FCPS This Week - February 15
Members of the Edison High School Step Team practice a routine. Step is an African American dance tradition that traces its roots back to slavery and West Africa. Learn more about the history of step and watch the Edison Step Team in action.
School Board Approves 2023-24 School Year Calendar
The Fairfax County School Board approved a calendar for the 2023-24, 2024-25, and 2025-26 school years at their February 9 meeting. Learn more about the approved calendar.
The first day of the 2023-24 school year will be Monday, August 21, and the last day will be Wednesday, June 12.
Developing a school year calendar is a balancing act, involving multiple factors that must be considered. Community input is one of those factors, and we appreciate our community for being involved in the calendar development process.
“I Can Feel My Brain Getting Stronger:” ESSER Funds at Work
Roughly 35 students at Brookfield Elementary School are receiving intervention services in reading; about 40 receive similar small group help in math. The teachers are trained to help students overcome any learning gaps that may have been made worse by the pandemic.
The intervention teachers’ salaries, training, and instructional materials are all funded by Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief aid (ESSER III) funding—money given to states by the federal government to help address any pandemic-related issues that may be impacting students.
It appears to be paying off. Third-grader Justin struggled to identify most letters and sounds in fall 2021. He has made more than two years of progress in his reading skills in one academic year, according to testing data maintained by his school. Read more about this ESSER project.
School Board Approves Construction and Renovation Plan
At its meeting last week, the School Board unanimously approved an annual update to the Fiscal Year 2024-28 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). The CIP outlines plans to build three new elementary schools and to acquire land that will be used for a new high school. Other projects include three new and/or repurposed school facilities, the renovation of 25 schools based on the existing renovation queue, and the relocation of modular buildings.
Project webpages will keep the public informed of the details and progress of the project, including engagement opportunities, project details and timelines, progress updates, and more. View timelines for each approved project.
Fairfax County Public Schools relies on taxpayer-approved bond referendums to fund its Capital Improvement Program. The next school bond will be on the ballot for voters in November 2023.
Academic Matters: School-Based Mental Health Services
At the February 9 School Board meeting, Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid presented information on a recent U.S. Department of Education five year, $13.5 million grant awarded to FCPS to support a School-Based Mental Health (SBMH) Services project. Watch the presentation. Read the news release.
School-Zone Speed Camera Pilot Program Launched
Fairfax County has launched a speed camera pilot program targeting several school zones where speeding is common. Speed cameras have been installed in the following locations:
- Chesterbrook Elementary School.
- Irving Middle School.
- Key Middle School.
- London Towne Elementary School.
- Sleepy Hollow Elementary School.
- South County Middle School.
- Terraset Elementary School.
- West Springfield High School.
An additional school zone speed camera near Oakton High School is coming soon. Thank you to our County partners for helping to keep us safe as we travel to and from school!
School Board Student Representative Applications Open
Each year, FCPS students have the opportunity to apply for the position of student representative to the School Board. The student representative is not a member of the School Board but serves in a nonvoting, advisory capacity, representing FCPS students’ interests. The Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council (SAC) student delegates will vote to elect the representative to the School Board in April.
To be eligible, students should currently be in grades 9, 10, and 11; be a resident of Fairfax County or Fairfax City; and be an FCPS student. Students do not need to be current SAC members to apply. However, students are required to provide a written application by Friday, March 17, and a 30-second candidate statement via Flip video, which is due Friday, March 31. Learn more.
Watch the video above to hear from Michele Togbe, the current student representative to the School Board, as she describes the demands, expectations, and rewards of the position.
Special Education Enhancement Plan: Feedback Opportunity Ends This Friday
Fairfax County Public Schools is developing a Special Education Enhancement Plan to help ensure an excellent educational experience for all students with disabilities. As part of this effort, FCPS is seeking feedback from employees, families, and community members on Part 1 of the Draft Special Education Enhancement Plan. Please complete this form by Friday, February 17, to provide input on FCPS’ priorities regarding special education including vision, mission, core values, goals, and objectives.
Thank you in advance for lending your voice to this important work. Visit the Special Education Enhancement Plan webpage for more information.
Final In-Person Strategic Planning Community Forum
The final in-person Community Forum will be held tomorrow, Thursday, February 16, at 6:30 p.m., at Hunters Woods Elementary School. Click the date to register for the forum. Visit our Community Forums page for more information.
If you haven’t been able to make it to a forum (or even if you have), be sure to fill out this feedback form to let us know what keeps you optimistic about FCPS as well as what your concerns and frustrations are.
Camp Fairfax Registration Opens February 21
Camp Fairfax, a full-day program run by Fairfax County for rising first through seventh graders, features exciting opportunities in outdoor adventures, performing arts, sports and recreation, visual arts, science, technology, engineering and math exploration, and much more. Registration opens Tuesday, February 21.
