacher has now been hired, Maggie serves as a direct mentor for her. She is working equally as hard to make sure the new teacher experiences a seamless transition and is invested her success as well! Thank you, Maggie!"
- Doug Zywiol, Hayfield SS
Region 4
Lauren Joyner, Ravensworth ES - View the Celebration!
"Oh my goodness, where do I start? My son had a very difficult previous year. This year, my son had the incredible luck to have Lauren Joyner as his 3rd grade teacher. She is beyond what you would expect from a teacher (even as we all have such high expectations). She is truly the definition of what we are all looking for in a teacher. She is CARING, she LOVES the kids, she COMMUNICATES with families, she TEACHES the kids, and the kids feel LOVED. Only in a setting where they feel RESPECTED and LOVED will they flourish, and this year, my son is so HAPPY, feels SAFE, and is LEARNING and GROWING. You will see that I've highlighted certain words in this description, those are the words that highlight just some of Ms. Joyner's qualities as a teacher, we can add PASSIONATE, BRIGHT, WARM, COMMITTED, STUDENT-CENTERED, EMPATHETIC, but if I keep going, I know I will run over the character limit. I am in awe of her and hope FCPS brings on more teachers like Ms. Joyner that have a passion for education and students. Thank you Ms. Joyner. Your class LOVES you."
- a Ravensworth ES parent
Region 5
Ruby Brown, Stone MS
"Ms. Brown is an amazing educator. When you walk into her classroom, you are immediately invited into the learning. The classroom is vibrant with students working together collaborating on solving problems. AND ITS A MATH CLASS! Students are always engaged and seem to be excited about being in the room. Additionally, Ms. Brown has truly stepped up to the plate and taken on a new challenge as math resource teacher for those students who need additional interventions and support. Ms. Brown has taken this new role/challenge and rolled with it helping out colleagues in their classrooms and meeting with students after school to provide individual support. Outside of the classroom, Ms. Brown brings joy and energy to the halls of Stone. As a leader of our school social committee Ms. Brown works alongside some peers planning activities for the school spend time together as not just colleagues but friends. Ms. Brown is a ROCKSTAR."
- Sonya Williams, Stone MS
Other FCPS Cares of the Month Recipients
Vu Luu, Wilton Woods Center
"Thank you for responding and acting quickly to save the equipment during the burst water pipe day. I appreciate your follow through visiting Wolftrap ES early the following morning to ensure everything was up and operational. It is a pleasure to have you as the Network Engineer for Wolftrap ES."
- Kate Knizner, Wolftrap ES
Jeremiah Caven, South County HS
"The South County Community is extremely blessed to have Jeremiah Caven as a building leader. Jeremiah has skillfully supported at least the last three South County High School principals who have held the position, supported not only the principals' transition into South County High School, but also is a constant for our school community. Today, when operating as the acting principal, Jeremiah skillfully navigated a delicate situation that required building wide notification and updates. Jeremiah's calm and composed approach ensured that all staff, students, and community members knew our school was safe, taken care of, and there was nothing to be concerned about about. This small instance is a glimpse to invaluable support that Jeremiah provides our school. Many thanks!"
- Claudia Pirouzan-Jones, South County HS
Stephanie Dymond, Haycock ES
"Ms. Dymond has had a tremendously positive impact on our daughter this year. She has worked tirelessly to form close relationships with her students and her love for them is evident on a daily basis. This was especially obvious when our daughter was having an unusually difficult morning recently. She was refusing to go to her classroom when school was starting and we were in a panic as a family. When we alerted Ms. Dymond about the situation, she sprang to action without hesitation. She found coverage for her class so that she could come assess the situation. Upon her arrival, our daughter went from being very distraught and unregulated to being engaged and happy in Ms. Dymond’s presence. It was immediately clear in that moment just how much Ms. Dymond’s students trust her and feel safe and comfortable when she’s with them. We’re extremely grateful for Ms. Dymond’s ability to connect and engage with her students while they are at such an impressionable age. She is greatly appreciated by the Haycock community and embodies the spirit of what FCPS thrives on, connection, hard work, and kindness."
- a Haycock ES parent
Danielle Neuendorf, Sandra Mauldin, Amy Macintyre, Shawna Reaves, and Lakeisha Broome, Kilmer Center
"These ladies have been consistent donators to the Kilmer Middle School clothing pantry. One day they were out for a walk with their students from the Kilmer Center and saw the Kilmer Middle School Pantry. They asked if they could start donating items. Each month they have provided so many items, including many with the tags still on. They have also told other SACC workers about the pantry who have now started donated to us. The Kilmer Middle School Pantry is grateful for all these ladies and their continued support!"
- Jenny Murphy, Kilmer MS
Jenna Freeman, Whitman MS
"The personification of above and beyond. Bryant HS has a new student who regularly participates in band competitions with a tuba. Prior to coming to Bryant the student always accessed an instrument from his base school. When he arrived at Bryant he realized we did not have a band program and mentioned to his science teacher that he would have to give up playing for a bit. Dr. Stimac got the ball rolling by bringing the student concern to the attention of administration. Admin reached out to Rich Bacz at MVHS who said he did not have an extra tuba, but recommended reaching out to Jenna Freeman at Whitman. Jenna so gladly offered a tuba from her program and the student now practices daily. Just good people make the difference for our students every day!"
- Karen Hertel, Bryant HS
Richard Bacz, Mount Vernon HS
"The personification of above and beyond. Bryant HS has a new student who regularly participates in band competitions with a tuba. Prior to coming to Bryant the student always accessed an instrument from his base school. When he arrived at Bryant he realized we did not have a band program and mentioned to his science teacher that he would have to give up playing for a bit. Dr. Stimac got the ball rolling by bringing the student concern to the attention of administration. Admin reached out to Rich Bacz at MVHS who said he did not have an extra tuba, but recommended reaching out to Jenna Freeman at Whitman. Jenna so gladly offered a tuba from her program and the student now practices daily. Just good people make the difference for our students every day!"
- Karen Hertel, Bryant HS
John Stimac, Bryant HS
"The personification of above and beyond. Bryant HS has a new student who regularly participates in band competitions with a tuba. Prior to coming to Bryant the student always accessed an instrument from his base school. When he arrived at Bryant he realized we did not have a band program and mentioned to his science teacher that he would have to give up playing for a bit. Dr. Stimac got the ball rolling by bringing the student concern to the attention of administration. Admin reached out to Rich Bacz at MVHS who said he did not have an extra tuba, but recommended reaching out to Jenna Freeman at Whitman. Jenna so gladly offered a tuba from her program and the student now practices daily. Just good people make the difference for our students every day!"
- Karen Hertel, Bryant HS
Brian Smith, Johnson MS
"I really liked learning seminar with him, he is very nice."
- a Johnson MS student
Chilan Tran, Gatehouse Admin Center
"Ms. Tran is a Vietnamese interpreter for Language Services and she works with the Vietnamese speaking community throughout FCPS. At the start of the pandemic Ms. Tran was one of the few interpreters that was willing to work with students face to face. In addition, she always makes sure that families who speak Vietnamese understand the education process within FCPS. Thank you, Ms. Tran for all you do for the Vietnamese speaking community throughout FCPS!!"
- Connie H. Thibeault, Alan Leis Center
Shannon Jones, Stonecroft Transportation Center
"Shannon always goes above and beyond to help our school community and students. She communicates with us quickly and often. Shannon has pulled multiple bus videos for us over the last few months. These videos have added clarity and been so important in helping us to address various investigations or complaints that have occurred on our buses. Her response is always very quick. Additionally, when we need help with transportation concerns, Shannon responds immediately with ways her team can support us. Thank you Shannon for all of the ongoing support you provide us. You allow us to be able to do our job more effectively. Your hard work, out of the box thinking and flexibility is very much appreciated!!"
- Heather Hitz, Deer Park ES
Sook Smith, Powell ES
"I just wanted to thank Ms. Sook Smith for helping us transition from Korea. I was working for the US Army for 8 years as federal civilian employee in Korea and returned to US in February 2022. Our family was new to Virginia. Ms. Smith reached out to us first and helped us settle and provided alot of pertinent information about Fairfax County school system to include summer program. Our family is really grateful. We also noticed Ms. Smith continuous effort to make FCPS better. We are so glad we moved to Virginia."
- a Powell ES parent
Emma Lee-Yee, Lake Anne ES
"Emma is a superhero and, indeed, a valued employee! She is kind and advocates for our children. You are appreciated!"
- Yolanda Maldonado, Lake Anne ES
Ashley Hoffman, Sandburg MS
"Ashley has gone so far above and beyond in so many ways this year. I am co-teaching with her for the first time, and her expertise and energy has been so helpful to me as a relatively new teacher. Furthermore, she has been so proactive in recognizing school-wide issues and taking steps to remedy them, both in terms of academic and behavioral gaps at our school. We are so lucky to have a teacher like Ashley Hoffman here at Sandburg, and I am so beyond blessed to be working so closely with her. Thank you Ashley for everything!!"
- Mary Fouse, Sandburg MS
Eric Henderson, Woodson HS
"Mr. Henderson, Woodson ESOL Teacher and Head Football Coach, is always so welcoming to not only his students and athletes but to everyone he sees. Almost every morning you can find him standing outside of his classroom greeting students as they walk by. The students smile so big, no matter how tired they are first thing in the morning, when he yells their name and fist bumps them in front of their peers. He is constantly spreading cheer and kindness and we are so lucky to have him here at Woodson."
