Virginia Alternate Assessment Program (VAAP) - Parent Notification

Understand your student's VAAP asesssments

Certain students with significant cognitive disabilities who meet the state criteria are assessed using VAAP for subject areas identified for state testing. Families can learn more about VAAP testing in the following notification letters letters:

  • The notification of testing letter explains to families about the different formats the VAAP takes depending on the grade level and content area. 
  • The notification of English learner exemption letter informs parents of eligible students about the decision to provide a one-time exemption for social studies and/or writing VAAP collections of evidence.

VAAP Notification of Testing

Full Text: VAAP Notification of Testing

The following provides content from the division's VAAP notification of testing letter for families of students with disabilities identified for this alternate test. Links to printable PDF translations are also included below. 


Virginia Alternate Assessment Program

Dear Parents and Guardians: 

This spring, your student will be taking the Virginia Alternate Assessment Program (VAAP) tests between __________________ and _________________. 

State assessments measure the extent to which certain students with disabilities have learned the content and skills reflected in state standards. The format for state assessments varies by grade level and content area, as noted in the table below. These may include:

  • Multiple choice VAAP tests for Virginia Essentialized Standards of Learning (VESOLs) in reading, mathematics, and science  
  • Collection of Evidence (COE) for selected Aligned Standards of Learning (ASOLs) in writing and social studies, with student work samples collected throughout the school year
  • Local alternative assessments (LAAs) including performance-based assessments (PBAs) completed as part of ongoing classroom instruction for science, writing, and social studies
Grade Tested Content Area(s) and Assessment Format
3 Reading (VAAP), Mathematics (VAAP), Science (LAA), Social Studies (LAA)
4 Reading (VAAP), Mathematics (VAAP), Social Studies (COE)
5 Reading (VAAP), Mathematics (VAAP), Science (VAAP), Writing (LAA)
6 Reading (VAAP), Mathematics (VAAP), Social Studies (LAA)
7 Reading (VAAP), Mathematics (VAAP), Social Studies (LAA)
8 Reading (VAAP), Mathematics (VAAP), Science (VAAP), Social Studies (COE), Writing (COE)
10 Science (VAAP)
11 Reading (VAAP), Mathematics (VAAP)

Staff share student results on state assessments with families. The method and timing for family communication vary based on the assessment format. Only multiple choice VAAP results are reported to the state and are included in state and federal accountability calculations. 

  • Multiple choice VAAP test score report letters are distributed by the end of August from central office or the student’s school
  • COE scoring worksheets and cover letters are distributed in June from the student’s school
  • LAAs are reported like any other classroom assessment, incorporated in ongoing communication about student performance and progress 

If you have questions about your student's state assessments, contact your student’s teacher or the school test coordinator.


Printable PDFs: Translations of VAAP Notification of Testing

See more information about VAAP assessments

Learn more about student assessments.

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See information on grade level testing.

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View the Virginia Department of Education parent guide for new multiple choice VAAP tests.