SAT School Day Intent Form
Let your school know your plans for SAT School Day
The SAT School Day online intent forms are currently available for your response until Wednesday, September 4, 2024.
- To access this form, your student must be logged into an @fcpsschools.net Google account.
- Each school has a unique intent form link and will share this link directly to families of twelfth grade students by mid-August. Contact your school’s SAT coordinator or assessment coach if you need this intent form link resent to you.
Not an FCPS student?
Twelfth grade homeschooled students who wish to test should contact their local FCPS high school for more information. FCPS is unable to accommodate private schooled students for the SAT School Day.
Walk-ins on the day of the exam cannot be accepted.
The following provides content from the online form sent to parents and guardians of FCPS grade 12 students.
2024 SAT School Day - Intent to Participate
Any FCPS students in grade 12 who wishes to take the SAT School Day on Wednesday, October 9, 2024, must use their @fcpsschools.net account to complete this form and indicate if they intend to participate. Responses must be received by Wednesday, September 4, 2024.
Only those FCPS students in grade 12 who wish to take the SAT on October 9 should submit this form. Please contact your school's SAT School Day Coordinator if you have additional questions.
- Enter the STUDENT'S FCPS ID Number.
Your answer ____________
- Enter the STUDENT'S FIRST NAME. (No nicknames, please.)
Your answer ____________
- Enter the STUDENT'S MIDDLE NAME. (Leave blank if none.)
Your answer ____________
- Enter the STUDENT'S LAST NAME. (Please use the full, legal surname.)
Your answer ____________
- I confirm the aforementioned student is/will be in grade 12 and is enrolled in Fairfax County Public Schools.
____ Yes