Principal Selection Pool Process - Resume Guidelines


When completing an online application for the FCPS principal pool, candidates will be instructed to upload a resume. A cover letter is not required. 

Personal Information

  • Name as shown on license, mailing address, phone number, and email address

Education and Certification/Endorsements

  • Degrees Earned; University/College/ Conferring Degree(s)
  • Licensure - All endorsements (for out-of-state candidates, please include proof of eligibility to obtain a Virginia License)

Professional Experience (The following information on professional experience should be included when developing a resume.)    

From the most recent position and working backward, provide information related to each professional experience. Include the following for each position:

  • Office or Organization, Name of School or Office, Position Title, and Length of duration in position
  • Highlights of Each Position:
    • In a few sentences, provide an overview of the school/office you served
    • Provide evidence of your work in the position as related to FCPS school-based administrator evaluation standards. Summarize your accomplishments and skills in 6-10 statements, summarize your accomplishments and skills.
      • (While not citing the standards, these statements should reflect the work tied to the School-Based Administrator (SBA) evaluation standards, which are accessible on the Principal Selection Process page.)

Professional Development, Awards, Publications and Recognitions

  • Title of professional development session, target audience, school/office, and year
  • Articles, etc., you authored or contributed to with publishing information
  • Name of award or recognition


  • Contact information for 3-5 references


An example resume is provided as a guide. Candidates may develop resumes using a different format, but the above components should be included.