Student Device Responsible Use Guidelines
Helpful guidance on how to take care of FCPS devices
Student Device Responsible Use Guidelines
FCPS students are able to check out an FCPS device for use during the school year. Students in grades 3 through 12 may also take the FCPS device back and forth between home and school everyday, and all students are able to take their assigned FCPS device home in the event virtual learning is necessary. Below are guidelines and procedures for checking out an FCPS device.
Note that students also have the option of using a personal device for learning at school, provided that device meets basic specifications and the parents/guardians of that student agree to the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Guidelines. Parents who wish to have their student BYOD should note in ParentVUE that they are opting out of the FCPS device.
Checking Out an FCPS Device:
- Your child’s school will provide you with information about when the student can check out an FCPS device. You may also reach out directly to your school to inquire about device check-out opportunities.
- Once your student is assigned an FCPS device, an email receipt will be sent to your student’s fcpsschools.net e-mail account showing the student has been issued an FCPS device.
- The device must be used responsibly at school and at home, in accordance with the Acceptable Use Policy outlined in the Student Rights and Responsibilities.
- The borrowed FCPS student device should be used only by the student to whom it is assigned, and only for assignments and tasks related to FCPS learning programs. It may not be used for personal activities like streaming video services, gaming, or social media.
- The device will come with a charger that can be used at home.
Caring for the FCPS Device
- For parents of our youngest learners, your school will have a video on caring for iPads to promote careful behaviors with the FCPS device.
- The FCPS student device is valuable and should be treated appropriately. It should not be thrown or dropped. It should never be placed on the roof or hood of a car, on the sidewalk or street, or treated in any way that may cause it to be crushed, dropped, or damaged.
- Laptop keys and screens and iPad screens are all delicate equipment and should be treated gently. Do not push too hard or bang on any device.
- The student device is for your use only. Friends, other students, siblings, cousins, or other people should not use it. Keep away from pets at all times.
- The student device should never be left unattended in the classroom, on the bus, in the hallway, in the lunchroom, in the gym, or any other public place.
- The device should not be used near water, household chemicals, food or drink, or other liquids that could damage its electronic components.
- When carried outside, or back and forth to school, the device must be protected in a backpack or bag in such a way that rain, snow, ice, excessive heat and or cold will not damage it.
- The device should be kept indoors in a secure location at all times when not in use.
- No files should be saved on the device or its desktop. All files should be saved in Schoology or the student FCPS Google Drive.
- The FCPS device should be fully charged every morning before the student comes to school.
- The FCPS device should be powered off when the student is finished with it at the end of the day. This will ensure it gets the proper updates to stay in good working order. Closing the lid of a laptop does not shut it down. To shut down a laptop, click on the Windows icon in the lower left and select “Power” and then “Shut Down.”
- If the student is asked to return the FCPS device to school, either during the school year or at the end of the school year, please ensure the device is returned when requested by your school.
- If the student leaves the current school, either during the school year or at the end of the school year, you must return the FCPS device to the current school prior to leaving. Failure to do so may result in listing the item as unreturned and recording it as a debt owed to the school.
Support for the FCPS Device
- Tech support is provided at your school, for your device, during school hours. DO NOT TAKE THE DEVICE TO A RETAIL STORE FOR REPAIR. The device is covered by an FCPS warranty and cannot be repaired outside of FCPS.
- Technology Support Staff are available at your school during designated times. Additional information will be provided by each school regarding how to place a request for technology support and services.
Reporting a Lost or Stolen FCPS Device
- School staff should be informed of a lost/stolen device as soon as possible. If you believe the student device was stolen, report it immediately to the police.
- Parents are financially responsible for the replacement cost of a new device to replace any FCPS device or charger components not returned at the end of the school year. Please consult with your school on the replacement cost for your child’s device..
How to Opt-Out of the FCPS-Issued Device
FCPS supports family choice, and respects parents who wish to have their student use a personal, or BYOD, device for learning instead of an FCPS student device. Parents should simply follow the instructions on the BYOD Guidelines page to ensure their BYOD device meets FCPS parameters and follows FCPS processes.