FCPS This Week - September 11, 2024
A Beech Tree Elementary School student works on a project in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) class.
Results of the Family Engagement Survey
The results of FCPS’ Family Engagement Survey are now available. A key finding showed that 92% of respondents say they “feel welcome” at their child’s school, an increase from 89% in the 2021-22 survey.
The most recent survey was conducted during the 2023-24 school year to measure the division’s success with family engagement. Thank you to the more than 26,000 parents and guardians who participated! Your responses will help FCPS build trust, strengthen connections, and empower families to support their children’s success.
Survey Outcome: FCPS Family Academy
One outcome of the Family Engagement Survey is the creation of the FCPS Family Academy.
The Family Academy’s goal is to support the continued success and well-being of each and every student within the FCPS community. The Academy will offer engaging learning opportunities and meaningful connections for families to support a welcoming environment at FCPS for all.
Family Academy goals align with FCPS’ 2023-30 Strategic Plan Pillar B: Vibrant Home School & Community Partnerships. Pillar B reminds FCPS to empower families through trusting partnerships that sustain a safe, inclusive culture for learning.
✔️ Caregiver Checklist: Have You Completed These Important Forms?
We understand that the multiple school forms caregivers receive during the first weeks of school can feel overwhelming, but each one helps set your child up for a successful school year! If you do not have a SIS ParentVUE account, please contact your child’s school for an activation code and follow the directions on the SIS ParentVUE Account webpage.
🩹 Immunization Requirements
Please check with your healthcare provider as soon as possible to make sure your child is up to date on the immunizations required by the state of Virginia. Starting Monday, September 30, students who have not provided proof of immunization will not be allowed to attend school.
You may check your child’s immunization compliance and submit their immunization record in SIS ParentVUE. Records may also be delivered to your school’s front office.
Alternative immunization documents (below) may also be provided to your school’s front office, but they may not be uploaded in ParentVUE:
- A healthcare provider’s written statement specifying all administered immunizations.
- A healthcare provider’s written statement of a permanent or temporary medical exemption.
- A notarized Religious Exemption form objecting to the administration of immunizations due to conflicts with religious tenets or practices.
Find more information on immunizations.
📋 Permission Forms
Families can easily grant permission for their children to access a variety of school resources through the Parent Digital Consent system. Parents can opt their child in or out of resources including online educational tools, school counseling services, and tutoring services. They can also change how student information is managed.
Visit the Parent Digital Consent webpage to access the system. Watch a video to see how to use the tool.
Student Rights and Responsibilities (SR&R)
The SR&R document explains expectations for student behavior and adult responses. Parents using SIS ParentVUE will be prompted to sign the document when logging in to that platform. A printable version of the document with a signature sheet is available on the SR&R webpage. This form should be signed and returned by Friday, September 30.
🍽️ Fueling Student Success: New Food Options Cooked up at FCPS
Students will have more than a dozen new options for lunch and breakfast in school cafeterias starting this week. New menu items were either favorites at last year’s food show — including Korean BBQ wings, sweet Thai chili wings, chicken tikka masala, and barbacoa street tacos — or were tested with student focus groups and tastings.
View school menus to see all the new options and when they will become available.
✨ The 2023-30 Strategic Plan — Goal 2: Safe, Supported, Included, Empowered
The Office of Food and Nutrition Services’ updates to lunch menus align with FCPS’ 2023-30 Strategic Plan Goal 2: Safe, Supported, Included, and Empowered. The new menu options reflect the many voices and cultures represented around every FCPS lunch table!
FCPS’ 2023-30 Strategic Plan sets five main goals to create positive change in the division. These goals show where we should focus our attention and will help us align our efforts.
As part of the second goal, we want each and every student to feel like they belong and have the support they need to thrive. See how Goal 2 is being put into practice.
🕕 Early Release Mondays for Elementary Schools
Early release Mondays, which will help provide elementary teachers with much-needed uninterrupted planning time, begin this month.