- Alexa Pugnetti, Woodson HS
Mahnaz Khalil Khosravi, Johnson MS
"She is always nice to me and helps me when I'm sad. She is a hard worker and can put up with kids bad behavior and or attitude."
- a Johnson MS student
Will Waite, Sprague Technology Center
"Will Waite went above and beyond when he graciously supported the IT FASTeam in an effort to prepare for an upcoming team task. Thank you, Will, for your willingness to always lend a hand and contribute your expertise to finding solutions."
- Sarah Maria Young, Sprague Technology Center
Brittany Harris, South County HS
"Brittany Harris is new to South County High School, and she is amazing with students, staff, and parents. She has been a team member in multiple meetings this year and is always engaged and insightful. She really knows her students and always advocates for them. Brittany is always working with our staff to make sure students' needs and accommodations are met within her classroom and always has great ideas to share. In a meeting today, a parent raved about how Brittany has been able to connect with her student and how much she has appreciated all of the opened ended communication this year. We think she has been an AMAZING addition to the SoCo staff!"
- Samantha Tolan, South County HS
Joel Harrop, Sprague Technology Center
"EVERYTIME there is an IT equipment challenge, problem, or issue, Joel makes sure that it is resolved quickly, efficiently, and enthusiastically. It might be a minor thing like my laptop mouse not working or a critical smart board issue which prevents me from teaching effectively. You name it, he's got it taken care of! Another thing which he does so well is sending notifying to the school about an issue, he includes a link to a song with related lyrics. That truly brings fun into the work place when there is an IT related issue. Thanks Joel!"
- Heike Harrup, Falls Church HS
Rachelle Wigenton, Lorton Transportation Center
"Ms. Wigenton was instrumental in getting transportation services set up for a McLean student. This student has significant medical needs and Ms. Wigenton was able to assist the IEP team in getting the specific accommodations the student requires to safely get to and from school. It is important to note that Ms. Wigenton was filling in for two of her colleagues at the time. She quickly responded to the request to set up an IEP meeting and responded immediately to three different emails requesting clarification for the correct language to write into the IEP. These emails were written and answered well past work hours (approximately 8:00 PM). During the IEP meeting Ms. Wigenton not only demonstrated her knowledge about transportation needs for students with disabilities she demonstrated a sincere and thoughtful caring about the needs of this student and his mother. It was pleasure having her in the IEP team. Thank you Rachelle Wigenton for going above and beyond in getting this student the services he so greatly needs."
- Mark Thompson, McLean HS
Suzanne Gowe, White Oaks ES
"In our Special Ed. Department, Suzanne took on a new position this year. In addition, she was required to take on additional unexpected responsibilities at the start of the year. Of course she did all this without missing a beat. Due to some challenges, I’ve needed to rely on Suzanne for extra support this year. Despite having a tremendous work load, she always makes time to help me when I need it. Not only does she respond right away when I make a request, she also frequently “checks in” with me, just to make sure I have what I need to be successful. She does all this with the utmost professionalism while always remaining upbeat and respectful. White Oaks is very lucky to have Suzanne as a team member!"
- Deborah Webb, White Oaks ES
Yujin Choi, Haycock ES
"Yujin helped us to get through the enrollment process stress free! She took the time to explain all details of the process. She took the necessary time in phone calls, emails and in person meetings to make sure my son has a seamless school start. We value her commitment, especially for us coming from overseas, her supportive attitude is exactly what we needed."
- a Haycock ES parent
Melanie Odria, Sprague Technology Center
"Melanie Odria went above and beyond in helping me to print student Letters of Recommendation on the new FCPS Letterhead. The templates had changed and I was unsure how to use them, and how they would look when printed. She pointed me to the new templates and basically held my hand through the whole process until I had fantastic-looking letters for my students. I was so glad to have such an awesome resource close by."
- Zak McNamara, Sprague Technology Center
Anthony Jackson, West Potomac HS
"Mr. Jackson is part of the wonderful security team at West Potomac High School. On November 10, Mr. Jackson helped me support a Pulley student. He actually came back a few times to check on the student, which he did not have to do. I want to recognize Mr. Jackson for the support and dedication he demonstrated. I can also share that I see him on a regular basis during the school day, and he is always professional. Thank you, Mr. Jackson."
- Peter Kelly, Pulley Career Center
Antonio DiBari, Westfield HS
"This Principal is outstanding. I have never encountered a Principal like this before. He builds relationships that are positive and personal with students and parents. He is fully engaged with the students and parents. He is fully present in places you would not expect the Principal to be like crosswalk duty, greeting students and families in the parking lot each morning, making time to speak to students and parents throughout his busy day. My student feels like he is his favorite student, its incredible."
- a Westfield HS parent
David Wickham, Lake Braddock SS
"Mr. Wickham is an amazing history teacher. He made a connection at Jump Start with my daughter before she started as a 7th grader at Lake Braddock SS. She was excited to find he was her history teacher and now looks forward to learning about history. Last month, my daughter suffered a concussion. When I emailed her teachers to let them know, Mr. Wickham was the first to respond. He went above and beyond turning off the lights before she got to his room, reminding her classmates to keep their voices low, and checking in with my daughter throughout her recovery. My daughter often brings up the fun and engaging lessons Mr. Wickham teaches. He also organized a field trip around Veterans Day taking students to the WWII memorial to meet veterans visiting through the Honor Flight program. I am grateful for his passion for teaching and his dedication to each of his students."
- a Lake Braddock SS parent
Heather Frei, Pulley Career Center
"I would like to recognize Heather Frei for her professionalism and dedication to our students. Heather ALWAYS thinks of students first, and the needs of students. Saying Heather is flexible, dedicated, professional, and outstanding at what she does is an understatement. FCPS and Pulley is better because of teachers like Heather."
- Peter Kelly, Pulley Career Center
Ian Brodie, Lake Braddock SS
"Mr. Brodie went out of his way to spend a significant amount of time assisting a transfer exchange student. He took the time to research her classes in Italy, discussed her interests and checked likely availability with her, and even worked to find classes in which she might have another exchange student. Compared to any other counselor we’ve had for exchange students, he went the extra mile. He also ensured she was paired with school ambassadors to get her to her other classes the first few days she was in school. His kindness and generosity of time is greatly appreciated."
- a Lake Braddock SS parent
McKenna Crews, Lake Braddock SS
"She is an enthusiastic teacher who clearly loves her work. She is communicative with parents and keeps the kids engaged with entertaining assignments. My daughter has learned so much from her already!"
- a Lake Braddock SS parent
Brandon Gilbert, Lake Braddock SS
"Mr. Gilbert has created an atmosphere of joy and community for the LBSS band students. This has been ongoing from Marching Band starting in August to tonight's amazing Jazz and Small Ensembles Concert. His students genuinely feel supported and valued and know what they do in band is important."
- a Lake Braddock SS parent
Rachael Smith, Fort Hunt ES
"I LOVE working with Rachael. Her dedication to her students and commitment to education is through the roof. Rachael is a true collaborative team member full of ideas and ambition. She is knowledgeable and desires to fully understand every element of her students. Rachael is patient and kind. She is consistent and knowledgeable. These are just a few of the things that make Rachael an amazing teacher and overall human. Thank you!!"
- Kely Dobarco, Fort Hunt ES
Camille Mountjoy, Lake Braddock SS
"Ms. Mountjoy works tirelessly to ensure that her students' social and emotional needs are being addressed. When she heard that my child was having some challenges handling their anxiety, Ms. Mountjoy made time in her schedule during her lunch break to meet with my child and listened to her concerns. Ms. Mountjoy was kind, caring, and compassionate and helped my child feel much better. By taking the time to listen and show empathy, Ms. Mountjoy made a huge difference!"
- a Lake Braddock SS parent
Lisa Sawkar, Lake Braddock SS
"Mrs. Sawkar builds relationships with the students she serves by understanding their personalities and what motivates them. She has been working with my student for over a year and consistently provides the support they need to succeed. Mrs. Sawkar continuously thinks of creative ways to adapt materials so that they are accessible to visually impaired students. She collaborates with the general education teachers to ensure that my student can access the curriculum alongside her peers. This is especially challenging give the volume of materials used in AP and DE classes and Mrs. Sawkar is doing an amazing job!"
- a Lake Braddock SS parent
Elizabeth Campbell, Robinson SS
"She saw that my child was struggling in Latin and reached out to offer extra help during RAISE and after school. Ms. Campbell is going the extra mile to ensure my child gets back on track. I appreciate a teacher who checks in on their students and helps to get them back on the path to success."
- a Robinson SS parent
Teri Hamption, Lindsey Kearns and the Admin team, Lake Braddock SS
"I would like to give a shout out to the LBSS Admin team. We have been through some pretty rough times in the last several years, and morale was very low by the Spring of last year. Our current Principal, Lindsey Kearns, brought a fresh perspective when she took over in April and there was a noticeable positive shift that has continued into this year. The current admin team has made a point of being visible, proactive in the hallways, and available for interactions with staff. They are present at parent meetings, department meetings and professional developments. The hallways during class time are unbelievably different, in a positive way. Thanks, LBSS admin team, and Lindsey and Teri in particular, for leading by example and for showing you understand the importance of collaborating with staff."
