FCPS Students Roll Up Their Sleeves at Free Immunization Clinics
It’s an important day for Annandale High School senior Norma Cucalon Collao. On Tuesday afternoon, she sat at a table at Frost Middle School. One by one, a pharmacist injected vaccines into Norma’s arms.
Norma felt grateful for the shots. “I need to get the vaccines,” she said, “because I need them to graduate.”

Norma is one of many students taking advantage of a series of immunization clinics Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) is offering in partnership with Safeway Pharmacy. Virginia law requires families to provide proof of immunizations for their students to attend a public school. The clinics offer FCPS families the opportunity to ensure their child meets those requirements — at no cost.
Frost Middle School will host two more immunization clinics, on Saturday, October 12, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and on Monday, October 28, from 3 to 7 p.m.

Students under the age of 19 must receive parental consent and be accompanied by their parent, guardian, or another adult over the age of 19. Registration is strongly encouraged, but not required; families who walk in can sign consent forms near the check-in table.
“Compared to other avenues for vaccinations, this was a fairly easy route,” said parent Tabitha Franklin, who registered her son and daughter, both seniors at Westfield High School, for the immunization clinic. “You just clicked on the button and went right to the site and it walked you through it.”
The clinics offer all required vaccines. A table behind the check-in desk features information on each available vaccine. Interpreters are also on-site to assist families. Once they receive their shots, students earn some candy and a coupon for 10% off their next grocery order at Safeway.

Adam Daley has two daughters who attend Robinson Secondary School. He beamed with pride after they received their vaccines.
“They showed some bravery, both of them,” he said. “I’m very glad that they took the vaccination to protect their health.”
Daley hopes more FCPS families take advantage of the free clinics: “We’re very happy that this service has been provided for free,” he remarked. “I would recommend to anyone to take the vaccinations necessary for the health of individuals and the community.”
Norma agrees. “Staying healthy is important,” she said. “Everyone should have the vaccines.”
The immunization clinics at Frost Middle School aren’t the only options for families who need to vaccinate their students. The Fairfax County Health Department (FCHD) will provide immunization clinics at their district offices for elementary school students on Limited Early Release Mondays this fall. FCHD will also host immunization clinics at FCPS middle and high schools for students through December. Visit our website for clinic locations, dates, and information on how to register.