Three FCPS Teams, Four Individuals Win VHSL 2023 Fall Sports Championships
Congratulations to all the FCPS student-athletes who participated in the 2023 fall sports season. This year, three teams and four individuals won the Virginia High School League (VHSL) Class 6 championship in their respective sports, and three teams and one individual were the state runners-up.
The teams winning the championship are:
- Robinson Secondary School, Golf (pictured above).
- West Springfield High School, Girls Cross Country (repeat champion).
- Langley High School, Volleyball.
The individuals winning the championship are:
- Aidan MacGrath, West Springfield High School, Girls Cross Country.
- Owen Love, Edison High School, Golf.
- Katie Vu, Robinson Secondary School, Girls Open Golf.
- Nayan Kasperowski, South County High School, Boys Cross Country.
The teams that were state runners-up are:
- Lake Braddock Secondary School, Boys Cross Country.
- Robinson Secondary School, Girls Cross Country.
- Woodson High School, Field Hockey.
The individual who was a state runner-up is:
- Tristan Thurneysen, Chantilly High School, Boys Cross Country.
Congratulations to all our state champions and runners-up!