FCPS Announces 11 Snow Days for 2023-24
Fairfax County Public Schools announced that the school district will be reverting to its former policy for snow days for the 2023-24 school year. This decision means there will be no virtual learning days when school is closed due to inclement weather. With 11 snow days already built into the existing calendar, this adjustment aims to maximize in-person learning and to ensure equitable access to instruction and student services for all students.
The move away from virtual learning on snow days does not, however, mean missed opportunities for educational engagement. Superintendent Dr. Michelle C. Reid encourages the community to contribute ideas for discovering and learning during the winter break and potential snow days. Suggestions can be sent to [email protected]. The school district plans to collect and share these ideas on the FCPS website, providing a valuable resource for students and families.
On snow days, students will still have access to educational resources. They can utilize Tutor.com, complete supplemental learning opportunities recommended by their teachers, and tune in to educational programming available virtually and on public access television channels:
- Elementary school instruction: Red Apple 21
- Middle school instruction: Channel 25
- High school instruction: Channel 99
Dr. Reid expressed enthusiasm for continued learning opportunities outside traditional classroom settings during snow days. Whether exploring the physics of sledding down a hill or experimenting with ratios to create the perfect mug of hot chocolate with whipped cream, students are encouraged to embrace the diverse learning spaces that abound during inclement weather.
During SY 2021-22 and 2022-23 FCPS’ policy was to hold virtual learning days for day six and beyond of inclement weather.