2024 Outstanding Secondary School New Teacher, Finalists, and School Recipients
The Outstanding Secondary New Teachers Recognized at FCPS Honors
The Outstanding Secondary New Teacher Award recognizes secondary school teachers who are within their first three years of teaching and demonstrate outstanding performance and superior instructional skills. Any FCPS employee or community member may nominate new teachers for this award.
2024 Outstanding Secondary School New Teacher
Symone Keolani Jenkins
English Teacher
West Potomac High School, Region 3
Symone has a passion for igniting every classroom she enters. With boundless enthusiasm, she cultivates an environment where her students thrive, not only academically but also socially and personally. Symone’s teaching philosophy is rooted in diversity and inclusion, recognizing the richness that different perspectives bring to learning. She fosters a safe space where every voice is valued, empowering her students to embrace their unique identities. Through genuine care and innovative teaching methods, Symone sparks a love for literature and writing in her students, as she nurtures their growth and confidence. Her hope is that her impact extends beyond the classroom; instilling empathy and understanding to prepare her students to navigate through our world with grace and respect.
2024 Outstanding Secondary School New Teacher Finalist
Olivia Adams
English Teacher
Carson Middle School, Region 1
Olivia is a compassionate and dedicated seventh-grade English teacher. With two years of experience under her belt, she extends her influence beyond the classroom, doubling as the debate coach, and recently taking on the opportunity of coaching cross country and track and field. Olivia strives to create an environment where every student feels valued, supported, and respected. Infused with her background in communication studies, acting, and debate coaching, Olivia crafts engaging lessons that cater to diverse learning styles while fostering critical thinking and effective communication skills. Students echo praises of her positive energy and genuine investment in their growth. Olivia remains inspired by the boundless potential of her students and the camaraderie of her colleagues, reaffirming her love for teaching each day.
2024 Outstanding Secondary School New Teacher Finalist
Michael J. Higginbotham
Biology Teacher
Irving Middle School, Region 4
Mike transitioned to teaching after a career as a United States Army officer and several years in government contracting. His journey honed his worldview and left in him a deep appreciation of people and their cultures. Mike intends to carry his experiences into the classroom to build and mentor our future leaders. He believes that as much as content matters, the true purpose of teaching is to build relationships that create an environment where students are comfortable making and learning from mistakes. Mike believes teachers are an entrusted part of the family team whose purpose is to support students on their path to becoming kind, respectable, and confident adults, invested in their community and prepared to face tomorrow’s challenges.
2024 Outstanding Secondary School New Teacher Finalist
Nicole F. Matthews
Family & Consumer Science Teacher
Katherine Johnson Middle School, Region 5
Nicole brought two truths with her to Katherine Johnson Middle School - “You can’t cook if you don’t like people” and “without communication, you have nothing.” She didn’t worry about liking people - that is innate to her. It was the communication piece she wondered about. How do you get students to really communicate? This is what is central to every lab and activity she crafts; creating opportunities to get students excited so that they are more likely to connect and communicate. Asking young adults to communicate can put them outside their comfort zone, but Nicole shows that cooking is one of many modes of communication and what kids create is a catalyst for sharing thoughts and opinions.
2024 Outstanding Secondary School New Teacher Finalist
Katherine Elizabeth Safian
Mathematics Teacher
Longfellow Middle School, Region 2
As a second-year teacher, Katherine strives to build relationships with students and make math fun. Katherine starts her classes with number sense routines like “Which one doesn’t belong?” to get students excited for the lesson. Katherine also connects learning to student interests. For example, during the consumer applications unit, students worked collaboratively to make their own problems about tax, tip, or discount. Posters about Starbucks and Nike covered the classroom and hallway walls. Additionally, Katherine strives to meet all students’ needs through math workshop stations. Students spend the class learning in small groups, practicing independently, and problem-solving with peers. Katherine also leads the MathLab with her colleague to help support all mathematics students at Longfellow.
2024 Outstanding Secondary School New Teacher Finalist
Katie Shaw
Multiple Disabilities Teacher
Annandale High School, Region 6
Katie teaches Pathways to Accessing Community Environments (PACE), which serves students ages 18-22. She prioritizes students’ independence in life and job skills to ensure a seamless transition from high school to adulthood. Committed to equity and inclusion, she strives to enhance independence and autonomy for all students. Under her leadership, growth is fostered through interactive lessons and student-led jobs. Her achievements include launching a ‘PACE Pours’ coffee shop and 'The Cleaning Crew,' with the focus on developing students' communication, financial literacy, and occupational skills. In her first year of teaching, Katie is actively engaged in Atom Nation by volunteering in various school activities including serving as a Special Olympics coach. Katie continues to promote inclusion, equity, and community partnerships within her teachings.