- Jacqueline Naughton, Lake Braddock SS
Danh Phan, Eric Oden, Woodson IT
"Eric and Danh work in the portion of DIT Field Services supporting Two-Way Radios (walkie-talkies) that we use EVERY DAY in our buildings to help ensure resources are in place when our students need support. We experienced a challenge with our radios not meeting that need and put in a ticket. Eric showed up almost immediately to gather more information and formulate a plan to help. Dan joined him today as they put that plan into place, which included climbing on the roof in the freezing temperatures and working with every user in our building that carries a radio. They were incredibly efficient, supportive and professional. They solved our problem and helped us brainstorm ways to use our equipment in a more efficient way. I'm so grateful for support from Eric and Danh and all those in DIT that make sure our equipment that we rely on works when we need it! They prioritized student safety and we appreciate it!"
- Margaret Sisler, Brookfield ES
Deanna Evans, Mount Vernon Woods ES
"Deanna is an all around huge asset to our Mount Vernon Woods Family. As an ESOL teacher, she often advocates for the needs of her team and her students. She understands the value of strong, positive relationships and goes out of her way to build and maintain them with both students and staff. Deanna is a teacher who will do whatever it takes to help our students succeed. She is an example of collective responsibility as she works to support ALL MVWES students and not just the students that she directly supports. She invests time in collaborating with teachers so that she can coteach and provide the necessary scaffolds for students to be successful. She is also one of our Lead Mentors and is always thinking about ways to support our new teachers. She is our Morning Duty Queen Bee as she is diligent in making sure our students who are walkers arrive to school safe. She also goes above and beyond to support the school culture by consistently thinking of and implementing ideas that will boost staff morale and better develop our staff community."
- Gina O'Neal, Mount Vernon Woods ES
Kristen Erickson, Mount Vernon Woods ES
"Kristen Erickson has been a wonderful addition to our Special Education team and our school as a whole. While this is her first year as a special education teacher, she brings a wealth of knowledge and experience from her years as a classroom teacher. This year, Kristen supports students in 3rd grade. She puts a lot of thought and effort into making sure that her lesson plans are engaging and helping the students meet their IEP goals and grade level standards. She is a great collaborator and a true professional. She has a student who can be quite challenging, but Kristen never gives up. She remains positive, solution oriented and maintains a growth mindset that with help, this student can be successful. When she is absent, she leaves detailed lesson plans to ensure that students continue to learn even in her absence. Though she is new to writing IEPs and special education progress reports, her reports are always well written with aligned goals and strategies."
- Gina O'Neal, Mount Vernon Woods ES
Krissy Schnebel, Woodson HS
"Krissy's teamwork and collaboration is outstanding, and it is evident that student success is at the center of her instruction. Krissy’s ability to build partnerships and bring harmony to different departments within a school demonstrates her continuous efforts to meet not only the needs of her students but all students at Woodson High School. Krissy leads by example, and I am grateful to work with such a caring individual."
Alexis Centers, Woodson HS
Francis Deaton, Hybla Valley ES
"Ms. Deaton cares about her students more than any teacher I’ve known. She recently transitioned to be a 6th grade teacher and the most challenging part was not knowing how her students are after they leave Hybla Valley. Ms. Deaton continues to keep in contact with many parents and former students. These students regularly come back to check in with her. Ms. Deaton has a special bond with a 5th grader who she has known through teaching his siblings and cousins in the past. On a weekly basis Ms. Deaton spends her lunch having lunch bunch with a 5th grade student to teach him how to tie his shoes. Ms. Deaton truly cares about all students she encounters and I’m proud to be her co-worker."
- Rachel Hudgens, Hybla Valley ES
Rosalina Garcia, Freedon Hill ES
"My mom who is a custodian at Freedom Hill Elementary goes above and beyond every day. She works early in the morning opening the school for teachers and setting up the cafeteria for breakfast everyday all by herself. Rosalina Garcia is truly a hardworking woman. She strikes to keep the halls of Freedom Hill clean and is always ready to come inside a classroom to clean up a spill or bring in any desk that is needed. Although English isn’t my mom’s first language she still tries her best to understand. She comes home and still continues to be awesome even after a long day of work. I’m proud to call my mom MY MOM. Shoutout to her."
- an FCPS community member
Hilary Loder, Westfield HS
"Not only is Mrs. Loder super supportive but she is also super amazing. She is a brand new SGA teacher at Westfield and if you didn't know that you would think she is returning because of how great of a job she does. She wants me to be successful in everything. She is always willing to be someone people can go talk to. She is always willing to help with anything and everything she can. She is super sweet. I am so glad I got her for SGA this year. She helped me deal with stuff that I couldn't handle myself. She made it a priority to support me. I love Mrs. Loder! Thank you Mrs. Loder for everything."
- a Westfield HS student
Olivia Hinrichsen, Zachary Firestine, Louisa McClanahan, Tyler McCullock, Emma Monaghan, Hannah Converse, and Shannon Sachs, Thoreau MS
"We would like to recognize Thoreau’s Civics CT for their incredibly organized and productive meeting. The team collaborated to reflect on their instructional practices, keeping the student experience at the forefront of their discussion. The team then collaborated to plan three upcoming lessons with a focus on student engagement, while building time to conference with each student to continue to build relationships and enhance student voice. This is a high functioning Collaborative Team and we appreciate their willingness to invite us to their meeting!"
- Anthony Hanrahan. Willow Oaks Admin Center
Brooke Nyland, Woodlawn ES
"Brooke put together an amazing Veterans Day celebration at Woodlawn! She worked with staff, students, and families to organize special events and recognition for military families at our school. She deserves to be recognized for all of her hard work and dedication to our school and community. Thank you Brooke for all you do! We appreciate you!"
- Alison Bieber, Woodlawn ES
Kimberly Watts, Bryant AIM
"Kim has been leading the "Better Conversations" workshops for Bryant AIM and ALC for the past three years. When each one of us walks in, we are always recognized and thanked for our hard work. We also spend time giving "Shout Outs" to each other. It is such a welcoming and fun environment! The tables are filled with colorful materials, interesting articles, and some tasty treats! (YUM!) There is never a dull moment as we are always moving, doing group activities, and sharing lots of information. We leave each time with a homework activity and much to ponder and practice. Kim is so well prepared and is an excellent leader for us all! Her energy, excitement, professionalism, knowledge, and most of all her love for our students is truly a gift to us all! Thank you so much Kim!"
- Nancy Chang, Bryant ALC
Joshua Moss, Sprague Technology Center
"Josh went above and beyond to help me get my meeting going at Gatehouse. He came personally to the meeting space and lent his own personal equipment when room equipment wasn't available. Josh is a superstar and deserves to be celebrated!"
- Kyle Jimenez, Willow Oaks Admin Center
Jillian Rouse, Lisa Leake, Julia Brimage, Rebecca Henry, Patrick Lyons, and Hannah Converse, Thoreau MS
"We would like to recognize Thoreau’s USII CT for their incredibly organized and productive meeting. The team collaborated to choose an appropriate Performance Based Assessment to meet Local Alternative Assessment expectations, keeping the student experience at the forefront of their discussion. The team explored a variety of options, while discussing intended learning outcomes, necessary scaffolding, and how their choice would impact instruction. This is a high functioning Collaborative Team and we appreciate their willingness to invite us to their team meeting."
- Jessica Park, Willow Oaks Admin Center
Karri de la Houssaye, Sprague Technology Center
"Karri reached out to me and my team for an application support issue with a customer. She gathered information, kept in contact, and followed through until the issue was resolved. Thank you Karri!"
- Rebecca Boyer, Sprague Technology Center
Elizabeth Bacon, Willow Oaks Admin Center
"Elizabeth Bacon consistently provides exceptional school support to Region 4 as a special education curriculum resource teacher. She models/observes lessons and coaches, teachers with grace and unwavering professionalism. She always is willing to give additional support and does it with a smile. Not only is Elizabeth a wonderful mentor to myself and other colleagues, but she truly demonstrates a student-first mindset when working with all staff in order to build capacity. Elizabeth also helps teachers utilize researched-based programs in order to improve academic outcomes. Elizabeth supports the mission of having a high-quality educator in every classroom. Thank you for being a beacon of excellence in special education and an asset to the district."
- Alex Lantis, Willow Oaks Admin Center
Sadef Malik, Ravensworth ES
"Ms. Malik has blown me away with her ability to rise to the challenge of creating a new first grade class in a short period of time. Despite technical glitches, supplies, and going from plan A to plan B in a matter of minutes, somehow she is able to complete all of these challenges with a smile and grace at all times!! Her positivity is infectious (in a good way) and I know the children will absorb her affirmations into their daily self talk. I really appreciate ALL of the hard work she has put into this first year of teaching and I would shout it from the rooftops if I could, THANK YOU MS. MALIK!!!"
- a Ravensworth ES parent
Phuong Nguyen, Greenbriar East ES
"I want to give a big shout out and a huge thank you to Mrs. Nguyen (4th grade) for giving my daughter a terrific first quarter in her class. She’s so kind, creative and attentive to each students strengths and weaknesses. My daughter looks forward to going to school every day and enjoys learning different things. Thank you again!"
