EL Supports Request Consent Form for College Board Testing

Submit your consent to request College Board EL testing supports

This page provides content found on the Fairfax County Public Schools consent form for College Board testing EL supports. This information is included as Enclosure 6 in the SAT School Day testing notifications shared with parents and guardians in June 2023. 

Please note that if you wish to request EL testing supports for the SAT School Day, an input form is required in addition to this consent form as part of the FCPS EL support process for College Board testing

College Board EL support forms are available with printable FCPS translations

Printable PDF translations of the process and forms needed to request College Board testing English learner supports

Enclosure 6 - EL Supports Request Consent Form for College Board Testing

The College Board


Consent Form for Request for English Learner (EL) Supports


Student’s Name: _______________________________________________

School Name: _____________________________________________________

School AI Code: ____________________________

Student’s Date of Birth: _________________________________________

I wish to use certain testing EL support(s) provided by my school as part of the 10/11/2023 SAT School Day administration.


Student and Parent/Guardian Signature

I wish to apply for EL Testing Support(s) on the SAT School Day due to my status as an English Learner.  I authorize my school: to release to the College Board copies of my records that document my need for EL Supports; to release any other information in the school's custody that the College Board requests for the purpose of determining my eligibility for EL Supports on College Board tests; and to discuss my English Learner status and support needs with the College Board. I also grant the College Board permission to receive and review my records, and to discuss my status and needs with school personnel and other professionals. I understand that EL Supports are only available for PSAT 8/9, PSAT 10, and SAT School Day at this time.

Student’s Signature: _____________________________________ Date: ____________

Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________________________ Date: ___________

(Parent/guardian signature is required if Student is under 18.)


Instructions to the School

Unless you have been specifically advised by your state that this consent form is not needed, this form must be completed and kept on file at the school when a request for EL Supports on the SAT School Day is submitted to the College Board for the purposes of the 10/11/2023 SAT School Day administration. For each student for whom EL Supports have been requested, a copy of this form bearing the signatures of the student and parent/guardian must be obtained by the school. The school should maintain the completed, signed form with the student’s records. The signed form does not need to be sent to the College Board, but the school should indicate in Student Information Confirmation page of the EL Supports request application that a signed form is on file.


Copyright College Board

Copied and translated with permission by Fairfax County Public Schools