All elementary school families should have received a Google form from their school asking whether they intend for their student to go home or stay after school during the first two early release Mondays. If you have not yet filled out the form, please complete it immediately.
Students who stay at school between early release and regular dismissal will not be with their regular teacher and will not receive instruction during this time. They will be supervised by other school staff, substitute teachers, or central office staff. Students will participate in activities such as independent work, laptop time (using approved educational apps), library rotation, physical activity, crafts, and/or board games.
🗓️ Date Change for Early Release Mondays
Schools in the Herndon, Langley, Madison, Marshall, McLean, South Lakes, Centreville, Chantilly, Fairfax, Oakton, Robinson, and Westfield pyramids will have an early release on Monday, December 9, rather than Monday, November 25.
You can view the Upcoming Events on your school homepage to look for early release dates that will impact your child.
Please visit the FCPS website for additional information about early release Mondays. If you have questions, email [email protected].
🎤 Our Schools, Our Future: Register Today for a Community Conversation!
Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid will host a series of Community Conversations this fall. She invites you to share your thoughts and ask questions.
The next event is scheduled for Monday, September 23, 6:30-7:30 p.m. at Newington Forest Elementary School. Click on the date to register. Childcare and language interpretation services will be provided.
💻 No-Cost Online Therapy for All High School Students
Is your high schooler experiencing anxiety, behavior changes, or challenges with peer and family relationships? Do they seem withdrawn or uninterested in their usual hobbies?
Parents/caregivers can refer their children for free weekly therapy with a licensed therapist through Hazel Health. Visit the Teletherapy webpage for information on this service.
Middle School Start Times Survey
In the next few days, caregivers of students who attend an FCPS middle school will receive a voluntary survey on middle school start times. The survey is being conducted by Prismatic Services, who were contracted by FCPS to help develop a plan to start middle schools at or after 8 a.m.
If you receive the survey, we appreciate you taking the time to respond (it should take no more than 10 minutes). Prismatic will keep all responses anonymous. If you have questions about this survey, please contact Prismatic at [email protected].
💬 Student Rights and Responsibilities: “Shall vs. May” Focus Groups
FCPS’ 2024-25 Student Rights and Responsibilities (SR&R) document explains expectations for student behavior and how adults will respond to promote school safety while ensuring a fair, equitable, and supportive school environment.
The School Board has recognized the importance of reviewing the “shall vs. may” language within the SR&R document. Clarifying mandatory actions (“shall”) and discretionary actions (“may”) will support consistent and equitable disciplinary practices across all schools.
Parents/caregivers will receive an email invitation regarding “shall vs. may” focus groups, where participants can share their thoughts on this language. K12 Insight is partnering with FCPS’ Chief Equity Office to host the focus groups and will send the invitations.
If you have questions, please contact Kathleen Walts, executive director, Equity and Student Relations at [email protected].
🤒 When a Student Should Stay Home From School
Whether students miss school because of illness or any other reason, missing school leads to learning loss.
Help your child succeed by encouraging them to attend as many days as possible, but do make sure your child stays home if they are sick. Visit our website for information on when to keep your child at home.
If your child has a chronic illness, make sure to notify their teacher so that assistance can be provided if needed. Keep an open line of communication with your school's public health staff. Call the school as soon as you know your child will be absent and tell school staff why and for how long.
Read about how families can help form good attendance habits. Attend today, achieve tomorrow!
🖥️ Website Feedback Needed by September 16
Now that our new central website is live, we are checking to see if it meets your needs. Please take five minutes to tell us what you think in this optional survey, which closes on Monday, September 16. Responses are anonymous. Thank you for your time.
📰 Superintendent’s Weekly Reflections
In her latest Weekly Reflections, Dr. Reid talked about school visits and her other travels and meetings last week. These included Back to School Nights and a visit to Haycock Elementary School, where she stopped in the classroom of Jon Baker, pictured above. Jon helps history come alive through his classroom decor, which he changes to reflect what students are learning each month.
