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Learn about your options within the Military.

Military Branches

Military Service Academies – (Information also available in Naviance)

Military Recruiters Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS). The work you do is extremely valuable, and we are honored to be a part of your recruitment efforts. Below are the guidelines that will provide consistency in our procedures across the county.

  1. Each recruiter must sign in at the Main Office upon arrival at an FCPS high school. The college and career specialist will serve as the point of contact for each of the high schools.
  2. Each branch of military service may schedule up to one visit per month. During the visit, recruiters must remain in their assigned area and should allow students to make the initial contact with the recruiter. Appointments for the visits are to be scheduled in August or September with the college and career specialist. The college and career specialist and recruiter will establish appointment dates for the entire school year. Any necessary changes during the year should be arranged with the college and career specialist.
  3. Appointments with individual students may not be arranged during school hours or on school property. Students will not be excused from class to meet with recruiters. Recruiters may pick up a student at his or her home, not from school property.
  4. It is recommended that recruiters obtain permission from parents and/or guardians before meeting with individual students. Parents and/or guardians must sign a release form before transcripts can be given to recruiters unless the student is eighteen and may sign for his or her transcript. Please allow adequate time for the transcript request to be processed.
  5. If there is a change of recruiter, this information should be relayed to the college and career specialist by the new recruiter.
  6. Directory information requests must be made in writing to School Counseling Services. Please refer to the process for military directory requests information sheet.
  7. In order to respect each individual’s right to privacy, recruiters will not, at any time, ask students for information about other students.
  8. The principal is the only person authorized to release names and information about teachers and other faculty members.

Thank you for your cooperation.