Mosaic Elementary School Named 2022 National Blue Ribbon School
Mosaic Elementary School has been named a 2022 National Blue Ribbon School by the U.S. Department of Education. The Fairfax County public school is among seven schools in Virginia and 297 schools in the country receiving the honor this year.
The Blue Ribbon Schools Program recognizes high performing schools and schools making exemplary progress toward closing achievement gaps. Mosaic was commended as an Exemplary High Performing School based on high achievements in reading and mathematics during the 2018-2019 school year. More specifically, Mosaic ranks near the top in overall reading and mathematics performance, and its performance rate for English Learners, students with disabilities, white students, and Asian students.
“Our name, Mosaic Elementary, encapsulates the wonderfully diverse nature and context of our school,” Principal Mahri Aste wrote in the school’s application. “A mosaic is composed of many different small pieces combined in one big picture to form a stunning masterpiece. Our school community is composed of students from 40 different countries who speak 28 languages, yet when all the different cultures are put together, we are a beautiful picture. By providing what is needed for safety, inclusivity, and equity, we are committed to developing engaged and inspired learners who will become independent, responsible, and ethical citizens.”
Mosaic staff focus on helping students develop the 21st century skills of creativity, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration. Character education is exemplified by all through a practice of respect, responsibility, honesty, self-discipline, and caring. As their mission states, “Mosaic Elementary School is a place where the mind and the heart are nurtured to help students become leaders for tomorrow's communities.”
“This award recognizes the tremendous hard work of our students, teachers, and families and means the world to our entire Mosaic community,” Dr. Aste says. “I am so proud to lead our Mosaic family and grateful for the honor. I extend my thanks to the staff at Mosaic, who each work diligently to know each student by name and by need. Mosaic’s strength lies in the culture of belonging that has been created, where everyone who walks through our doors is valued and celebrated.”
The National Blue Ribbon Schools Program has recognized more than 9,000 schools since the program began 40 years ago.
Mosaic has also been recognized as a Virginia Distinguished Purple Star School for supporting military connected students.
For more information, contact the Office of Communication and Community Relations at 571-423-1200.