Class of 2027 Continues to Reflect Expanded Access to Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology
550 students offered admission
Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) has offered admission to the Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJHSST) for its Class of 2027. The offers went to 550 students, who include students from each of the county’s middle schools, as well as Loudoun, Prince William, and Arlington counties, and the City of Falls Church, who were chosen from 2,548 applications.
Almost 12% of the successful applicants came from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. About 3% are English Language Learners.
Admissions officials are not informed of any applicant’s name, race, or gender. The admissions plan continued to expand access to those applicants from middle schools that have historically been underrepresented.
In the three years since FCPS initially took steps to create equitable access to TJHSST, benchmark data demonstrate that the school is more accessible to students from all backgrounds while maintaining its remarkably high standards for admission. Before 2020, when FCPS changed its admission process, TJHSST had not admitted students from every Fairfax County middle school. The Class of 2027 represents the third consecutive year that it has met this important milestone.
Established in 1985 and regularly ranked as one of the top public schools in the country, TJHSST is a Governor’s School that emphasizes the sciences, mathematics, and technology. The school’s mission is to provide students with a rigorous learning environment focused on math, science, and technology; to inspire joy at the prospect of discovery; and to foster a culture of innovation based on ethical behavior and the shared interests of humanity.
The students making up the Class of 2027 represent a wide variety of backgrounds, experiences, and skills. They are all high performers and are well prepared for TJ’s academic rigor.
TJHSST Admissions Data, Class of 2027
High Caliber Students
The average GPA for applicants was 3.9077.
- The average GPA for students offered admission to the Class of 2027 is 3.9417, in line with previous years.
- All students offered admission met the accelerated (honors) coursework requirement for applicants.
Broad Representation of Those Offered Admission
- All FCPS middle schools are represented in the Class of 2027:
- Carson Middle School (47)
- Cooper Middle School (16)
- Frost Middle School (19)
- Glasgow Middle School (11)
- Kilmer Middle School (27)
- Lake Braddock Middle School (15)
- Longfellow Middle School (30)
- Rocky Run Middle School (17)
- Sandburg Middle School (11)
- Twain Middle School (15)
- All other middle schools had 10 or fewer students.
- Economically disadvantaged students comprise 11.64% of the class of 2027.
- 2.91% of students are English Language Learners.
- Female students represent 43.4%.
- Asian students represent 61.64%.
- White students represent 19.09%.
- Black students represent 6.73%.
- Hispanic students represent 6.00%.
- 95.27% of students receiving offers come from public schools.
Class of 2026 News Release https://www.fcps.edu/news/thomas-jefferson-high-school-continues-increase-access-all