Kindergarten Progress Report Information
Kindergarten Information for Parents and Guardians
The information below helps you understand how the curriculum your child is learning aligns to the progress report standards. The items listed under each standard outline the content students learn over the course of the year. Not all standards will be taught each quarter. Content not taught in a particular classroom or school (e.g., band, strings, World Languages) will be marked as “nt” (not taught) on the progress report.
Language Arts
PRS = Progress Report Standard
- Produce and expand complete sentences in shared language activities.
- Use nouns to identify and name people, places, and things.
- Use pronouns to identify individuals and groups.
- Use adjectives to describe specific objects.
- Use verbs to locate specific actions.
- Participate in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) on kindergarten topics and texts. This includes:
- Listening actively and following agreed-upon rules for participating in discussions.
- Respectfully building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.
- Asking questions to seek help, get information, or clarify information for further understanding.
- Expressing ideas and needs in complete sentences.
- Describe personal experiences using complete sentences.
- Speak audibly with appropriate pacing, prosody, and voice level.
- Participate in a variety of oral language activities, including choral speaking and recitation of short poems, rhymes, songs, and stories with repeated patterns and refrains.
- Retell, create, and dictate stories, rhymes, poems, and events in sequential order using drama, props, and/or pictures indicating first, next and last events in a story.
- Ask questions about words not understood.
- Use vocabulary from across content areas.
- Identify the purpose of simple reference materials.
- Increase and develop breadth of vocabulary knowledge by listening to high quality, complex text.
- Use newly learned words and phrases in discussions and speaking activities.
- With prompting and support, identify basic similarities in and differences between two texts on the same topic.
- With prompting and support, generate a topic of interest and question to explore a given topic.
- With prompting and support, find information on the topic from pictures, texts, people or provided sources.
- With prompting and support, use drawing, writing, or dictation to record facts and information collected from the research.
- With prompting and support, in small or large group settings, informally share recorded information collected from research.
- Follow words from left to right and from top to bottom on a printed page, including the return sweep from line to line.
- Demonstrate knowledge of a sentence, word, and letter.
- Demonstrate knowledge that spoken words are represented in print and separated by spaces.
- Identify the author and illustrator of a text and define the role of each.
- Identify the front cover, back cover and title of a text.
- Recognize the distinguishing features of a sentence.
- Demonstrate ability to segment spoken words in sentences and syllables in words.
- Blend and segment one-syllable words by onset and rime.
- Isolate the initial, medial, and final sounds in three phoneme words.
- Demonstrate ability to segment and blend one syllable words with two, three, and four phonemes.
- Identify capital and lowercase letters of the alphabet.
- Identify common letter-sound correspondences.
- Discriminate between long and short sounds with common spellings for the five major vowels with open and closed syllables.
- Demonstrate knowledge that every word has a vowel sound.
- Identify the letter-sound correspondences for consonant digraphs.
- Demonstrate knowledge of letter-sound correspondences to blend CV, CVC, VC words.
- Decode (read) and encode (spell) words with short vowels, including words beginning or ending in a digraph.
- Use letter-sound correspondences to read grade-level high frequency words, including decodable and irregular words, with automaticity and accuracy.
- Use knowledge of letter-sound correspondences to read and reread controlled decodable sentences and texts that include phonic elements and irregular words.
- With prompting and support, when responding to text through discussions and/or writing, draw several pieces of evidence from read-alouds.
- Regularly engage in listening to a series of conceptually related texts organized around topics of study to build knowledge and vocabulary.
- With prompting and support, activate prior (experience) and background (content) knowledge and make connections to what is read.
- With prompting and support, demonstrate knowledge of story structure by orally identifying characters, setting, important events, and details.
- With prompting and support, orally re-tell a familiar story in sequential order (beginning, middle, end).
- With prompting and support, generate predictions about story characters and events using the text.
- With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the story in which they appear.
- With prompting and support, compare and contrast characters, plot events, or settings between two familiar stories.
- With prompting and support, monitor listening comprehension.
- With prompting and support, ask and answer literal (who, what, when, where) or inferential (why, how) questions about what is read.
- With prompting and support, identify the main topic and key details of a text.
- With prompting and support, identify the purpose of common text features: table of contents, headings, bolded words, and pictures.
- With prompting and support, describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text.
- Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose narrative stories in sequential order.
- Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose descriptive writing that identifies a topic and provides one or more relevant details.
- Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to write in response to texts heard.
- With guidance and support, use prewriting activities, including drawing and suggestions from peers to generate ideas and plan writing or dictation. This includes:
- Identifying the audience and purpose of the writing.
- Composing or dictating simple sentences that include a subject (noun) and predicate(verb) focused on the topic.
- Use functional pencil grasp for letter formation.
- Accurately and automatically print capital and lowercase letters of the alphabet independently.
- Write left to right and top to bottom.
- Accurately print first and last names, beginning each with a capital letter.
- Apply spaces between written words in phrase or sentence level writing.
- Spell one syllable words with short vowels and one syllable words beginning or ending in a digraph.
- Spell unknown words using logical invented spelling.
- With prompting and support, use phoneme/grapheme (sound/symbol) correspondences to spell grade-level high-frequency words with accuracy.
- With guidance and support, begin each sentence with a capital letter and capitalize the pronoun I.
- With guidance and support, identify statements and questions and use ending punctuation.
- Phonetically spell words containing unknown letter-sound correspondences.
