Online Submission of Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Complaint

Submit this form or call the Office of Auditor General (OAG) hotline at 571-423-1333

How to report fraud, waste, and abuse complaints?

If you are unsure how to proceed with a concern, you may contact us during normal business hours at 571-423-1320 for guidance prior to calling the hotline or completing the fraud, waste, and abuse form. 

What is the approximate dollar amount involved in the incident?
Details of the Incident(s) (who, what, where, when, how, etc.)
Please list any suspected person(s) involved or having knowledge of incident in as much details as possible (such as names, departments, positions, contact information, etc)
Please describe any evidence you have in as much details as possible (documents, photographs, etc.) Also include relevant ID numbers such as vehicle tag #, car make/model and equipment #.
How did you become aware of the incident(s)? (Examples: witness first hand, hear it from another person, etc.)
Please provide any other information which could assist our investigation.
If you wish to remain anonymous, you may skip this section; however, we encourage you to provide this information in case we need to contact you for further information.
Complainant Name