SOL Grade 9-12 Results
Understand your high school student's SOL test results
After each Standards of Learning (SOL) testing window, student results are verified and submitted to the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE). Once this verification process is complete, scores are available for official reporting to parents. In an effort to make student results more understandable to parents and guardians, Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) prepares a custom SOL parent score report for each testing window. Contents of the official Fairfax County Public Schools score report are provided below.
What Information Does the Report Include?
The Official SOL Score Report provides the overall test score, overall performance level, and results for each test reporting category for each test completed during the most recent testing window.
- Overall results include the scaled score (0-600) and performance level (Pass/Advanced, Pass/Proficient, Fail/Basic, Fail/Below Basic, etc.).
- Reporting category results provide the scaled score (0-50).
Information about how to interpret these values is provided in the report letter. Contents of the letter and a printable copy are provided below.
Testing Window: _______________
Created at _____________
To the Parents/Guardians of:___________________________ SID:_________ GRD:_____
Official results are listed below for Standards of Learning (SOL) tests your student took in the recent testing window. Your student’s overall scaled score and performance level are listed for each SOL test, along with the score for each reporting category.
Overall scaled scores are reported on a scale of 0-600. A student must attain an overall scaled score of 400 or higher to pass the test. If a student attains an overall scaled score of 500 or higher, the student is considered to have performed at an advanced level on the test. An overall scaled score between 0 and 399 indicates the student did not pass the test. An entry of “NS” for the scaled score means no score is available. If your student has multiple results for the same test, this means your student attempted the same test more than once during this testing window.
The performance level gives a brief description of the overall test outcome. Additional information about the knowledge and skills a student would be expected to demonstrate at each performance level for a SOL test is available on the Virginia Department of Education webpage (http://www.doe.virginia.gov/testing/scoring/performance_level_descriptors/index.shtml).
Reporting category (RC) scores are reported on a scale of 0-50 and indicate relative strengths and needs within the tested subject area. A RC score of 40 or above indicates strength in that area, and a RC score below 30 indicates an area for growth. An entry of “NS” for the RC score means no score is available.
If you have any questions about the results shown on this report, please contact your student’s school counselor or school test coordinator/assessment coach.
For a translation of this document, please visit the webpage at https://www.fcps.edu/node/35200 or contact your student’s school.
Test Level __________________________ Administered By __________________
Test Information | Reporting Category Results |
Test Name: | __________ __ |
Admin Date: | __________ __ |
Overall Scaled Score: _____ | __________ __ |
Performance Level: ________ | __________ __ |
Select a preferred language to view the official FCPS SOL score report. To access Braille or large print versions of score reports, please contact FCPS Vision Impairment Services at 517-423-4866.
Printable PDFs of the FCPS official Standards of Learning (SOL) score report for families
How Are Scores Reported to Families?
When a student takes a SOL exam in a testing window, families receive a custom score report within 2-4 weeks of the close of the window. Most families receive reports through the Student Information System (SIS) ParentVUE.
- The FCPS Official SOL Score Report is posted to the SIS ParentVUE Documents section.
- Numerical scores are posted to the SIS ParentVUE Test History section.
The FCPS Official SOL Score Report is delivered from your student's school.
SIS ParentVUE Gives You Information to Support Your Student's Success
If you do not already have a SIS ParentVUE account, sign up now to monitor and support your child’s academic success! Through ParentVUE, you are able to view your student’s attendance, grades, and assignments at any time. You can also access special reports for your student like progress reports and assessment score reports.
Once you have activated a ParentVUE account for an FCPS student, you will keep the same account until the student graduates. Information about students in the same family can be accessed through the same ParentVUE account. Access SIS ParentVUE by using an app on your iPhone, iPad, or Android devices.
Need help creating a SIS ParentVue account? This video walks through the steps. Find out more about SIS ParentVUE.
FCPS streamlines families’ access to student academic information through our division’s SIS ParentVUE. By providing academic records all within this system, families have fewer logins to keep track of and can view information for all of their children in the same session.
FCPS does not use the state parent portal because of accessibility limitations and our division effort to streamline parent reporting through SIS secure access whenever possible.
Understanding SOL Results
The VDOE provides information about how SOL scores can be used to reflect on student performance.
Each test's overall performance level gives a brief description of the overall test outcome. The Virginia Department of Education provides additional information about the knowledge and skills a student would be expected to demonstrate at each performance level on their Performance Level Descriptors webpage.
The overall performance level is determined based on the overall test scaled score.
- Pass/Advanced: 500-600
- Pass/Proficient: 400-499
- Fail/Does Not Meet: 0-399

If your student has SOL tests for grade 3-8 courses, please see the SOL Grade 3-8 Results webpage for additional score performance levels and resources for understanding scores.
The FCPS Official SOL Score Report includes reporting category (RC) scores for each test completed. Reporting category (RC) scores are reported on a scale of 0-50 and indicate relative strengths and needs within the tested subject area.
RC score of 40-50 indicates strength in that area.
RC score of 30-39 indicates performing as expected in the area.
- RC score of 0-29 indicates an area for growth.

Keep in mind that each SOL test reflects performance on a single day and should be used alongside other available data for a more complete picture of academic performance and needs. Talking to the student's teacher is the best way to learn more about how the student is progressing in each subject area.
Under Virginia Code (8VAC20-131-30), schools are expected to provide remediation to any high school student who fails a SOL test needed for verified credit to graduate. At the same time, it is important to remember that the SOL is just one data point to use when considering a student’s readiness to access curriculum standards for their current courses.
If your student needs to recover a course credit or prepare to retake a SOL exam for graduation requirements, please explore options offered through FCPS Summer Learning's Credit Recovery Academy. Talk to your student's school counselor to select the summer options that best meet your student's needs.
FCPS applies a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) framework as school teams make decisions about students' instruction, support, intervention, and tutoring needs, as applicable. School teams review multiple data sources to create a more complete picture each student's academic performance. Examples of data sources that go into support decisions include performance on:
- Academic screeners (Math Inventory/Reading Inventory)
- Previous SOL tests
- Classroom assessments and assignments
If your student is identified to receive intervention or tutoring based on the school team's review, your student's school will share information with you about their needs, supports, and progress. For more information about your current student’s learning progress, please talk to your student’s teacher.
Please note that High Intensity Tutoring through the All In Virginia Initiative is not currently available in every school because the VDOE's High Intensity Tutoring allocations vary by division. You can find current information about Tutoring Options in FCPS on our webpage.
Assessment Resources
Learn more about assessments in FCPS