School Health Advisory Committee (SHAC)
Community Advisory Committee
Contact Us
School Board Liaison
Robyn Lady
Staff Liaison
Lea M. Skurpski, Director, Office of Operations and Strategic Planning, Department of Special Services
[email protected]
Committee Purpose
Va. Code §22.1-275.1—Each school board may establish a school health advisory board of no more than twenty members which shall consist of broad-based community representation including, but not limited to, parents, students, health professionals, educators, and others. The advisory board shall assist with the development of health policy in the school division and the evaluation of the status of school health, health education, the school environment, and health services.
Committee Charge
To address the broad range of challenges affecting student health identified by the Fairfax County Youth Survey, we suggest studying how the FCPS 2023 Strategic Plan can support technology and extracurricular activities for brain health with a focus on cognitive, emotional, and social skills. Incorporating neuroscience into the FCPS Strategic Plan can provide a comprehensive lens toward improving student outcomes. Reports of suicidal ideation among elementary students (see Appendix D) suggest the current challenges are becoming more severe without a dedicated focus over the next six years.
SHAC proposes researching the following topics to determine the impact of neuroscience on improving student outcomes:
Fostering brain health for all - students, families, and staff countywide
Enabling preventive support for developing and maintaining brain health
Identifying innovations to pilot and evaluate brain health initiatives with students
SHAC also would like to meet with student groups to obtain their feedback as to the best ways to build and nurture their brain development and growth. Questions for them may include, “What cognitive muscles are they concerned about?” and “How can school environments help and hinder who they are growing into?” SHAC would like to obtain student feedback on how technology, extracurricular activities, sleep, and stress management affect them. SHAC hopes that the data collected can be used to place FCPS at the forefront of holistic student development in the coming years.
FCPS Wellness Policy
Participation, Implementation, and Support of the FCPS Wellness Policy
The Fairfax County School Board will engage members of the school community and the general public to develop, assess, review and/or revise the FCPS Wellness Policy and Regulations. The School Health Advisory Committee will assess and review the Wellness Policy and Regulations to make recommendations to the School Board and serve as a vehicle for engaging the public.
- FCPS Health and Wellness Partnership Program
- FCPS Wellness Leadership
- FCPS Wellness Newsletter (Subscribe)
- FCPS Wins Award for Wellness Program from VSBA
Reports, Policies, and Regulations
Meetings will be held at 7 p.m. in Conference Room 5055 at the Gatehouse Administration Center (8115 Gatehouse Road, Falls Church, VA). Parking is available on site in the parking garage at the Gatehouse Administration Center.
Superintendent’s Conference Room 5055
8115 Gatehouse Road
Falls Church, Virginia 22042
Meeting information will be posted here.
Meeting information will be posted here.
Meeting information will be posted here.
Meeting information will be posted here.
Meeting information will be posted here.
Meeting information will be posted here.
Meeting information will be posted here.
Meeting information will be posted here.
Time is set aside at each meeting for public comment and the committee looks forward to hearing from parents, educators, students, and the greater Fairfax County community.
Fairfax County and City residents who would like to make public comment may attend the meeting in person at the location indicated above or may submit a video or audio testimony in advance of the meeting by email to [email protected]. Please submit video or audio testimony by 5:00 p.m. on the Tuesday evening prior to each meeting. A maximum of 5 slots are available, first come, first served. Video and audio testimony should not exceed 3 minutes in length.
2024-25 Membership
An asterisk (*) indicates voting members.
School Board Member Representatives - Term Expires June 30, 2025
Katie Moyer*, Braddock District
Robert Goldel*, Dranesville District
Jen Steiner*, Franconia District
Mary Rogers Kirby*, Hunter Mill District
Kelly G. Fernandez*, Mason District
Dave Behar*, Mount Vernon District
Liz Royal*, Providence District
Ilana Yergin-Doniger*, Springfield District
Marija Mladenovic*, Sully District At-Large
TBD, McDaniel At-Large
Keena McAvoy*, McElveen At-Large
Li-Hui Ueng*, Moon
Alyssa Hughes*, Student Representative – Sawant
Luke Han*, Student Representative – Sawant
Dr. Terri Edmunds-Heard, Assistant Superintendent, Department of Special Services
Bethany Demers, Educational Specialist, Department of Special Services
Carrie Reynolds, Senior Manager II, Instructional Services Department
Saray Smalls, Department Special Projects Administrator
Amanda Schlink, Food Services Nutritionist, Operating Office
Brian Hochstrasser, Fairfax County Health Department
Dr. Tuc Nguyen, Medical Society of Northern Virginia
Cara Shirley, Fairfax County Council of PTAs
- Jessica Peterson, FAESP (Elementary School Principal) Representative
- Ann Manderfield Smith, MSPA (Middle School Principal) Representative