Schoology: Students
Prepare to Succeed in the 21st Century
Students use their FCPS Network Credentials to access Schoology.
Secondary Student Letters
The letter, and the translations, below may be sent to secondary students by your school’s principal by mail, in an email, as a part of a newsletter, etc.
Forgot Password 
IT Support Portal
Students, parents, and guardians can request technology help through this portal. When help is requested the information is sent to the TSSpec at the student's school.
Student Help
Search and Browse the Schoology Student Help page by Topic.

Schoology Short Videos
In FCPS, we've created a series of short videos to help you learn how to navigate Schoology.

Student Account Overview
Take a look an an overview of what students can do in Schoology.

Get help with Schoology

Parents and Guardians
In Schoology, parents and caregivers have in-depth access to classroom learning.

Why Did FCPS Choose Schoology?
You may be wondering why Schoology was chosen as FCPS' new Learning Management System (LMS). This page shares some key points for the division, for teachers, for families, and for students.

Learn about the learning management system that will be used divisionwide in Fall 2021, how it supports instructional practices aligned to FCPS’s learning model, and helps students reach the Portrait of a Graduate goals.