General Registration Requirements
How to register your student in grades K-12 at FCPS.
Welcome to Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS)! We're glad to have you join our school community.
For information about registration for the upcoming school year, please contact your zoned school directly. Enter your address in the boundary locator to determine the name of your zoned school. If you already know your zoned school, use our Schools and Centers Directory to find your school's website and contact information.
If you need language support, contact the following central office registrars:
- العربية (Arabic): Belsam Tubia at [email protected]
- فارسی (Farsi): Sima Navidi at [email protected]
- 한국어 (Korean): Carlin Kim at [email protected]
- Español (Spanish): Miriam Dubon at [email protected]
- اردو (Urdu): Farah Rana at [email protected]
If you have questions about registration procedures, policies or regulations, contact the Office of Student Registration or text 571-496-8254.
Learn About Registration in Your Language
Use the arrows to find your the video in your language. We offer Amharic, Arabic, Chinese, Dari, English, Korean, Spanish, Urdu, and Vietnamese.
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5 Steps to Register Your Student at FCPS
Parents of students entering kindergarten through 12th grade can follow these instructions to enroll their child.
Military families will follow this 5-step process; however, see Military Families: Planning your Arrival to Fairfax County for additional student registration information to help with the transition.
5-Step Registration Process: Written Instructions
The following two factors determine a student's eligibility to enroll in FCPS:
- Residency: Children must be living with a parent and residing in Fairfax County.
- Age: Children must be age 5 or older by September 30.
A child may enter kindergarten if he or she turns five on or before September 30 of the year he or she enters school. This age requirement also applies to students who transfer from other school districts after the start of the school year.
The age requirement is set by Virginia law, and FCPS is not able to make exceptions.
Kindergarten students are registered at the local school. Find your local school by using the FCPS Boundary Locator. School contact information is listed in the Schools Directory.
Families who need language assistance may contact the closest Student Registration Welcome Center (listed below).
Grades 1-12
In order to start the registration process, please fill out the Student Registration Form (IT-19). The form must be completed for all students registering in our schools.
The Student Registration Form is also available in the following languages: Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Urdu, and Vietnamese. The home language information on the Student Registration Form will help us direct you to the location of an appropriate registrar who can help you at any point in the registration process.
English Only
Students who have English as the only language shown on the Student Registration Form (IT-19) should register at the local school, except in instances where the student last attended an international school and is enrolling in secondary school (grades 7-12). Families may forward international transcripts to [email protected] to determine if their child is eligible for high school credit testing opportunities at the Student Registration Welcome Center.
Find your local school by entering your address in the FCPS Boundary Locator. School contact information is listed in the Schools Directory.
Languages Other Than or in Addition to English
- If a language other than or in addition to English is shown on the Student Registration Form (IT-19), AND your child last attended a US school (public, private, homeschool, or DoDEA), register at the local school.
- If a language other than or in addition to English is shown on the Home Language Survey, AND your child last attended an international school, register at the closest Student Registration Welcome Center.
- Dunn Loring Center (central Fairfax), 703-204-6740
- Herndon Center (northwest Fairfax), 703-227-2210
- South County Center, 703-742-4900
At FCPS Student Registration Welcome Centers, you can ask questions and request information about enrollment in most languages. At the centers, professionals may assess your student's English language skill and/or educational level. These assessments can provide valuable information to the local school and support your child's instructional needs.
Special Registration Situations
Depending on circumstances (nonparent registrations, divorced or separated parents, homelessness, foster care, and foreign exchange students), you will register at either the local school or a Student Registration Welcome Center. Please see the Special Registration Situations or Home Instruction webpages for information on home-schooling your child.
Parents registering their children must provide several documents, including proof of residency in Fairfax County, the child's birth certificate, the parent's government-issued identification, the child's health information, and the child's immunizations. See General Registration Documents for complete information regarding necessary documentation.
Please bring the registration documents to your appointment with a registrar (see Step 5).
A parent may opt to complete online registration or fill out FCPS registration forms for each child being registered.
Registration forms can be downloaded from our General Registration Forms page. Select the Enrollment Forms Bundle option to access all the necessary forms at once. Or pick up printed forms at the closest Student Registration Welcome Center or the local school office. For local school pick-up, be sure to call ahead so the forms can be ready for you when you arrive.
Please bring the completed registration forms to your appointment with a registrar (see Step 5).
Kindergarten families may complete Online Registration.
A parent will need to fill out a 2024-2025 Pre-Kindergarten Experience Form and the packet of General Registration Forms for each child being registered. For the General Registration Forms, be sure to select the Enrollment Forms Bundle (Kindergarten) option to access all the necessary forms at once.
2025-2026 Kindergarten
If you are enrolling your student for the 2025-2026 school year, please fill out this Pre-Kindergarten Experience (SY 2025-2026) form.
Please call ahead for a registration appointment at a local school (Boundary Locator and Schools Directory) or a Student Registration Welcome Center.
The student and at least one parent must be present for the registration appointment at a school or a Student Registration Welcome Center.
Please try to arrive with your registration documents and completed registration forms.
We look forward to partnering with you to support your child's educational journey in FCPS.
Is Kindergarten Mandatory?
Virginia law states that parents must ensure a child attends school if he or she will be five years old on or before September 30. However, if — in your opinion as a parent — your child is not mentally, physically, or emotionally prepared to attend school, he or she may be exempted for that year. You will need to notify your local school if you do not want your child to attend kindergarten until the following year.
Once a student turns six, school attendance is mandatory. Grade placement (either kindergarten or first grade) will be determined at the time of enrollment with consideration for factors such as age, academic records, and school readiness.
See the Home Instruction webpage for the option for home schooling your child.
Student Transfers
A student is expected to attend the school that serves his or her attendance area. However, student transfer information is available if a parent would like to transfer a student from a base school to another school within FCPS. Transfer requests are considered for very specific reasons as outlined in FCPS School Board Regulation 2230.
You must first be registered at a neighborhood school before submitting a request for student transfer.
Early Childhood Education
Learn more about FCPS Early Childhood Programs for students 4 years old and younger.