Dr. Brabrand Message to the Community
Dear FCPS Family,
As we officially begin planning for a new school year, I want to confirm, consistent with my contract with the Fairfax County School Board, that this will be my last year of service to FCPS.
It has been an honor and privilege to serve this system over a span of almost 30 years. Starting as an intern and finishing as superintendent, I have had the opportunity to work alongside so many amazing students, teachers, principals, staff, parents, community members, and School Board members. I truly believe there is no greater concentration of educational talent nor no greater passion for public education than right here in Fairfax County Public Schools.
During my tenure as superintendent, I am proud of many things: an equity focus for all students that led to needed revisions in school discipline, advanced academics, and the admissions process at TJ; fully funded budgets prior to the pandemic, forged in an atmosphere of mutual respect and collaboration with the School Board and Board of Supervisors, that saw record investment in teacher salaries and FCPSOn technology; and the enhancement of a collaborative culture within our schools and departments to better engage and serve all of our students and families.
My goal in this school division has always been to meet the needs of every child, by name and by need. I pledge to continue to serve through June 30, 2022, with the same love and passion for FCPS that I had when I started. I will work with the School Board to ensure a seamless and smooth leadership transition.
We will continue to face challenges as we seek to provide a premier education to all of our students and families. Coming out of this pandemic, I believe we can and will build back an even better school system for our students, families, staff and community.
In the best of times and in the worst of times, I have always strived to lead with a steady hand and a full heart. My love for FCPS endures. I hope each of you continues to serve the students of FCPS with the faith, hope, and love they need and deserve.
Scott S. Brabrand, Ph.D.