Illustration of a landscape with 3 icons: FCPS logo, government icon, and non-profit icon.

Community Resources for Families of Students with Disabilities

FCPS offices and programs, government agencies, and non-profit organizations.

Featured Resources

  • Advisory Committee for Students with Disabilities (ACSD)
    The ACSD is a state-mandated Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC). We welcome and encourage parents/guardians, students, teachers, administrators, staff, and others interested in special education in FCPS to share your thoughts, ideas, and/or public comments related to the unmet needs of students with disabilities.
  • Fairfax County Special Education Parent Teacher Association (SEPTA)
    Empowering and connecting families, students, and educators to ensure students with disabilities develop their full potential as individuals and community members. To join as a member visit:  To join the SEPTA discussion group on Facebook:
  • FCPS Family Resource Center (FRC)
    The FRC provides access to information and resources to support the success of all students, including those with learning challenges, special needs, and disabilities.
    Phone: 703-204-3941  
    Email: [email protected]
    Location: 2334 Gallows Road, Room 105 (Door 1), Dunn Loring, VA 22027
  • FCPS Office of the Ombuds
    The Office of the Ombuds includes a Special Education Ombuds and provides an independent,confidential resource for students, families, community members, and employees who are seeking informal help to answer questions, resolve concerns, and voice complaints regarding FCPS matters. The Assistant Ombuds for Special Education serves as a resource, providing information and support to parents and students regarding special education and Section 504 services.
    Phone: 571-423-4014             
    Text: 571-496-8284                 
    Email: [email protected]
  • Parents of Autistic Children of Northern Virginia (POAC- NoVA)
    POAC-NoVA provides education, community, and support to improve the quality and quantity of education for students with autism in Northern Virginia. We provide a resourceful and supportive community for your child and family, as well as in-person support group meetings for caregivers. To join POAC-NoVA visit
  • The Arc of Northern Virginia
    The Arc promotes and protects the human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities of Northern Virginia and actively supports their full inclusion and participation in the community throughout their lifetimes.

Fairfax County Public School Resources

Printable Community Resources Flyer

Flyer includes featured and FCPS resources.

Community Resources for Families of Students with Disabilities Flyer


Fairfax County Public Schools Offices and Programs

  • Advanced Academic Programs
    We support schools in offering a continuum of advanced academic services for students in K-12 that builds upon students' individual strengths and skills and maximizes academic potential for all students. 
  • Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Program
    Supporting the special education instruction of students with autism and related disorders through the use of principles of ABA.
  • Assistive Technology Services (ATS)
    Assistive Technology Services (ATS) uses computers, augmentative communication devices, and adaptive technology peripherals to maximize the potential of FCPS students with disabilities. ATS staff members work in collaboration with school teams to ensure that all students with disabilities who require assistive technology have the technology tools and training necessary in order to access the curriculum, narrow the achievement gap, gain essential life skills, and reach their full potential.
  • Behavior Intervention Services
    Behavior Intervention Services provides comprehensive behavior intervention and support to school teams for students receiving general and special education services. Services are provided for students in pre-k through grade 12. Each of the five regions within Fairfax County Public Schools has been assigned behavior intervention teachers who provide behavior support and intervention services to individual schools. Under the supervision of the program manager and guidance of the school principal, the behavior intervention teachers provide assistance to schools on the design and implementation of behavioral prevention and intervention strategies and support services.
  • Career and Transition Services (CTS)
    Planning a student’s transition from school to post-school options is a critical part of the individual education program (IEP) process during the middle and high school years. Transition planning is ongoing and outcome-oriented, based on collaboration between students with disabilities, their families, school and adult service personnel, and the community. 

    Career and Transition Services (CTS) is committed to providing a range of student focused, coordinated activities and supports including career assessment; interdisciplinary and collaborative instruction related to career and technical education; parent and family involvement; as well as interagency and community partnerships. Through these coordinated efforts, Career and Transition Services helps students with a range of disabilities develop essential skills for further education and training, employment, self-determination, and independent living. The mission of Career and Transition Services is to empower a diverse population of students with the opportunities and resources necessary for transition to a variety of postsecondary options.
  • Deaf/Hard of Hearing (DHH) Services and Vision Impairment (VI) Services
    Hearing and Vision Services supports the development, implementation, and operation of programs, curricula, and services that meet the unique needs of students who are Blind and Visually Impaired and/or Deaf and Hard of Hearing.

    The purpose of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing program is to provide individualized access to the curriculum and targeted instruction to all eligible students, with consideration given to student communication and language modality, individualized education program (IEP), and the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE).