- a Greenbriar East ES parent
Catherine McCormick, Lake Braddock SS
"Lake Braddock hosted the Superintendent's Student Advisory Council's November meeting. These events bring together 100 students, staff, and guest speakers for 3 hours during the day. Anything I asked Catherine for, including late adjustments or requests, was met with a successful outcome. She helped make the day smooth and valuable and for that I am very grateful."
- Craig Perrier, Willow Oaks Admin Center
Kely Dobarco, Fort Hunt ES
"Kely is truly a master of her craft. She is able to balance a caseload of students in multiple grade levels and she makes it look easy. Her teacher language, patience, and dedication are just a few examples of what makes her an outstanding teacher. She is a great resource for answering my questions and modeling how to support students in a way that works best for them."
- Haley Witt, Fort Hunt ES
Paul Guillion and Melissa Mentzel, Mount Vernon HS
"I want to thank Paul and Melissa for coming to help our Student Services Team as extra hands when we needed more counseling support to serve our students on November 14th. Their help and contribution made our day run much smoother and we appreciate their time and expertise."
- Amanda Hudson, Lewis HS
Katie Hoak and Megan Neforos, Justice HS
"I want to thank Katie and Megan for coming to help our Student Services Team as extra hands when we needed more counseling support to serve our students on November 14th. Their help and contribution made our day run much smoother and we appreciate their time and expertise."
- Amanda Hudson, Lewis HS
Bettye Stewart-Payne, Tameka Burroughs, Michael Symanski, Stephanie St. Peter, Deb Rich, Pulley Career Center
"My husband and I want to thank everyone listed above for a great IEP for our son yesterday. Also, thank you for caring about our son. He’s very happy at Pulley."
- a Pulley Center parent
Felicia Kougblenou, Bryant HS
"Felicia and the custodial team at Bryant High School CARE! They maintain one of the oldest high school buildings in FCPS that runs 7 FCPS programs daily and is used by the public evenings and weekends. Despite the inevitable issues that come with an aging and heavy-use facility, we step into this building every day to sparkling classrooms, polished floors, clean windows, hallways, and grounds. Felicia leads a team of friendly, approachable, and hard-working staff members. Thank you, Felicia, Joshua, Ana, Lilian, Thanh, Hannah and Kwaku for taking such good care of our building and grounds and all you do to support the staff who work here. We are grateful for you!"
- Colleen M Wheaton, Bryant ALC
Shobana Sen and the Cafe Team, Gatehouse Admin Center
"My colleague and I stopped by the Cafe to enjoy the Thanksgiving lunch special. It was so nicely done and it was obvious that a lot of thought and effort went into the planning. I really appreciated it and everyone who made it happen! Enjoyed. Take care!"
- Heather Diez, Gatehouse Admin Center
Jessica Nicholson, Armstrong ES
"Ms. Nicholson goes above and beyond to help all the students at the school. As well as providing engaging guidance lessons to every grade, she sees students through crisis's. Ms. Nicholson is also there to listen, makes her space available for students that need a break or to talk with students and staff when they need help."
- anonymous
Raquel Friedman Arnillas, Mclean HS
"I have been fortunate enough to work with Raquel over the last couple of years. She has been an amazing addition to the McLean CAT B team and ABA department! She is receptive to support, takes recommendations and puts them into action, and is always working hard to support her students. She has proactively developed a structured schedule, created meaningful and individualized curriculum for her students, and utilizes Applied Behavior Analysis teaching techniques to support student growth. Raquel is not only an asset to the program but is a caring, hardworking teacher that goes above and beyond for her students!"
- Courtney Wolfson
Hind Chouay, Beech Tree ES
"Ms. Hind has always gone above and beyond for her students, their parents, and the Beech Tree community, but recently she took above and beyond to a whole new level. During a very rainy and cold day, a parent's car battery died in the kiss and ride line during dismissal. Ms. Hind stayed after all the students were dismissed and helped the parent jump start their car in the pouring rain. I am so grateful for her contributions to the school, it's students, and the families."
- a Beech Tree ES parent
Sharon Hicks, South County HS
"Mrs. Hicks is the epitome of compassionate caring with sprinkles of clearly defined limits and expectations to support student success. Students in Mrs. Hicks' double block Algebra 1 class are encouraged, cheered on, and blessed for all of the support Mrs. Hicks and her co-teacher Ms. Palachak provide them. Mrs. Hicks works tirelessly to engage reluctant learners, is extremely mindful with student encouragement, all the while supporting her students to develop student accountability. What Mrs. Hicks' colleagues admire most of her numerous wonderful qualities is her passion for reaching all students, despite their occasional resistance. Thank you for never giving up on our students and working as a team with staff and families for our common goal of student success."
- Claudia Pirouzan-Jones, South County HS
Natalie Pickett, Stone MS
"First quarter came and went and Ms. Pickett's impact is everlasting. In the first 9 weeks, Ms. Pickett has improved students reading levels and abilities. She works tirelessly with students. She spends time building relationships while maintaining high expectations for all students. Ms. Pickett is making a huge student achievement impact here at Stone and we are extremely grateful for expertise."
- Sonya Williams, Stone MS
Beth Smith, Orange Hunt ES
"This a long overdue but I wanted to write and recognize Mrs. Smith for all that she has done for my children. All three of my children were lucky enough to have her as their teacher and each benefitted tremendously from the time they spent in her class. My first entered her class not liking reading at all and struggling quite a bit. The transformation in him that year was amazing and he left her class with a love of reading and school in general. He still counts her as his favorite teacher many years later. My third child probably proved to be the biggest challenge for Mrs. Smith but again she worked her teaching magic and that child is excelling now at school. In fact, she even scored above average in the beginning of year tests! While I'm not the biggest believer in these tests, I do think these scores show just how much Mrs. Smith's efforts helped my child. The Orange Hunt community is so very lucky to have Mrs. Smith and I am forever grateful for all she has done for my children."
- an Orange Hunt ES parent
Shannon Outlaw, Stone MS
"Ms. Outlaw has worked diligently to ensure that Stone's library has a variety of items to meet the needs of students in the building. Just this school year, Ms. Outlaw has received a donation from the famous author Angie Thomas of her book for students to check out from the library. She has submitted a grant proposal and received books supporting the schoolwide literacy goals. She has submitted grant proposals for supplies for the library's "take care" shelf with includes all types of wellness items that students might need throughout the day. Ms. Outlaw's work makes the library more than just a place where you can get a book but a place were you feel safe and can explore your passions and interests."
- Sonya Williams, Stone MS
Laura Hanley, South County HS
"Ms. Hanley is super awesome. She went above and beyond and helped me understand math. She also connected me with a student in higher level math to help me understand math better. She's a great school counselor."
- a South County HS student
Renea Mielec, West Potomac HS
"Ms. Mielec has provided stellar support and mentorship to the math teachers at West Potomac. She routinely spends extra time advising colleagues, answering many questions and providing content support to ensure our students have access to engaging lessons and activities. She is a truly valued colleague that teachers trust and seek out for help on a regular basis."
- Christina Cashman, West Potomac HS
Tiffany Wilson, West Potomac HS
"Ms. Wilson has gone ABOVE and BEYOND to support new colleagues to our school. She has worked many extra hours and answered dozens of questions, all with her characteristic positivity and a growth mindset. The mentorship and support she has provided to new colleagues have made all the difference for our students."
- Christina Cashman, West Potomac HS
Marilyn Brown, West Potomac HS
"Ms. Brown took special care over the weekend to fill in for a colleague when a committee needed help finishing a special project to honor students. It was a last minute request and she graciously gave of her personal time to ensure that the project was completed. I greatly appreciate her time and support."
- Christina Cashman, West Potomac HS
Allynn Howe, West Potomac HS
"Mr. Howe took special care over the weekend to fill in for a colleague when a committee needed help finishing a special project to honor students. It was a last minute request and he graciously gave of his personal time to ensure that the project was completed. I greatly appreciate his time and support."
- Christina Cashman, West Potomac HS
Lisa Beskenis, South County HS
"Mrs. Beskenis has been an amazing addition to the SoCo family this year! She is student-centered with her decisions, has a positive attitude, and is ultra-competent! Mrs. Beskenis goes above and beyond to ensure students' needs are met. The creativity and optimism she brings to work each day makes our school a better place to learn and work."
- Kambar Khoshaba, South County HS
Clyde Nelson, West Potomac HS
"Mr. Nelson took special care over the weekend to fill in for a colleague when a committee needed help finishing a special project to honor students. It was a last minute request and he graciously gave of his personal time to ensure that the project was completed. I greatly appreciate his time and support."
- Christina Cashman, West Potomac HS
Bettye Stewart Payne, Shane Mills, Lisa Williams, and Douglas Entwisle, Pulley Career Center
"I want to thank everyone listed above for giving my son a great first quarter in your class. He looks forward going to school each day and doing different things. Something he never did before and he really likes everything he’s doing. Thank you again!"
- a Pulley Career Center parent
Nathan Walby, Eagle View ES
"I got to personally witness Mr. Walby's gentle, creative, and engaging teaching style during my son's year of virtual instruction in the 2020-2021 school year. In the two years since, I have followed his wonderful YouTube channel and heard my now-third-grader glow about the fun songs and good times they always have in music class. Mr. Walby is the kind of music teacher that students remember forever."
