Our Commitment to Supporting All Fairfax County Public Schools Families
Hello FCPS Community,
I am reaching out today because I want to acknowledge the numerous concerns and questions you are raising and the media queries we are receiving about recent national policy decisions around immigration that may impact our students, their families, and staff and their families, as well as many of our neighbors and friends.
We know that public education is the cornerstone of a successful community. As we center ourselves in our humanity, we will continue to do all that we can – to the fullest extent allowable by law – to protect our students and staff and to ensure access to safe and vibrant learning spaces for our students, families, and staff. We know that learning happens best in community, and I am counting on our community.
We are continuing to follow the law. The 1982 Supreme Court decision regarding Plyer v. Doe established that all children, regardless of immigration status, have the right to a public education. This was a result of the state of Texas enacting a law allowing school districts to deny enrollment to undocumented children. The Supreme Court ruled that this law violated the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment, emphasizing that public education is a critical government function vital to preparing all children for a productive role in society.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, or FERPA, enacted in 1974, also protects the privacy of student information. To be clear, Fairfax County Public Schools is not permitted by law to collect the immigration status of our students or their families.
Our posted policies reaffirm our commitment to provide safe, welcoming, and inclusive learning spaces for all students and their families. School administrators have access to resources that can be shared with families who have concerns. We have clear plans in place to respond to the shifting federal policies and our principals have received clear direction from me on the expected response should a federal law enforcement official come to a school. As we continue to follow the law, we will do everything within our authority to protect our students and staff.
Finally, while some things may be changing around us, what remains unchanging is our commitment to ensuring all students benefit from a world-class education here in FCPS. We will remain in the light.
Take Good Care,
Michelle C. Reid