    The purpose of the Blind and Visually Impaired program is to provide individualized access to the curriculum and targeted instruction to all eligible students, with consideration given to student's individualized education program (IEP) and functional vision, and to provide specialized materials and instruction, when necessary. 

    Teachers within the Hearing and Vision Services program work with IEP and school teams through the identification, assessment, and eligibility processes for considerations of student’s for Special Education services under hearing impairment/deafness and/or visual impairment.
  • Early Childhood Identification and Services
    Early Childhood Identification & Services (ECID&S) provides specialized instruction and related services to all children ages 2 through 5, who qualify under the Individuals with Disabilities Act. The ECID&S program ensures the provision of a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) to all children who are found eligible at no cost to their families. 
  • English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
    ESOL services prepare students to be college and career ready by developing proficiency in the English language. ESOL services help students achieve academic success, develop critical thinking skills, and solve problems.
  • Extended School Year (ESY) and Assessment
    The Extended School Year (ESY)/Assessment section of OSEI works to ensure a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment for delivery of ESY services.  A major focus is on the staffing and preparation of school sites which includes continued collaboration with transportation, human resources, food services, school health services, therapy services, therapeutic recreation, and other offices to provide an effective learning environment for staff and students.  The Assessment section of OSEI works to keep FCPS staff updated on the State assessment options and accommodations for students with disabilities to include criteria, specifics regarding the assessments, process for how an IEP team will identify which assessment/accommodations are most appropriate, and the impact of assessment decisions on the student’s future options.
  • Office of Special Education Instruction, Adapted Curriculum, PreK-12 
    The Adapted Curriculum program provides direct and indirect support to schools in the instruction of students who are accessing an adapted curriculum.  These students may receive services for autism (AUT), intellectual disabilities (ID), intellectual disabilities severe (IDS), and, where needed, noncategorical elementary (NCE). These services are referred to as Category B services within FCPS. Category B services are designed for students with low incidence disabilities who exhibit significant delays in the areas of language, communication, cognition, socialization, and adaptive functioning that impact their ability to participate in the general curriculum.
  • Office of Special Education Instruction, High Incidence, K-12
    The FCPS K-12 High Incidence Team supports schools, teams and teachers in understanding and implementing instructional best practices and specialized programs for students with disabilities who are accessing the VA Standards of Learning. Schools are supported through a variety of models, including trainings, in-services, workshops, facilitated team meetings, and individual coaching.
  • Physical TherapyOccupational Therapy Services
    FCPS Therapy Services department consists of licensed occupational therapy practitioners (OTs and COTAs) and physical therapy practitioners (PTs and PTAs). FCPS provides OT and PT services to students in accordance with provisions outlined by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) regulations to facilitate students’ abilities to engage in meaningful activities that support their health, participation  in school activities and learning goals through collaboration with students, families and school teams. PT and OT practitioners support regular and special education instruction through participation in school-based instruction, providing direct intervention/training, and serving on problem-solving teams. Therapy practitioners serve to build teacher capacity through collaborative problem-solving and training in the differentiation and use of school-based interventions that empower students’ successful participation throughout the school day.
  • School Counseling Services     
    FCPS K-12 school counseling programs strive to empower students to become independent and productive individuals. Using a developmentally age-appropriate program, school counselors provide academic, social emotional, and college and career counseling services. The belief that each student can achieve academic success is a touchstone of the program. As well as the goal of creating a desire within students to become lifelong learners and productive members of a global society.

    All students in FCPS have the opportunity to work with a certified school counselor.  All school counselors in FCPS are expected to implement a comprehensive school counseling program based on the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) National Model. Comprehensive programs analyze student needs in order to provide specific and targeted programming. As a result, school counseling programs may vary due to their specific school size, student population, community, and academic, social emotional, and college and career readiness needs.

    Each FCPS high school also has a college and career specialist on staff. These professionals work closely with school counselors to support students in postsecondary planning. College and Career Specialists assist students with career exploration and planning, employment, apprenticeships, and military options. They further support the two-year, four-year, and technical college application process, admission testing, financial planning, and scholarship options.

    School Counselors and College and Career Specialists are available to partner with families and collaborate with other school professionals to meet the needs of each student. Caregivers are encouraged to reach out to these professionals when questions arise.
  • School Psychology Services         
    School psychologists positively impact the academic and social/emotional development of all students through the provision of mental health services that build resilience, life competencies and good citizenship.  FCPS school psychologists provide a full range of prevention and intervention services that support the mental health and learning potential of all students and there is a school psychologist assigned to support every FCPS school/program. 
  • Speech and Language (SL) Services       
    Speech and Language (SL) Services are offered in FCPS through the Department of Special Services, Office of Special Education Instruction.  Speech and Language Services in the schools are provided as part of a continuum of special education services, which exist through the mandates created by state and federal legislation.  