- an Eagle View ES parent
Kathryn Kownacki, Frost MS
"Since she started at Frost this year, Katy Kownacki has been on fire. It’s a fitting comparison since part of her first day involved the building in actual flames. What a start! One of Katy’s tasks that day was to direct students and staff in the potential chaos. As she filtered through the groups near the modular, there wasn’t chaos. For the groups she came to, her warm, calm manner made a difference. Yelling could have poured gas on the situation; her approach brought it down to a simmer. As I stood with the Adaptive PE group, I wondered, "Who is that tall woman? I've never seen her before, but she seems friendly and to know what she's doing." This experience was not a one-off. During morning duty in the back hallway, she’s maintained order, no easy task since some students seem to view the hall as either a Gladiator prequel or a car-less 2 Fast 2 Furious. She’s needed to redirect of course, but she’s also used engagement, an underrated approach to changing behavior. Engagement also worked one day afterschool when she encountered a notoriously 'creative' trio. They were taking the scenic route to flag football. After she spoke with them, their behavior improved. There was no red tape involved. She dealt with it, moved on, and everyone was better off. Her strategy of including occasional jokes on the mic at lunch has also been effective, something I'd never seen done before. Lunch may be the time kids are least likely to listen, so it gets their attention. During an in-service, she also linked potentially confusing categories of street data to understandable images. The connection helped. Lastly, on a personal level, I've appreciated conversations about college, style, Ted Lasso, and Abbott Elementary. Middle school days can be cold, damp, and long. Quick moments Katy provides counteract them. You’re left with a nice, warm glow."
- Colin Verbicar, Frost MS
Kenya Champ, Frost MS
"This Thursday, I found out Kenya Champ graduated from Norfolk State University. I learned this because she came decked out in NSU gear and volunteered to share her experience with students. Her status as a NSU Spartan makes sense because like any Spartan, she's undaunted. No matter what wild loops get thrown at her, she's able to withstand the pressure. To be fair, Spartan doesn't fully fit because she's far from austere, but she does have the toughness. Her sword is her smile; her shield is her ability to roll with and see the positive in any situation. Her first major feat I saw at Frost was laptop distribution in August 2020. Covid that year mandated distribution take place in the parking lot. This wasn't a matter of handing each family a laptop and moving on to the next car. Each car had to go through an extensive checklist, in masks, at a distance, in 90-degree weather, and one day, before-and-after a torrential downpour. It could have been a disaster or at least a PR nightmare. Yet, every issue that came up, Kenya was able to direct us, in an encouraging way, what to do next. It never felt like we could be in trouble for mishandling technology. We were all in this together. Similarly, it seemed like a Liftoff session this year was headed for a crash landing when she got an unavoidable admin phone call towards the end. Without skipping a beat, she was able step aside, delegate to me, and slide in with appreciation afterward. I was more than happy to help because of an experience with her a few months earlier. I was a bit stressed that day and could not get a certain box in MyPDE to work. She wasn't my administrator, and I'm sure she had a task list a mile long, but she took several minutes out of her day to figure it out. She was determined to help. I'll never be a NSU Spartan, William and Mary all the way. When working with Kenya at Frost, it's good to know we're on the same team."
- Colin Verbicar, Frost MS
Julie Little, Frost MS
"Julie Little may have the most misleading last name in the history of the world. Whatever she does, she does all-out, to the benefit of hundreds of Frost students, staff, and family members. The first sign I saw of her dedication was a decade ago, when she'd call at night into my English classroom. She taught in a trailer, and badges stopped beeping entry at 6pm. So, when she needed to print, she'd call me to let her in. That commitment paid off for students. When I asked them how classes were going, a number reported a growing confidence with Spanish. Her high standards worked. She also regularly shows them she cares about more than the subject matter. She's driven to Nokesville, Richmond, and all over Fairfax to support siblings and former students in lacrosse, basketball, football, soccer, and beyond. That backing extends to adults as well. She has supported elementary immersion programs, college info panels, and Dr. Reid's community Q+A. Moreover, she shares humor from Robinson to end Frost staff's week on a positive note. On a personal level, I appreciate the time she sent an In-House message about my students' system of organization, and how welcome she made my Oaxacan friend Danny feel during her time in Fairfax. The fact that Julie cheers for Boston teams is abominable, but todos cometen errores. Nadie es perfecto."
- Colin Verbicar, Frost MS
Maria Mahoney, Chesterbrook ES
"Maria is absolutely THE BEST!! She heard about the high needs of the Woodburn ES school community and is always looking for creative ways to offer support to help my team support those at the most critical points in the school year. Most recently, Maria took the initiative to get the students at Chesterbrook involved in donating to the Woodburn holiday assistance program and has proposed the idea of making us their buddy school for ongoing support. Her email came as I was reviewing the long list of students in need with my teammates. It was perfect timing and the answer to our prayers. THANK YOU, MARIA, for always sharing your thoughtful, generous, spirit with Woodburn!"
- Molly Buchanan, Woodburn ES
Heather Kattera, Orange Hunt ES
"Ms. Kattera goes above and beyond providing feedback to families. She provides feedback to parents each week on their child's behavior. It is extremely helpful!"
- an Orange Hunt ES parent
Cindy Rogers, Annandale Terrace ES
"Cindy Rogers is our school’s Administrative Assistant who always goes above and beyond to make sure everyone at Annandale Terrace is successful. Last evening, our school held our 5th annual Family Science Night for the students and families sponsored by the Children’s Science Center. We had about 200 families show up to our school to participate in the Family Science Night. It sure was an evening filled with lots of curiosity, investigation and exploration for everyone. Cindy organizes this amazing opportunity by submitting an application each year, recruiting volunteers including the community members such as local business, church, FCPS employees from the IT department, Sprague center and even the retired staff members to help make this evening a success for all. It’s hard to believe that she even organized this event during the virtual learning period by hosting the science night virtually. Thank you Cindy for all your help and for bringing this amazing opportunity for our students and the community! We appreciate you!"
- Essel Linton, Annandale Terrace ES
Courtney White, Willow Oaks Admin Center
"Mrs. White consistently goes above and beyond to support Title I schools. It doesn't matter what you need or when you need it. She is there to support your thinking and genuinely get into the weeds to do the work. When schools reach out to Mrs. White, she makes you feel like you are the only school she supports. She has worked nights and weekends to support our school to ensure that our students have the same access and opportunity as their peers. Thank you, Mrs. White, for supporting our short-term needs and our long-term understanding of WHY things happen the way to do. The knowledge helps to build capacity for the leaders you support."
- Nikki Yacubovich, Pine Spring ES
Byron Hoover, Holmes MS
"We would like to recognize Byron Hoover for his hard work as Finance Park Lead at Holmes Middle School. Finance Park is a field trip for all FCPS 8th graders to engage in a financial simulation, run by Junior Achievement (JA) of Greater Washington. The simulation requires volunteers to “staff” different areas of the park; however, schools have found that volunteers have been VERY difficult to secure. During our quarterly meeting with JA, they highlighted Holmes Middle School for their exceptional work eliciting volunteers. On top of all of his duties in the classroom and at the school, Byron invested time and effort to secure these volunteers. Thank you Byron for your hard work and your dedication to students at Holmes Middle School to ensure that they have the best experience possible at Finance Park!"
- Anthony Hanrahan, Willow Oaks Admin Center
Yoshi Takahashi and Susana Orellana Mejia, Stonecroft Transportation Center
"During school today, we were in a situation where a student needed to go home immediately; however, the student's family was unable to pick up their child. After contacting our transportation supervisor, Yoshi and Susana, immediately came to our support. Upon completing their scheduled midday route, they agreed to return to our school to help provide assistance with transporting our student. They arrived ahead of schedule to our building. Both Yosh and Susana greeted our student with a warm smile and kind words. They helped to ensure the student was safe and comforted throughout the trip home. Once at the student's home, they helped to ensure the student got off the bus safely and was connected with mom. We truly appreciate their quick response, positive attitude, and love for our student!"
- Heather Hitz, Deer Park ES
Sandy Vigen, Willow Oaks Admin Center
"We just met Sandy Vigen recently and already feel like we have known her forever. We contacted her to brainstorm ideas for celebrating our diverse workforce. She responded to us right away and provided a long list of the ideas. She has an amazing way to connect with people and a willingness to help. We need more like her to make everybody feel appreciated and cared for."
- Teresa Spataro, Wilton Woods Center
Jeanne Martinez, Vienna ES
"We would like to thank Jeanne Martinez for attending our “Enacting a Critical Lens in a Social Studies Classroom” professional development last night. In our small group setting, it was clear that Jeanne is a very thoughtful educator, committed to her students and her own professional growth. Jeanne’s students at Vienna Elementary are lucky to have such a dedicated professional!"
- Anthony Hanrahan, Willow Oaks Admin Center
Michael Symanski, Pulley Career Center
"I would like to recognize Michael for his dedication to both staff and students at Pulley. Michael is our Employment and Transition Representative (ETR), and he is mainly responsible for building and maintaining positive business/community relationships so our students can benefit from community work experiences. Without Michael, Pulley isn't able to fulfill our mission of providing community work experiences. On top of this, he also works with all Pulley students to ensure they have connections with the appropriate adult service providers, which ensures a smooth transition for students once they age out of FCPS. His work is vital, and he does it without complaint. He is student focused, and his overall presence makes Pulley a better place for everyone."
