model of earth hanging from school ceiling

Governor’s World Language Academies Program

A summer residential program for World Languages in French, German, Japanese, Latin, and Spanish.

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Visual and Performing Arts (VPA) Governor’s School Program

The Summer Residential Governor's Schools (SRGS) are month-long residential programs for current year tenth- and eleventh-grade gifted students in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

two female students standing in front of blue lockers in a school hallway

Summer Residential Governor's Schools (SRGS)

The Summer Residential Governor's Schools (SRGS) are month-long residential programs for current year tenth and eleventh grade gifted students in the Commonwealth of Virginia. The goal of each Governor's School is to provide opportunities for intellectual, social, and emotional growth.

student painting colorful artwork

Dual Language Immersion (DLI) Program Registration

FCPS offers elementary Dual Language Immersion (DLI) programs in five languages

an adult and child on the playground

Advanced Academics Identification and Placement for Private/Home Schooled Families

Learn about the application process for full-time AAP. Referral forms, HOPE Rating Scale, parent/guardian questionnaire, reactivation, transfer and appeal forms for Private/Home Schooled Students.

adults reading and working together

World Languages Credit By Exam

The FCPS World Languages Credit By Exam assesses language proficiency. The exam provides up to three World Language credits. Exam credits may also fulfill the World Languages requirements for the Advanced Studies Diploma and the Virginia Department of Education’s Seal of Biliteracy.

students with books in the courtyard

McLean Elementary Schools Capacity/Boundary Issues

Boundary adjustment approved by School Board to address capacity challenges across all McLean elementary schools, with a particular focus on the needs of Kent Gardens Elementary.