2024 Outstanding Secondary School New Teacher Finalists
2024 Outstanding New Teacher - School Recipients
- Annandale High School
- Katie Shaw - Multiple Disabilities Teacher*
- Burke School
- Zoe Volz - Music Therapy Teacher
- Carl Sandburg Middle School
- Russell Mason Finelsen - Seventh Grade US History Teacher
- Centreville High School
- Mariko Nojima-Schmunk - Social Studies Teacher*
- Chantilly High School
- Kaye Wright - Health & Physical Education Teacher
- Cooper Middle School
- Kate Schneider - History & Social Studies Teacher*
- Davis Career Center
- Anna Finnegan - Career & Transition Teacher
- Edison High School
- Nathi Jeerakul - Itinerant Music, Strings Teacher*
- Fairfax High School
- Alex Johnson - English Teacher
- Falls Church High School
- Haley Buckley - Learning Disabilities Teacher*
- Franklin Middle School
- Ashley Guillie - Learning Disabilities Teacher
- Frost Middle School
- Hannah Warnick - Mathematics Teacher*
- Glasgow Middle School
- Lydia Dolvin - Science Teacher
- Hayfield Secondary School
- Theresa Downs - English Teacher
- Herndon High School
- Aaron Smith - Chief Naval Science Instructor
- Herndon Middle School
- Emily Ready - History Teacher*
- Holmes Middle School
- Amanda Simpson - Learning Disabilities Teacher
- Justice High School
- Rylee Bly - Math Teacher*
- Katherine Johnson Middle School
- Nicole Matthews - Family & Consumer Science Teacher*
- Key Center
- Mallory Strawther - Severe Disabilities Teacher *
- Key Middle School
- Madison E. Bubolz - Seventh Grade English Teacher
- Kilmer Middle School
- Luis Barahona Gonzalez - Spanish Language Teacher
- Lake Braddock Secondary School
- Saja Abduljabbar - High School ESOL Teacher*
- Langley High School
- Tara Hohn - English Teacher
- Langston Hughes Middle School
- Junguk Yoo Spurrier - Learning Disabilities Teacher
- Longfellow Middle School
- Katherine Safian - Mathematics Teacher*
- Luther Jackson Middle School
- Katie Ballou - Music Teacher
- Madison High School
- Cameron Poland - English Teacher
- Marshall High School
- Shirley Alexander - Learning Disabilities Teacher*
- McLean High School
- Tatiana Le - Learning Disabilities Teacher
- Mount Vernon High School
- Rebecca Forsyth - Science Teacher*
- Oakton High School
- Margaret Larkin - Multiple Disabilities Teacher
- Poe Middle School
- Alvaro Soto - Eighth Grade General Science Teacher
- Rachel Carson Middle School
- Olivia Adams - English Teacher
- Robinson Secondary School
- Ashley Weldon - English (HS)
- David Quinn - Learning Disabilities Teacher (MS)*
- Rocky Run Middle School
- Despina Hatzakos - Chorus Teacher*
- Stone Middle School
- Michael Frasnelli - Multiple Disabilities Teacher*
- South County Middle School
- Juliette Valade - Art Teacher*
- South Lakes High School
- Mackenzie Schmidt - English Teacher*
- Thomas Jefferson High School for Science & Technology
- Samantha Hale - Biology Teacher
- Thoreau Middle School
- Zach Firestine - History & Social Studies Teacher*
- Twain Middle School
- Reid McLean - Seventh Grade U.S. History Teacher
- Walt Whitman Middle School
- Nache Brown - Learning Disabilities Teacher
- Washington Irving Middle School
- Michael Higginbotham - Biology Teacher*
- West Potomac High School
- Symone Jenkins - English Teacher*
- West Springfield High School
- Bruce Stuck - History & Social Studies Teacher
- Westfield High School
- Katie Sanfield - History & Social Studies Teacher
- Woodson High School
- Jayme Cole - Multiple Disabilities Teacher
*Denotes pyramid winner