- Peter Kelly, Pulley Career Center
Tameka Burroughs, Pulley Career Center
"I would like to recognize Ms. Tameka Burroughs, Department Chair at Pulley Career Center. She consistently demonstrates professionalism, dedication to staff and students, and most important, empathy. She oversees the IEP's, timelines, and everything that comes with being a special education department chair for approximately 90 students, without complaint. She is a vital part of the Pulley community and staff, and she deserves to be recognized for all of her efforts. Her overall presence at Pulley makes us a better place."
- Peter Kelly, Pulley Career Center
MaryKay Folk, Cooper MS
"MaryKay cares deeply about her students and is an amazing student advocate. She seamlessly partners with families by frequently communicating with them and in turn has made great connections with students and their parents, alike. A parent recently mentioned to me that he has never met a teacher who cares more about her students than Ms. Folk and he is beyond grateful that his son has her as an English teacher! We are so lucky to have MaryKay at Cooper Middle School!"
- Jill Donnelly, Cooper MS
Salman Ahmed, Wilton Woods Center
"We would like to thank Salman Ahmed for his incredible support, collaboration, and flexibility. His commitment to supporting work on the RI-MTSS Insight Worksheet in EDSL makes it possible for MTSS Teams across the division to make data driven decisions using a whole child approach. In particular, his recent support to the MTSS and ESSER Teams enabled us to meet a data request with a VERY quick turn around. Thank you for your continued support and partnership!"
- Karen Durocher, Willow Oaks Admin Center
Elisabeth Frostick, Greenbriar West ES
"Ms. Frostick is a special education teacher who works with some of the most challenging students in our school. She is relentless in trying to manage and modify behaviors all while helping her students move out of their comfort zone and learn new things. Her students are making gains and are showing such pride in their achievements thanks to her commitment. She is also a very supportive teammate, sharing ideas and great materials with anyone who needs a little extra. She always has an ear to listen, a shoulder to cry on, a helpful suggestion and a quick wit to lift your spirits. Greenbriar West, and FCPS, are so lucky to have this dedicated teacher on their team!"
- Liz Dodd, Greenbriar West ES
Susanna Smith, Greenbriar West ES
"Mrs. Susanna has provided an amazing start to my son's school experience. Her clear and consistent communication has allowed me to understand what is happening at school and support those efforts at home, this includes the weekly emails, nightly folder information, and parent/teacher conferences. My son can feel how much he is cared for when he goes to GBW. Thanks for all you do."
- a Greenbriar West ES parent
Vincent Kelso, Wilton Woods Center
"In search of data with an ASAP turn-around timeframe, I sent an email to a peer for help. My peer was out sick, and forwarded it elsewhere, which started a chain of requests. Eventually, I submitted a Request IT, and several steps down the chain came someone to save the day! He was prompt and courteous, in fact, he broke down the data in way that was even easier to use and understand than the way I had asked for it. When it was discovered that there was an error in my original request, I panicked. I anxiously emailed Vincent, anticipating a grumble at the very least. To my surprise, he was accepting and understanding of the mistake, and simply said to send it back and he would rework it. I'm certain that Vincent had to reprioritize other tasks and rearrange his work time (if not add a more) to complete the task, twice. The exceptional part, is that he did it with patience and grace. I have never met him, but I could sense his kindness on the other side of that keyboard and mouse. Thank you!"
- Rachael Aldridge, Willow Oaks Admin Center
Rena Rose, Dranesville ES
"We are so grateful for Mrs. Rose's communication and willingness to promote a positive community and classroom environment. She went out of her way to welcome families to a wonderfully orchestrated event centered around culture and togetherness."
- a Dranesville ES parent
Jessica Giffen, Cherry Run ES
"It is with pleasure that I acknowledge Jessica Giffen as a FCPS employee who truly cares. Jessica, is a first year Instructional Assistant at Cherry Run ES. She has started this year with many different obstacles, but has stepped up to the plate to make sure each and every need was met in her classroom. Jessica, has shown professionalism, knowledge, and the ability to help her students grow and develop. She has dug deep into the curriculum and has guided many lessons. She has met with many resource teachers to make sure her classroom stayed on target. Jessica cares deeply about all the students in her classroom giving them such love and attention. She is so eager to learn more about teaching and the day to day strategies that come with the job. Each day she comes into the classroom ready to share new idea and ways to make the day flow better. It is purely a delight to work with Jessica and I am so thankful for her dedication."
- Jane Cunningham, Cherry Run ES
Danielle Moore, Gatehouse Admin Center
"Danielle goes above and beyond for her work at the Office of Auditor General. Danielle transitioned from an auditor into her current role as the deputy auditor general. She has an extremely strong work ethic, that she does everything at her BEST! While Danielle maintains her independence, she always thinks with the perspectives of her audit clients, what recommendations will make the most sense to implement and add the most value. Serving as an auditor, it may not be the easiest function in FCPS, to gain acceptance and trust from others. Danielle does that with flying colors, that colleagues are coming to her for advice and support! Danielle is also a very kind and considerate team member in the office. She always steps up her game, in supporting ALL team members. We are very grateful for you work, Danielle, two thumbs up!"
- Esther Ko, Gatehouse Admin Center
Susie Garcia, Lees Corner ES
"Ms. Susie Garcia, a first grade teacher, has spent a great deal of time having a welcoming and friendly classroom. I am an Instructional Assistant who supports a student in general education first grade during morning meeting. Prior to my student joining the classroom, Ms. Garcia spoke with her class about my students capabilities and needs; this includes his sensitivity to noise levels and she will remind her students of this. He also needs time to process information and respond, she has taken her time to explain this to her students and shown them by example how to be patient and understanding. Every morning when we walk in, she leads her class with examples of welcomes which has transferred to her class demonstrating their learning by saying “hello” to my student when they see him within the building. During morning meeting, she includes him by having a turn to share during a social skills activity. Ms. Garcia tells him that she is happy to have him in her classroom. Every teacher should make their students feel as welcomed and cared for as Ms. Garcia has shown my student."
- Ashley Kappatos, Lees Corner ES
Dave Burney, Lorton Transportation Center
"Dave Burney is an extraordinary blessing to FCPS! Honestly, this FCPS Cares is long overdue and could have been written countless times over the past two years. Mr. Burney's consistent communication with all stakeholders, meticulous attention to detail, optimistic outlook, and willingness to go above and beyond are just a few of the assets he brings each day. Since the beginning of the school year we have had extensive transitions to the bus schedule and he readily communicates the impact of the adjustments with us as well as the students. In addition, Mr. Burney naturally develops a genuine rapport with our students and works diligently to ensure their safety. Mr. Burney is an absolute pleasure to work with each day."
- Kimberly Watts, Bryant AIM
Kevin Mahan, Westfield HS
"As a Transportation Supervisor, I don’t drive a bus daily, only as needed. This morning I was driving a Westfield route when a student vomited on the bus. Kevin boarded the bus and cleaned up the vomit. He didn’t have to do this but did out of the kindness of his heart! I can’t think him enough, I truly appreciate him going above and beyond to help me. Thank you so much!"
- Shannon Jones, Stonecroft Transportation Center
Griselada Mendoza, Johnson MS
"My car broke down last week leaving me stranded. I did not know what to do and Gigi stepped up, holding my hand through the whole process. I will never forget her beautiful humanity gesture. I am so proud to be her colleague."
- Mahnaz Khalil Khosravi, Johnson MS
Curtiss Barnes, Johnson MS
"Because of an unforeseen problem with my car, Curtiss really helped me out of a bind and made sure that I was safe. I really appreciate his efforts and I am very grateful that he is my colleague."
- Mahnaz Khalil Khosravi, Johnson MS
Jessica Gregory, South County MS
"Ms. Gregory has worked incredibly hard during this first quarter to ensure her students fully acclimated to middle school. Transitions are difficult but Ms. Gregory leaned in and truly made the transition from elementary to middle school as seamless as possible. Her passion and dedication is evident and truly appreciated."
- a South County MS parent
Christine McLaughlin, Less Corner ES
"I’d like to recognize Mrs. McLaughlin for going above and beyond to ensure that parents of students in another 6th grade class are kept informed and have had a point of contact during an extended teacher absence, which began very early this school year. Her communication efforts, her availability to parents, and her responsiveness have really been exceptional and should be recognized."
- a Lees Corner ES parent
Leslie Marquez, Bryan ALC
"Leslie Marquez stepped right up when the high schools substitute coordinator was out for 3 days. She helped us access the sub lists, entered sub requests when someone forgot to use smartfind. She saved us. She has an office of her own to run, but happily ran our reports and worked with our substitute AA upstairs to make sure all classes had coverage. Bryant HS appreciates Ms. Marquez!!"
- Karen Hertel, Bryant HS
Ronald Virts, Bryant HS
"Sometimes there are quiet heroes around you, they do their job and go above and beyond not drawing attention to themselves. Bryant High School does not currently offer World History 2. During master schedule preparation there didn't appear to be a need for it. However, we had a transfer student this week who had very few passing grades. World History 2 was one of them. Mr. Virts offered to offer a section of World 2 within his World 1 class. Something that seems simple but requires him to plan extra lessons and assessments for 1 student while keeping up the pacing and instruction for the World 1 students who most likely will be also completing PBA's. Mr. Virts.. putting students first and Bryant appreciates him for it!"