Read Weekly Reflections and subscribe now.
☎️ Anonymous Tip Line Puts Safety First
If you or your child have concerns or information relating to feeling unsafe in any way at school, the FCPS Office of Safety and Security has a safety tip line that you can access anonymously online, by text (888-777; Keyword TIP FCPS), or by phone (571-423-2020).
If your tip is an emergency and immediate assistance is necessary, please dial 911.
Students, staff, parents/caregivers, and community members should report school safety issues such as threats, unsafe or dangerous situations, illegal drug activity, theft, gang activity, the existence of weapons, vandalism, and concerns about student wellness. Tip line users may identify themselves or remain anonymous.
If you have concerns about programs, regulations, policies or other topics that do not impact the safety of our schools, please contact the FCPS ombuds online, at 571-423-4014 or [email protected].
🗓️ Calendar Reminders
September 11: National Day of Service
The September 11 National Day of Service and Remembrance, also called Patriot Day, is a chance to reflect and act in service to others to honor those who were injured or killed in the terrorist attacks.
All FCPS students are encouraged to participate in service learning as it supports Portrait of a Graduate (POG) attributes and social and emotional learning (SEL) skills. Middle and high school students can learn more about service learning by logging into their Naviance account to access x2VOL.
First Early Release Monday on September 16
Elementary schools in the following pyramids will release early on Monday, September 16:
Edison, Hayfield, Lewis, Mount Vernon, South County, West Potomac, Annandale, Falls Church, Justice, Lake Braddock, West Springfield, and Woodson.
You can view the Upcoming Events on your school homepage to look for Early Release dates that will impact your child.
Constitution Day and Citizenship Day
On September 17 each year, schools honor Constitution Day and Citizenship Day. Constitution Day commemorates the signing of the Constitution on September 17, 1787, and recognizes “all who, by coming of age or by naturalization, have become citizens.”
🗳️ National Voter Registration Day Is September 17
Tuesday, September 17, is also National Voter Registration Day. Learn more about registering to vote. In-person early voting is available in Fairfax County from Friday, September 20 through Saturday, November 2. Email [email protected] with questions.
School Board Meeting This Thursday, September 12 at 7 p.m.
The School Board will hold its next regular business meeting on Thursday, September 12, at 7 p.m. Topics on the agenda include:
- Strategic Plan Update
- Awarding of Contracts
View the complete agenda. Find out how to watch and participate in School Board meetings.
FCPS Annual Public Notice: Career and Technical Education
Fairfax County Public Schools is committed to a learning and working environment free from all forms of discrimination. No person shall on the basis of race, sex, color, age, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, genetic information, pregnancy status, childbirth or related medical conditions, marital status, veteran status, and disability be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any FCPS sponsored educational program or activity. Retaliation against any person who reports or participates as a witness in the investigation of a discrimination and/or harassment complaint is strictly prohibited.
FCPS provides career pathway opportunities that include study in the areas of:
- Business Education and Information Technology
- Family and Consumer Science
- Health and Medical
- Marketing
- Technology and Engineering Education
- Trade and Industry
Annual Legal Notice
This is an annual notice of the availability of the postsecondary education and employment data published by the State Council of Higher Education (SCHEV) on its website pursuant to § 23.1-204.1.
- SCHEV Map of Virginia Colleges & Universities
- Top 100 professions in the Commonwealth by median pay and the education, training, and skills required for each such profession (Word doc; State Superintendent's Memo)
- Top 10 degree programs at institutions of higher education in the Commonwealth by median pay of program graduates (Word doc; State Superintendent's Memo)
- Virginia Job Outlook (PDF)
- The Postsecondary Opportunities for High School Students (VDOE) webpage and the Level Up Virginia website contain information for students on preparing, applying, and paying for college, as well as information on degrees and labor market career projections.