    Following procedures for implementing the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA 2004) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, a student may qualify for special education under the disability category Speech-Language Impairment, as a single disability category, or the student may receive Speech and Language as a related service to any one of the other 13 disability categories defined by Virginia Special Education Regulations. It is the child's IEP team that is responsible for determining the services needed for the child to receive a free and appropriate public education (FAPE). The nature, extent, and location of SL services always depend on the unique needs of the student. Speech-Language Pathologists provide services to students who demonstrate a communication impairment, such as impaired articulation, stuttering, voice disorders, and language impairments that adversely affect their educational performance.  
  • Student Safety and Wellness Office     
    The Student Safety and Wellness (SSAW) office is dedicated to promoting prevention activities to increase community awareness and collaboration to support healthy life choices. It also provides prevention presentations for schools and parents on ways to prevent violence, bullying, gangs, and drug use. The office monitors state and federal websites to identify trends, professional development opportunities, and changes in regulations which may impact the FCPS student behavior code of conduct.


Federal, State or Local Government Agency

  • Fairfax County Department of Emergency Management and Security
    The Fairfax County Department of Emergency Management and Security has many resources for the community which are designed to educate and empower community members to prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergencies. Planning and preparing before disaster strikes is especially important if you or a loved one have a disability. Visit our website to access tools to help you create a family emergency plan, make an emergency kit, learn how to sign up for local alerts and warnings, and more!
  • Fairfax County Department of Family Services - Disability Rights & Resources  
    Fairfax County Government, Disability Rights and Resources promote the empowerment and well-being of people with disabilities by linking people with disabilities with county and community services and opportunities based on what they express needing assistance with. We provide referral and technical assistance on disability rights laws and strategize with people to become self-advocates. We host Fairfax County Public School students each October to celebrate National Disability Employment Awareness Month with an in-person Mentoring Day. We manage two paid internship programs, the Employment Development and Training Program for 16 to 24 years old individuals and the John Hudson Internship Program for college students or recent college graduates. 
  • Fairfax County Public Library - Access Services
    The Access Services Library, a branch of the Fairfax County Public Library system, serves people of all ages who are unable to read or use standard print materials. The Access Services Library partners with the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled, a division of the Library of Congress, to provide the Talking Book program to Fairfax County residents. Residents of all ages who are unable to read standard print due to blindness, low vision, reading disabilities or physical disabilities may qualify for the program. Books are available in audio or braille format, and people have the option of using the free playback equipment or the BARD Mobile app. More information is available on the Talking Book Program Website or the National Library Service Website.
  • Fairfax County Therapeutic Recreation Services
    Therapeutic Recreation Services is committed to providing services, education, and resources to meet the needs of participants and assist them on the road toward lifelong participation and enjoyment in recreation and leisure activities. Staff provide support and advocacy to individuals who wish to participate in general recreation activities.
  • Fairfax-Falls Church Community Services Board (CSB) Youth and Family Services (Y&F)
    Through engaging programs and services, Y&F provides counseling, medication, crisis response, and recovery supports for children, youth, and their families with significant mental health, disabilities, substance use, and co-occurring needs.
  • Healthy Minds Fairfax     
    Healthy Minds Fairfax coordinates a full range of mental health and substance abuse services for children and youth across multiple county agencies, the school system and private treatment providers. We work to help youth and families in the Fairfax-Falls Church community access mental health and substance abuse services, and improve the quality of those services.
  • The Virginia Family Special Education Connection
    Virginia Department of Education's Training and Technical Assistance Center at George Mason University (TTAC GMU) maintains the Virginia Family Special Education Connection Website. This website provides a one-stop-shop for parents, families and caregivers of children with special needs. Parents and families can and do make a difference in their child's education. 
  • VDOE Training and Technical Assistance Center (TTAC ) at George Mason University (GMU)
    VDOE TTAC at GMU provides professional learning, resources and technical assistance to educators.