- Karen Hertel, Bryant HS
Jen Heywood, North Springfield ES
"Jen Heywood is an extraordinary cheerleader for our school community. Specifically, she's outdone herself by taking on the role of celebration chair at our CLT meetings. Our 1st grade team made a commitment to celebrating our successes more this year. Jen is coming up with the most amazing ways to help us do this! We've been showered with pampering products, treats, words of encouragement, chances to reflect, opportunities to praise each other, and so much more. She most recently created a doll of each team member, set them at a DIY Thanksgiving table with the title "In first grade we're not just a bunch of turkeys," and had each member write what we're thankful another member brings "to the table." Jen is not only helping our team reach our goal of celebrating, she is also rejuvenating our spirits, building relationships, and making our Thursdays the best days of the week! Not to mention, she's an incredible ESOL teacher!"
- Ali Mallon, North Springfield ES
Madeline Pettey, Herndon ES
"Mrs. Pettey does an outstanding job creating a welcoming environment in her room. This was exemplified when she recently received a new student to her classroom. To help the student feel more comfortable with the transition she invited the students mother to come have a lunch bunch with her and her son. The student was so happy and proud to show off his classroom after only being in the room for 4 days. #youbeelonghere"
- Brian Falkey, Herndon ES
Allison Swindall, Douglas Entwisle, Samantha Entwisle, Peter Kelly, and John Winterstine, Pulley Center
"I want to thank everyone listed above for giving my son and all the students a great first basketball practice yesterday. When I picked my son up he was very happy and all the other kids seemed happy too. On our way home he was telling me how much fun he had. This morning my son told me he can’t wait for basketball practice next week. Thank you again to everyone for all you do!"
- a Pulley Center parent
Grace Yi, Willow Oaks Admin Center
"Grace has been a part of the ESOL office for the past two years. Coming on board myself this past July, I have been truly grateful for her efforts and the projects that she is involved in to support English Learners. Most recently she has been working with a team developing a Micro credential course that allows for teachers to gain credit for work that they are already doing and helping them expand their knowledge. Another significant project has been the Talking Points tool which allows for communication between teachers, administrators and families. This is critical in the development of family & school partnerships & family engagement. She has been part of the team to help bring the current version to schools. She has developed trainings, links on the FCPS hub, and created tools for schools to utilize as they build consistent communication with their families. She is enthusiastic, hard working, and is dedicated to making the experience for our English Learners and their families a successful one. The ESOL Office is very lucky to have her on this team."
- Kanchana Iyer, Willow Oaks Admin Center
Michael Luley, Lake Braddock SS
"Most inclusive and engaging band program in FCPS! Mike Luley demonstrates compassion and kindness by including my Special Ed son in the concert and marching band. My son looks forward to school because he enjoys learning band music and spending time with his amazing, accepting band friends (and band directors, Luley and B. Gilbert). Not only winning awards on the field...but winning hearts and respect in the class! Mr. Luley provides a positive, life-changing program to give his students the gift of music while encouraging students to enjoy friendships. Superb band director, teacher, and human being...Mr. Luley!"
- a Lake Braddock SS parent
Alex Rosales. Sprague Technology Center
"Alex is always providing excellent customer service as a member of the IT Service Desk. He is always making sure he asks the right questions and listens to what the customers need. Recently he was able to come over to a training for school administrators and ensure they could access and participate in the training thus helping to ensure that all participants were ready to go!!"
- Paul Downey, Sprague Technology Center
Brad Swain, West Springfield HS
"High School Social Studies Department Chairs are a great group I get to work with. At a recent meeting a request came up to discuss grading practices at the Oct. chair meeting. To do so, I asked for volunteers to present in breakout groups. Brad was one of those volunteers! When chairs share their expertise and experiences, we become better teachers and students. For his work, dedication, and selflessness, I am grateful."
- Craig Perrier, Willow Oaks Admin Center
Brian Bishop, West Potomac HS
"High School Social Studies Department Chairs are a great group I get to work with. At a recent meeting a request came up to discuss grading practices at the Oct. chair meeting. To do so, I asked for volunteers to present in breakout groups. Brian was one of those volunteers! When chairs share their expertise and experiences, we become better teachers and students. For his work, dedication, and selflessness, I am grateful."
- Craig Perrier, Willow Oaks Admin Center
Dean Wood, Marshall HS
"High School Social Studies Department Chairs are a great group I get to work with. At a recent meeting a request came up to discuss grading practices at the Oct. chair meeting. To do so, I asked for volunteers to present in breakout groups. Dean was one of those volunteers! When chairs share their expertise and experiences, we become better teachers and students. For his work, dedication, and selflessness, I am grateful."
- Craig Perrier, Willow Oaks Admin Center
Dan Blanchet, Madison HS
"High School Social Studies Department Chairs are a great group I get to work with. At a recent meeting a request came up to discuss grading practices at the Oct. chair meeting. To do so, I asked for volunteers to present in breakout groups. Dan was one of those volunteers! When chairs share their expertise and experiences, we become better teachers and students. For his work, dedication, and selflessness, I am grateful."
- Craig Perrier, Willow Oaks Admin Center
Mike Hardy, Mountain View HS
"High School Social Studies Department Chairs are a great group I get to work with. At a recent meeting a request came up to discuss grading practices at the Oct. chair meeting. To do so, I asked for volunteers to present in breakout groups. Mike was one of those volunteers! When chairs share their expertise and experiences, we become better teachers and students. For his work, dedication, and selflessness, I am grateful."
- Craig Perrier, Willow Oaks Admin Center
Kira Bertheussen, Chantilly HS
"Kira's work ethic is unmatched. Her data collection and collaboration through quarter one has supported the growth of her students. It is evident she is an essential member of Chantilly High School and it has been a pleasure to work with her."
- Alexis Centers, Willow Oaks Admin Center
Sam Ortiz, White Oaks ES
"He is one of the best teachers with pre-school kids. I watch him every day when I go pick up my child from school. When the little kids are crying, he knows how to handle them, he sings for them, holds them, talks to them and it makes them go from crying kids to happy ones. He is really good with them. He should be recognized."
- a White Oaks ES parent
Debbie Tannenbaum, Saratoga ES
"Debbie offered to help test out the Schoology integration of Wixie with some students. She provided helpful feedback on multiple occasions, which will make the division wide rollout much more seamless for students and teachers. I'm so grateful for Debbie's willingness to collaborate and provide support! She is truly a "team player."
- Leslie Borkenhagen, Willow Oaks Admin Center
Betsy Whiting, Deer Park ES
"Betsy enthusiastically offered to help test out the Schoology integration of Wixie with a teacher and some students. She provided thorough feedback and screenshots which is going to be so helpful when we roll out the integration division wide. I'm so grateful for Betsy's willingness to collaborate and provide support!"
- Leslie Borkenhagen, Willow Oaks Admin Center
Adam Wells, Edison HS
"I would like to recognize Adam Wells for always being ready and willing to help however he is needed. A recent example occurred on Friday, November 28. It was an early release day. About 10 minutes before classes were due to release, I received a phone call from someone in the community letting me know that there was a disabled pickup truck blocking the entrance to Edison from Van Dorn St. She was hoping someone from our Auto Tech class could assist. I contacted Adam who immediately accessed the situation, placed traffic cones to warn drivers, and stayed with the driver until help arrived."
- Sharon Grimes, Edison HS
Shayna Blair-Chisolm, Ravensworth ES
"Thank you Ms. Blair-Chisolm. You are the epitome of what we all want in a teacher. My daughter is experiencing such growth in your class. You have challenged my daughter in your class and are such an amazing role model. My daughter is experiencing grade-appropriate challenges, rigor, a high level of expectations, all while feeling respected and cared for. Thank you so much for all you do for the children."
- a Ravensworth ES parent
Katelyn Hannel, Glasgow MS
"Ms. Hannel's devotion to her students and enthusiasm about music has made my daughter's transition to middle school a pleasant one. My daughter loves her chorus class and constantly talks about how lucky she is to have such a dedicated teacher who shares her love of music with her students. Chorus gives my daughter a chance to decompress and really enjoy being in school."
- Rachel Le, Transition Support Resource Center, Graham Road
Peter Kelly, Pulley Center
"Mr. Kelly is a great principal and cares not only for the students, teachers and staff but for the parents too. My son calls Mr. Kelly his friend, and likes seeing him and talking to him everyday. We had a virtual meeting last night, it was very informative. Thank you for everything you do! Pulley is the best!"
- a Pulley Center parent
Brandon Gilbert, Lake Braddock SS
"Mr. Gilbert consistently displays care for his LBSS band students and a commitment to excellence in their musical education. As a band student parent and volunteer, I've observed that Mr. Gilbert spends many additional hours to his teaching day ensuring that band students individually and collectively, are participating in a healthy, teamwork-oriented environment that values the contribution of each musician. During the recent fall marching band season, Mr. Gilbert spent many extra hours in August, as well as Friday evenings and several Saturdays to ensure the band students performed an excellent marching program at LBSS football games and competitions, including the Virginia Band and Orchestra Directors Association (VBODA) October marching assessment. Mr. Gilbert's time and commitment to prepare the students contributed positively to the marching band receiving a "Superior" rating at the VBODA assessment, the highest possible rating. Mr. Gilbert truly goes above and beyond to help ensure that LBSS band students receive the best possible musical education and experience."
