Fourth Grade Family Life Education (FLE)

Year at a Glance

Grade Four Instructional Objectives—Emotional and Social Health Education

4.1 Students will identify basic emotional, mental, and social needs and develop strategies to meet those needs.

Descriptive Statement: Instruction will include emotional needs for love, security, belonging, and trust; mental needs of being able to think and learn; and social needs of being part of a group, getting along with others, and having privacy. Discussion may include varying needs among individuals and how needs can be met.

4.2 Students will identify the need to assume greater responsibility for self as an individual, as well as responsibility within family, peer groups, and larger community. 

Descriptive Statement: Instruction will include current roles students have within their families, groups either in school or out of school, and larger community.

4.3 Students will recognize threatening or uncomfortable situations and how to react to them.

Descriptive Statement: Situations will include, but are not limited to walking alone, opening doors to strangers, receiving obscene telephone calls or email, facing dangers in public places, and sexual abuse or incest. Ways of protecting oneself and recognizing and reporting such threats are stressed.

4.4 Students will recognize the values and challenges of friendship.

Descriptive Statement: Instruction will include a review of social and emotional needs and how friendship may satisfy needs to belong to a group, feel cared for, provide encouragement, and help to feel positive about oneself.  This may include an understanding that it is okay for friends to disagree.

4.5 Students will develop an awareness of individual differences and the importance of respecting others.

Descriptive Statement: Instruction will include discussion of individuals with disabilities, and differing ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Ways to show respect for others will be included.

Grade Four Media—Emotional and Social Health Education

You Are in Charge of Your Body. Human Relations Media, 2014, 31 minutes

Part One: Recognizing Sexual Abuse

The concept of body boundaries is introduced and the difference between safe and unsafe touches is illustrated. Three examples of safe/unsafe touch are told using stylized animation.

Part Two: Stopping an Abuser

This segment teaches students what to do if their body boundaries have been crossed. Using the same scenarios from Part One, students are taught NO and GO; how to say NO assertively and how to GO safely and quickly.

Part Three: Telling Someone

Part three teaches students how to create their personal safety network. It’s a list of trusted adults to go to for help in an emergency including parents, teachers, and others. Acted out scenarios demonstrate exactly how to do this. Students are reassured that sexual abuse is never their fault or something to keep secret. Students are instructed that if someone touches them inappropriately, tell a trusted adult.

Grade Four Instructional Objectives – Human Growth and Development

4.1 (Gender Separate): Students will recognize the physical changes that occur during puberty and relate these changes to the increased need for personal hygiene.

Descriptive Statement: Instruction includes the following physical changes: growth spurt, increased sweat production, skin changes, mood swings, growth of pubic and underarm hair, increase shoulder width in boys, and breast and hip development in girls. In addition, the importance of personal hygiene in relation to these bodily changes is discussed. Instruction for girls includes basic anatomy of the female reproductive system, menstruation, and the intended use and proper disposal of sanitary products. Instruction for boys includes basic anatomy of the male reproductive system, erections, and nocturnal emissions. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the onset of sexual changes and growth patterns varies with individuals and that this is natural. Focus is on the development of a positive attitude toward oneself during puberty and appreciation for individual differences.

Grade Four Human Growth and Development Media

My Changing Life Series: The Complete Guide to Puberty Boys, Pre- and Post- Pubescent, Film Ideas (2007), 16 minutes. Edited for FCPS. This media will be shown to boys only.

As youngsters move towards, into, and through puberty, many important changes will take place in their bodies. This variety of change, once complete, will create their new and unique identity as adults. Learning to accept these physical changes as “normal” will foster their acceptance of self.

My Changing Life Series: The Complete Guide to Puberty Girls, Pre- and Post- Pubescent, Film Ideas (2007), 16 minutes. Edited for FCPS. This media will be shown to girls only.

As youngsters move towards, into, and through puberty, many important changes will take place in their bodies. This variety of change, once complete, will create their new and unique identity as adults. Learning to accept these physical changes as “normal” will foster their acceptance of self.