2023-24 College Financial Aid Forms Due Soon; College Access Fairfax Is Here to Help
It’s time for high school seniors and their families to complete college financial aid forms. Most colleges require that the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) be completed by Wednesday, March 1, to receive the maximum financial aid possible starting in fall of 2023. Check the individual college’s financial aid office website for deadlines and specific forms to complete. Before starting the FAFSA, you will need to create an FSA ID.
A funding opportunity is available for students who are unable to complete the FAFSA–the Virginia Alternative State Aid (VASA) program. Find information to help determine which aid option is right for you on the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia website.
There are several College Access Fairfax recordings, virtual workshops, and resources available for viewing at the College Access Fairfax website. College Access Fairfax’s Financial Aid Champions also provide help completing the financial aid forms. Please email [email protected] to request a one-on-one appointment.
Families can also contact their high school's college and career specialist or school counselor if they need additional help.
Murder, Suspense, and Mystery in Edison High School’s Clue
FCPS students are talented actors, musicians, and visual artists. Many of our high schools participate in the Washington, D.C., chapter of the Critics and Awards Program for High School Theatre, otherwise known as the Cappies.
The Cappies is a program through which high school theater and journalism students are trained as critics, attend shows at other schools, write reviews, and publish those reviews in local newspapers. There are 15 Cappies chapters across the United States and Canada.
This review of Edison High School's production of Clue: Onstage (High School Edition) is written by Nathan Bass of McLean High School.
February Is Career and Technical Education Month
By enrolling in a Career and Technical Education (CTE) course or program, students learn the technical applications of many occupations while preparing for higher education or entry-level employment. A core program of CTE courses is offered in every middle and high school including Business and Information Technology, Family and Consumer Sciences, Health and Medical Sciences, Marketing, Technology and Engineering Education, and Trade and Industrial Education. Since this is an elective, course offerings may vary by school. Learn more on the CTE website.
CTE also offers summer programs for students to explore their programs. Enroll now!
Tutors Needed! Looking for a Flexible Position?
FCPS is now actively recruiting qualified tutors to provide in-person academic support to small groups of students. These new FCPS tutors will be paid an hourly rate of $47.17. The position is flexible, and the number of hours worked and location will be based on the tutor’s availability and qualifications, as well as the needs presented throughout FCPS. Apply now! Contact [email protected] for more information.
Tutors hired through this program will be strategically placed across the region where there is the most need for in-person tutoring.
Note: Current FCPS staff can only apply to tutor outside of their contracted hours.
Tutor.com Is Still Available; Free for All FCPS Students
Online tutoring through Tutor.com is available to ALL FCPS students as a resource for both support and enrichment. Tutor.com remains available to all FCPS students at no cost. Find out more about Tutor.com.
Calendar Reminders: Presidents Day
As a reminder, all schools and offices will be closed on Monday, February 20, for the Presidents Day holiday. Learn more about Presidents Day in Britannica.com. Classes will resume on Tuesday, February 21. See the complete 2022-23 School Year Calendar.
School Resource Officer Appreciation Day
February 15 is School Resource Officer Appreciation Day. Thank you to all our SROs for keeping our schools safe every day!
February Is Virginia School Boards Association Appreciation Month
Thank you to the Fairfax County School Board for all they do throughout the year: hiring and evaluating the superintendent, and reviewing and approving the FCPS budget, calendar, policies, and more! Want to contact your School Board representatives to share your appreciation? Visit their webpage.
How to Add Calendar Updates to Your Personal Calendar
Did you know you can subscribe to FCPS calendars so updates and new events will automatically be added to your Outlook or Google calendars?
You can subscribe to “All Calendars” or specific types of events, including School Year or Employee holidays, featured FCPS events, School Board meetings, fine and performing arts, or religious and cultural observances. To subscribe to updates, visit the subscription webpage, and click on the calendar to which you would like to subscribe.
Providing a Safe and Welcoming Space
As a continued commitment to fostering a caring culture and striving to provide a safe, welcoming, and inclusive space for all students and families in Fairfax County Public Schools, the School Board approved a Trust Policy. It aligns with the Fairfax County Government’s Public Trust and Confidentiality Policy to ensure that FCPS students and families can access FCPS benefits and services without fear that information will be disclosed, directly or indirectly, to federal immigration officials.
Additional information is available in multiple languages on FCPS’ Trust Policy webpage. If you have questions about the policy, please contact FCPS’ Office of Professional Learning and Equity at [email protected]. Staff, students, and families can report possible Trust Policy violations to [email protected].