- a Lake Braddock SS parent
Michael Luley, Lake Braddock SS
"Mr. Luley is an amazing band director and teacher to the students at Lake Braddock. He has created an environment where students from all backgrounds and interests feel welcome and comfortable and included; everyone in the band knows they are an integral part of the team. He has dedicated many evenings and weekends to helping band students perfect marching band and concert music. Most notably, he has shown the students that discipline and hard work can lead to success by guiding the band to receive a Superior rating at the Virginia Band and Orchestra Directors Association, which continues a 41-year streak of excellence for the Lake Braddock Band program! Great job to Mr. Luley on another successful marching band season. All of our students are lucky to have him teach them not only music, but discipline, self-awareness, responsibility, accountability and leadership!"
- a Lake Braddock SS parent
Michael Luley, Lake Braddock SS
"Mr. Luley is an incredible teacher, and he is a massive inspiration to me as a musician and leader. Getting to be a student leader and work with him in the marching band was a great honor, and watching him lead the band with kindness showed me how to always choose kindness first. On October 22nd at our state marching assessment when we received a superior rating, it was unforgettable to share that collective joy with every member of my section. Our great success would not have been possible without Mr. Luley's incredible directing and compassion."
- a Lake Braddock SS student
Latika Barnes and Barnabus Musimwa, Stonecroft Transportation Center
"On October 27th, a group of 90 students from Ben Murch elementary school in DC were left stranded at the Fairfax County Police Training Center. Latika Barnes and Barnabus Musimwa, bus drivers for Area 3 transportation, stepped up and offered to take the students home to their school, at extremely short notice after having already worked a full day. Latika even had both her small children on the bus with her, Lily age 5 and Lenora age 12 months. Thanks to Latika and Barnabus, the students were returned safely to their home school without any further incidents. Great job, Latika and Barnabus! Thank you for caring about the students not only of FCPS but also other localities."
- Traci Kubo-Carrera, Stonecroft Transportation Center
Stacy Roberts, Greenbriar East ES
"My daughter refers to Stacy as her guardian angel. Stacy saw my daughter was upset one day, and took the time to console her and offer advice. Stacy works in the cafeteria, as a lunch aide I believe, and is so kind and patient with all of the kids. She's super friendly and I think that the kids know she is definitely there to help them."
- a Greenbriar East ES parent
Ragan Wright, Poe MS
"Ragan Wright is an IA in the CAT B dept. Sept. 30 was the 2nd day of school for a new student. The student had a medical crisis during my class, which Ms. Ragan comes to with her students. During the crisis, Ms. Ragan never left the side of the student, she continued to be calm and reassuring. When the ambulance crew arrived, Ms. Ragan spoke with the crew, calmly and articulately filling them in on what had occurred and giving guidance on the specific needs of the student. This is just one example of the heart and effort put into her role, which is not an easy one."
- Renee Ruggles, Poe MS
Luis Cardona, Gatehouse Administration Center, Facilities
"Luis Cardona is the Building Resource Technician here at Gatehouse and he is new to FCPS and has built his first full cubical while still maintaining daily work, he is hard working and a quick study, he has started the long process of taking inventory of all cubical parts at Gatehouse and I am amazed by his work and the details he puts into it, I am so grateful to have him on our Property Management Team. Keep up the good work Luis!"
- Douglas Anderson, Gatehouse Administration Center, Facilities
Darryl Lucas, Lorton Center Transportation
"Darryl Lucas is an absolute blessing! Due to the transient nature of the AIM Bryant program, transportation logistics change almost daily. Darryl has been and CONTINUES to be a consistent problem-solver who readily responds to our unique needs and requests. Most importantly, Darryl's professionalism and "can do" spirit make the interactions all the more pleasant. He is an absolute asset to the transportation department."
- Kim Watts, Bryant AIM
Mary Fouse, Sandburg MS
"I wanted to thank Ms. Fouse for going "above and beyond" to meet with me weekly to talk about our self-contained 7th grade English classes. It's so helpful to talk about what is / isn't working with our self-contained classes and to be able to share resources with one another. I really appreciate her making the time to meet with me each week!"
- Kellie Healy, Sandburg MS
Rasha Abulohom, West Springfield HS
"Rasha Abulohom did the work of two people while I was out on medical leave. She saw all the students on both her and my caseload, attended parent meetings, taught lessons and took a family on a vendor visit. Since I have returned to school, many staff members have expressed what an amazing job she is doing here at West Springfield HS, and how helpful she is. I appreciate so much about her as a colleague and am exceptionally grateful to have the opportunity to work with her."
- Rebecca Cousins, West Springfield HS
Michael Luley, Lake Braddock SS
"In his direction of LBSS bands, Mr. Luley personifies going above and beyond in his care for his band students and their musical education. During the fall marching band season alone, Mr. Luley spends many hours bringing together and teaching complex marching and playing routines to nearly 200 students - one of, if not the largest high school marching band in Virginia. In just four short weeks before the marching season, Mr. Luley manages to bring together 200 students (a quarter of them new to marching and memorizing music) and instill teamwork and precision. During the marching season, on game nights, Mr. Luley works through his school day and often until 11 pm or later, making sure the last student is accounted for with a ride home. The band also performs at fall marching competitions, requiring long Saturdays spent with the band instead of with his (Mr. Luley's) family. And his commitment to the bands and excellence has paid off, with the LBSS band earning the highest rating of Superior for 41 years. As a band parent, I've seen first-hand the enthusiasm, enjoyment and appreciation of the students for the amazing experience they have with LBSS bands, a great experience that would not be possible if not for the care, commitment and many extra hours invested by Mr. Luley in our students' musical education."
- a Lake Braddock SS parent
Michael Luley, Lake Braddock SS
"Thank you, Mr. Luley, for an amazing Marching Season! As a parent of a first-time marcher, I am grateful for (and in awe of) your leadership. My son, who is an orchestra student, played in the pit and was welcomed just as he was a regular band student. He learned work ethics, responsibility, time management and grew as a team player under your direction. It was an amazing season and so rewarding to watch the student's progress from their first performance to earning their 41st consecutive Superior at VBODA. Your hard work and dedication has not gone unnoticed and we are proud to be a part of the Marching Band. Bravo!"
- a Lake Braddock SS parent
Michael Luley, Lake Braddock SS
"Thank you to Mr. Luley for a great marching band season this year. Congratulations on the 41st Superior rating at VBODA! Thank you especially for caring enough about the students to make them take responsibility for their actions after some of them misbehaved during one of our home football games. Thank you for caring enough to provide a way for the kids to learn from their misadventures that day. I also want to thank Mr. Luley for having a double reed professor at the school today during band. My double reed player was so impressed with being able to work with a professor today! Thanks again for a great marching band season."
- a Lake Braddock SS parent
Julia Mallman, Fairhill ES
"I want to give a shout out to Ms. Mallman for being an amazing kindergarten teacher. I was very apprehensive about my daughter starting kindergarten and expressed my concerns to Ms. Mallman. I was so impressed and appreciative of how she acknowledged my concerns and really made them her own. She took her time and emailed me about everything going on. Not only was my daughter starting kindergarten but she was also getting used to wearing a new pair of glasses. Ms. Mallman kept me in the loop with how my daughter was doing with that. I truly felt like we were working together. My daughter has learned so much in her class already and it is only November. Ms. Mallman is not only a caring teacher but she is an effective teacher as well. Thank you Ms. Mallman!"
- a Fairhill ES parent
Nicholas Rocha, Stonecroft Transportation Center
"I wanted to recognize Nick for always being helpful and informative. Nick is always willing to assist in every way possible when needed. His friendly personality and willingness to help is greatly appreciated. I had to make sure he was acknowledged for all his efforts. Thank you Nick for always being available to assist anyone and time."
- Zulayka Dent, Stonecroft Transportation Center
Maurice Leake, Alex Reyes, Natividad Ramos, and Ricky Madigan, Forte Center
"I would like to recognize these most amazing guys, Maurice Leake, Alex Reyes, Natividad Ramos, and Ricky Madigan, from the FCPS warehouse. This morning, we received a pallet of 40 cartons of copy paper from and outside company that had to be left outside and dismantled since it was too large to be brought indoors. While this was going on, we had a big warehouse pickup of furniture being loaded. I work in the office but went out to help our custodian load the paper onto carts. This was a heavy job! Without us even asking, Maurice, Alex, Natividad, and Ricky came to our rescue! They quickly loaded everything, got it into the school, and even took the pallet away! You can't imagine how grateful we were! Thank you, guys! You're the BEST!"
- Laura Santini, Herndon ES
Mark Lindesay, Sprague Technology Center
"Recently we have presented to educators and families on equitable access and opportunities for military-connected youth and post-secondary planning considerations for military-connected students. Mark Lindesay created student videos to support these events, and they were incredibly impactful and added real student voice to the topic. We will be continuing to use the videos in professional learnings and presentations. Mark did a beautiful job of capturing the student’s thoughts and stories and was the utmost professional. I hope to have the opportunity to work with Mark again!"
- Meredith Ayala, Dunn Loring Center
Ellen Reilly, McLean HS
"Dr. Reilly's dedication and inspiring leadership along with her outstanding staff has made McClean High School the top rated high school (non-magnet school) in the Commonwealth in both 2021 and 2022."
- a McLean HS parent