LGBTQIA+ Student Resources and Supports
Providing a safe and respectful learning environment for all students
Fairfax County Public Schools is committed to providing a safe and respectful learning environment for all students and to providing equal access to educational programs, services, and activities. We appreciate the many contributions made by LGBTQIA+ members of the school community, which includes people from all walks of life who should be able to live without fear of prejudice, discrimination, harassment, or violence.
Fairfax County School Board Policy 1450 protects students, educators, and other staff from discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.
In accordance with School Board policy and Virginia law, Regulation 2603 provides gender-expansive and transgender students with an equitable, safe, and supportive school environment.

Support for Gender-Expansive and Transgender Students
All students have a right to privacy in Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) facilities or while participating in FCPS sponsored events. Any student who has a need or desire for increased privacy, regardless of the underlying reason, shall be provided with reasonable, non-stigmatizing accommodations.
Students shall not disclose private information about another student's reason for seeking privacy. Additionally, school personnel should not disclose information about a student’s gender-expansive or transgender status, legal name, or sex assigned at birth, including to other school personnel who do not have a need to know, unless the student has authorized such disclosure, or unless legally required.
In accordance with School Board policy and Virginia law, Regulation 2603 provides gender-expansive and transgender students with an equitable, safe, and supportive school environment. The regulation:
- Ensures students are called by their chosen name and pronouns, regardless of the name and gender recorded in their permanent pupil record.
- Ensures the right to privacy for all students and provides non-stigmatizing accommodations for any students who need or desire increased privacy.
- Ensures students can use the locker room or restroom that aligns with their gender identity and forbids forcing them to use only a private area, single-occupancy accommodation, or other single-use facility.
- Gives gender-expansive and/or transgender students access to a support team that will develop a student-specific support plan for safe and equitable access to all school and school division facilities and activities.
- Gives school teams the ability to offer staff training on gender diversity to better support gender-expansive or transgender students.
- Asks counselors, administrators, or other school personnel to work with students and/or the student’s parents/guardians to determine how to inform teachers, coaches, and other school personnel about their gender identity and/or transition.
- Acknowledges participation in Virginia High School League (VHSL) programs which are governed by VHSL policies while school-sponsored activities will allow participation according to the student’s gender identity.
- Indicates internally generated and shared school lists of students (e.g., honor roll, graduation programs, yearbooks, school newspapers) will identify students by their chosen names and genders/pronouns.
For additional information about protections and supports for gender-expansive and transgender students, consult Regulation 2603 or contact your school counselor, psychologist, social worker, or the Office of the Ombuds. Parents/guardians can also contact the FCPS Family Resource Center.
School-Based Clubs and Support
All FCPS middle and high schools have clubs and activities that celebrate different identities and foster an inclusive school environment. Contact your director of student activities or your counselor to get support or for information about joining or starting a club.
Additional Resources for Students and Parents/Guardians
Contact your school counselor, psychologist, social worker, or the Office of the Ombuds if you have questions, need assistance, or to find out how to get support. Parents/guardians can also contact the FCPS Parent Resource Center.
Additional Resources for Educators and Other Staff
Contact your school principal or the Office of the Ombuds if you have questions, need assistance, or to find out how to get support.
FCPS Related Policies, Regulations & Resources
- Policy 1450: Nondiscrimination Policy
- Regulation 2603: Gender-Expansive and Transgender Students
- Student Rights and Responsibilities
- Bullying Prevention and Intervention
Community-Based Organizations
There are many community-based organizations that support LGBTQIA+ students and their families. The following is a partial list -- these organizations are not affiliated with Fairfax County Public Schools:
Organization | Description | Contact Information |
FCPS Pride | Support for FCPS employees who are LGBTQIA+. | Phone: 202-295-7939 Email: [email protected] |
GLSEN Northern Virginia (Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network) | Works to ensure that LGBTQIA+ students are able to learn and grow in a school environment free from bullying and harassment. | Phone: 571-208-2424 Email: [email protected] |
PFLAG Metro DC | Supports parents/guardians, families, and friends of LGBTQIA+ persons. | Phone: 202-638-3852 General Email: [email protected] PFLAG Fairfax Email: [email protected] |
Transgender Education Association of Greater Washington | Supports transgender students and parents/guardians. | Email: [email protected] |
NoVA Pride | Cultivates and grows a coalition to educate, advocate and celebrate the LGBTQIA+ community of Northern Virginia. | Phone: 703-506-2893 Email: [email protected] |
Safe Space NoVA | Provides a safe, accepting, and supportive environment to combat social stigmas, bullying, and other challenges faced by LGBTQIA+ youth. | Phone: 703-419-5270 Email: [email protected] |
Casa BruMar | Bridges the gap that leaves the LGBTQIA+ community behind when it comes to equity in education, social services, and human dignity in the Commonwealth of Virginia. | Email: [email protected] |
SMYAL (Supporting and Mentoring Youth Advocates and Leaders) | Creates leadership development opportunities, after-school programs, and counseling services designed to empower LGBTQIA+ youth in the Washington D.C. metropolitan area. | Phone: 202-546-5940 Email: [email protected] |
Equality Virginia | Educates, empowers, and mobilizes to ensure all LGBTQIA+ Virginians are free to live, love, learn, and work. | Phone: 804-643-4816 |
Trevor Project | Provides crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to LGBTQIA+ young people. | Email: [email protected] |
Gay Straight Alliance Network | Empowers and LGBTQIA+ youth leaders to advocate, organize, and mobilize an intersectional movement for safer schools and healthier communities. | Phone: 415.552.4229 Email: [email protected] |
Welcoming Schools | Comprehensive bias-based bullying prevention program that provides LGBTQIA+ and gender inclusive professional development training, lesson plans, booklists and resources specifically designed for educators. | General Inquiries Contact Form: www.surveymonkey.com/r/wscontactus |
Point Foundation | Empowers promising LGBTQIA+ students with scholarship opportunities to achieve their full academic and leadership potential to make a significant impact on society. | Phone: 833-887-6462 Email: [email protected] |