Non-Profit Organizations

  • ABLEnow
    ABLEnow accounts help people with disabilities save money to pay for qualified expenses without being taxed on the earnings – and in most cases, without losing eligibility for certain means-tested benefits. Earnings grow free from taxes. ABLEnow accounts may be used to pay for a variety of expenses related to maintaining health, independence and quality of life for individuals with disabilities.
  • AIM-VA    
    AIM-VA provides accessible instructional materials (e.g. digital books, braille, large print) to eligible Virginia K-12 students who have an Individualized Education Program (IEP). These services are provided at no cost to the divisions or families.
  • ArtStream         
    ArtStream provides performing arts opportunities for individuals 18 and up with intellectual and developmental disabilities, including autism. In our classes, workshops, theater companies, and cabarets participants improve their communication, social, and advocacy skills while developing friendships.
  • Autism Society of NoVA 
    Our Mission: ASNV improves the lives of autistic individuals and their families through community-building, advocacy, and education.
  • Care Connection for Children of Northern Virginia
    Care Connection for Children is part of the Virginia Department of Health statewide network of excellence serving children and youth with disabilities, providing FREE care coordination services. Our caring team works closely with families to coordinate care and find the best healthcare and community resources in Northern Virginia. Our team can also provide quick answers to questions from families and other interested parties who are searching for information and resources for children with disabilities.
  • CHADD of Northern Virginia and District of Columbia      
    Our Chapter's mission, along with CHADD National's, is to "Improve the Lives of People with ADHD."  We provide information and resources on ADHD to VA, MD and DC.
  • Decoding Dyslexia Virginia 
    Decoding Dyslexia Virginia is a grassroots movement focused on linking families to resources, support, and educational interventions for dyslexia. We aim to raise dyslexia awareness, empower families to support their children and inform policy-makers on best practices to identify, remediate and support students with dyslexia in Virginia. Our group is made up of parents whose children are dyslexic. We are not experts; we are not a business or an educational organization.  We offer the community the benefit of our collective experiences.  We encourage parents to meet with their local policy-makers to tell the story of their child, and ask for policies and/or legislation to identify and support dyslexic children in our public schools.
  • Down Syndrome Association of Northern Virginia
    The DSANV supports individuals and families living with Down syndrome of all ages in the entire Northern Virginia area with age appropriate programs, seminars, social events and advocacy opportunities. 
  • Formed Families Forward      
    Formed Families Forward is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting foster, kinship, and adoptive families of children and youth with disabilities and other special needs. We serve families, educators and child welfare professionals in the Northern Virginia area. Our mission is to improve developmental, educational, social, emotional and post-secondary outcomes for children and youth with disabilities and other special needs through provision of information, training and support to adoptive and foster parents, and kinship caregivers. We carry out our mission by providing training, webinars, consultations to families, resources, peer support groups for youth/young adults and parents and caregivers, life skills and parenting classes, and system navigation FREE of charge to families and professionals who serve families.
  • Organization for Autism Research        
    OAR is an organization founded and led by parents and grandparents of autistic children, who serve as the Board of Directors, providing leadership, life experience, and heart. Since 2001, our mission has been to apply research to the challenges of autism. 
  • Partnership for Healthier Communities
    Partnership for Healthier Communities (PHC) is one of several community health-improvement initiatives of Inova’s Community Services Division. Partnership for Healthier Communities is designed to identify uninsured children and adults and connect them to an appropriate and affordable source of quality healthcare services through programs like Medicaid, CHIP and free or low-cost medical care coverage programs for children and adults.
  • Pozez JCC of Northern Virginia  
    The Pozez JCC's Inclusion & Disability Services department is committed to helping the community through activities designed to develop physical and social skills for individuals with disabilities. The program features small participant-staff ratios. We offer activities such as social skills classes, recreation programs, adapted sports, summer day camps for up to age 27, virtual programming, social clubs for teens and adults, educational workshops, and much more!
  • PRS, Inc.       
    PRS is a community-based 501(c)(3) non-profit incorporated in the Commonwealth of Virginia.  Family Peer Support Partners (FPSPs) with PRS, Inc. are trained parents and caregivers who use their personal experience to offer support for parents and caregivers of youth diagnosed with mental health or substance use. FPSPs understand first-hand the challenges families may experience because they have navigated mental health and substance use systems with their own children.
  • Saint John Paul the Great Catholic High School Options Program   
    The Options Program is an innovative, inclusive special education program for students with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities who require modifications to access the general curriculum. The Options Program provides the opportunity for students to grow socially, spiritually, and academically alongside their peers in a Catholic environment. The program focuses on academic as well as vocational skills, with each student’s education plan being highly individualized. A primary goal for each student is to be as fully integrated as possible into the total life of the school community. 
  • Virginia Family Special Education Connection
    This website provides a one-stop-shop for parents, families and caregivers of children with special needs. Parents and families can and do make a difference in their child's education.

Community Guide for Special Needs Families

Our Family Resource Center provides these resources for informational purposes only. They do not reflect recommendations or endorsements by Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) or the FCPS Family Resource Center. Please contact the locations directly for fees, availability, and additional information.