Language Instruction Educational Program (LIEP)
Fairfax County Public Schools offers services for English learners (ELs) in each of our schools to provide all English learners with Pathways to English language proficiency.
Fairfax County Public Schools offers services for English learners (ELs) in each of our schools to provide all English learners with Pathways to English language proficiency. Our core beliefs are that success for English learners is grounded in an asset based approach that includes:
Language and Content Integration
Welcoming Environment
Culturally Responsive Practices
Access to Rigor
Collective Responsibility and Collaboration
Our differentiated research based model for English learner instruction is made up of four key components: Pathways to Proficiency, English Language Development; Content, Language, and Literacy; and Systems of Support.
Pathways to Proficiency
English learners begin their Pathway to Proficiency upon registering in Fairfax County Public Schools. Students with a primary home language other than, or in addition to English, are administered a WIDA English language proficiency screener to determine if they are in need of language services. Students who are identified as ELs are provided with appropriate supports and assessed annually to monitor progress in their English language development. Throughout their Pathway to Proficiency, ELs have access to rigorous core instruction as well as specialized academic programs and services.
Content, Language, & Literacy
All teachers share collective responsibility for ELs' content learning and English language development. Teachers provide scaffolded content and amplified language and literacy instruction in every FCPS classroom to ensure ELs have access to and are engaged in rigorous grade level content at all English language proficiency levels. Dual language programs at ten FCPS elementary schools offer rigorous learning opportunities that support language development in both English and a partner language (Spanish or Korean).
English Language Development
To increase ELs proficiency in English, targeted English language development (ELD) instruction is provided by an ESOL teacher. ELD instruction is aligned to the WIDA ELD Standards and supports language development in listening, speaking, reading and writing. The focus of ELD instruction is on developing the academic language students need to narrate, argue, inform and explain across content areas. ELD instruction is informed by students’ English language proficiency and adjusted based on student need.
Systems of Support
To nurture a caring culture, a range of services and supports are offered to empower ELs and their families. A multi-tiered system of support includes targeted academic interventions and social emotional supports within a culturally and linguistically responsive environment.