Title II Grant Program

Preparing, Training, and Recruiting High Quality Teachers and Principals

Title II, Part A is a U.S. Department of Education grant program. It provides supplemental funding to help support effective instruction. Each year, the U.S. Department of Education provides funds to the states. The school divisions in the state also called a local educational agency (LEA), apply for funds. Then the states distribute the funds to the LEAs.

Private not-for-profit schools located within the LEA’s geographic boundaries are eligible to receive services in collaboration with the school division.  More information is on the Virginia Department of Education's Equitable Services webpage.

Grant Purpose

This grant has four purposes:

  • Increase student success consistent with challenging state academic standards.
  • Improve the quality and effectiveness of teachers, principals, and other school leaders.
  • Increase the number of teachers, principals, and other school leaders who are effective in improving student academic success in schools.
  • Provide low-income and minority students greater access to effective teachers, principals, and other school leaders.

Title II Programs and Activities

Title II funds are supplemental and are used to enhance a program. The funds can be used to strengthen instructional practices in schools.

Title II Services for Private Schools

A private school that is organized as a nonprofit can receive grant funding. Every year, FCPS will inform the not-for-profit schools located within the FCPS’s geographic boundaries about the grant program.

FCPS must set-aside funds for nonprofit private schools. Grant funds are not awarded directly to nonprofit private schools. FCPS manages the grant funds and purchases for nonprofit private schools.

Grant Award

The nonprofit private school will receive a proportional share of set-aside funds. The award is based on K - 12 enrollment.

Timely and Meaningful Consultation

Before services can begin, FCPS staff must speak with nonprofit private schools. FCPS must be in contact with nonprofit private schools throughout the year.

Application Timeline

Deadline: November 1

2023 - 24 Fall K - 12 student enrollment data due to FCPS
Final 2023-24 Equitable Service Agreements due to FCPS


Private schools will receive a letter from FCPS. This letter will include an Intent to Participate form. Nonprofit private schools interested in the grant must complete and submit this form to FCPS by the end of January.

February: Annual Meaningful Consultation

Every year, FCPS will host an information session on the grant programs. During this session, FCPS will share information about the Title II grant.

Information about this session will be emailed to the private schools that submitted their Intent to Participate forms.

Action Plan Meetings (Late Winter & Early Spring)

FCPS meets with each nonprofit private school. During this meeting, we can support the private school in creating its plan to spend grant funds. The plan is called the Equitable Service Agreement. This plan is required by the Virginia Department of Education.

Needs Assessment (Early Spring)

Private schools need to do a needs assessment to identify the needs and plan activities for next year.

A diverse group of participants should be involved in the needs assessment. Participants can be teachers, school leaders, and parents.

Need help with this? Contact us at [email protected].

Equitable Service Agreements (Mid to Late Spring)

This agreement is the plan for how Title II funds will be spent. This plan has the needs assessment data used to identify activities and timelines. Nonprofit private schools must also explain how they will evaluate the activities.

A nonprofit private school will not receive grant funds without this agreement. This agreement is due to FCPS in May.

Application (Early Summer)

FCPS submits the grant application to VDOE for nonprofit private schools. To create the application, we use the information on the agreements.

 FCPS Federal Grants Contacts