Explains how people and events of the past have influenced the present
- Identifies examples of historical events, stories, and legends that describe the development of the local community
- Identify people who helped establish and lead the local community over time
- Sequence events in the past and present and begin to recognize that things change over time
Reads maps and understands the impact of geography on culture
- Describe the relative location of people, places, and things by using positional words with emphasis on near/far, above/below, left/right, and behind/in front
- Locates land and water features
- Develops awareness that a map is a drawing of a place to show where things are; a globe is a round model of Earth
- Develop an awareness that maps and globes show a view from above, show things in smaller size, and show the position of objects
- Identify basic map symbols in a map legend
- Identify places and objects of a familiar area
- Describe how the location, climate, and physical surroundings of a community affect the way people live (food, clothing, shelter, transportation, and recreation)
Recognizes the structure of government and the relationship between rules, laws and becoming a good citizen
- Develops sense of self and family within a diverse community
- Demonstrates being a good citizen: taking turns and sharing, doing classroom chores, respecting personal belongings and the belongings of others, following rules, practicing honesty, self-control, and kindness to others
- Participates in decision-making in the classroom and successfully in group settings
- Develop and understanding of how communities express patriotism through events and symbols by: recognizing the American flag, the Pledge of Allegiance, the president as the leader of the United states, and holidays and people associated with Thanksgiving Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, George Washington Day (Presidents’ Day), and Independence Day (Fourth of July)
Understands economic concepts and the impact of economics on culture
- Matches descriptions of work with the names of those jobs
- Recognizes that people make choices because they cannot have everything they want
- Explain that people work to earn money to buy the things they want
Represents numbers accurately and understands number relationships
- Compares two sets containing ten or fewer concrete objects
- Counts a set containing 15 or fewer concrete objects
- Selects and writes a number for a given set of 15 or less
- Identifies ordinal numbers first through tenth
- Indicates the ordinal position of three objects and/or pictures
- Counts forward to 100 and backward from 10
- Identifies one more and one less than a number
- Counts by fives and tens to 100
- Identifies halves and fourths
Computes numbers with fluency, make reasonable estimates
- Adds and subtracts using up to ten concrete items
- Solves one-step story problems using up to ten concrete objects
Measures with accuracy and estimates measurements
- Recognizes the penny, nickel, dime, quarter and determines the value of a collection of coins
- Identifies measuring tools for length, weight, time, and temperature
- Tells time to the hour using analog and digital clocks
- Compares the measurement of two objects
Analyzes characteristics, properties of geometric figures and demonstrates an understanding of spatial relationships
- Identifies, describes, and traces geometric shapes
- Compares the size and shape of geometric shapes
- Describes location and identifies representations of geometric shapes
Uses data to describe, interpret, and predict events
- Gathers data by counting and tallying
- Displays gathered data and answers questions related to the data
Represents situations and relationships with algebraic symbol
- Sorts and classifies objects according to attributes
- Identifies, describes, and extends repeating patterns
Investigates and demonstrates understanding of the natural world in a systematic way like a scientist and applies these skills and knowledge to solve problems
- Identifies basic properties of objects by direct observation
- Makes observations from multiple positions, perspectives
- Describes objects both pictorially and verbally
- Sequences a set of objects according to size and physical characteristic
- Uses nonstandard units to measure length, mass, and volume
- Develops a question from one or more observations
- Records observations
- Constructs picture graphs using ten or fewer units
- Observes and predicts an unseen member in a sequence
- Recognizes unusual or unexpected results in an activity
- Understands that changes can be observed and measured
Demonstrates understanding of the concepts of physical science including matter, force, motion, and energy
Investigates and understands the following:
- magnetism and its effects: objects attracted, not attracted, and useful applications of magnetism
- six basic colors and black and white
- shapes, forms, textures and feel
- relative sizes, weights, positions and speeds of objects
- water occurs in different phases: solid, liquid, and gas
- water flows downhill
- some materials float or sink in water
Demonstrates understanding of the concepts of life science including life processes and living systems
Investigates and understands the following:
- all things can be classified as living or nonliving by characteristics
- five senses, corresponding sensing organs, and sensory descriptors
- animals need food, water, shelter, air, and space
- plants need nutrients, water, air, light, and space to grow
- plants and animals grow, change, have life cycles and die
- offspring are similar (not identical) to their parents
- natural and human-made things change over time
Demonstrates understanding of Earth’s patterns, cycles, changes, and Earth/Space Systems
Investigates and understands the following:
- shadows occur in nature when sunlight is blocked and can be produced by blocking artificial light
- weather observations
- shapes and forms of many common natural objects
- materials and objects can be used again and can be recycled
- purpose of water and energy conservation
Acquires, interprets, and understands health concepts
- Identifies the importance of sleep, making healthy food choices, and being physically active
- Describes the five senses and major body parts
- Identifies ways to stay safe
- Identifies the importance of personal hygiene
- Identifies emotions
Identifies valid and accurate health information, products, and services to make healthy decisions
- Identifies the benefits of healthy choices
- Identifies the uses of the five senses
- Identify ways to stay healthy and safe
- Describe the benefits of personal hygiene
- Describe how to express and handle emotions appropriately
Demonstrates appropriate health practices and behaviors to promote a safe and healthy community
- Describe healthy food, physical activity, and sleep choices
- Describe ways to protect the five senses
- Demonstrate proper personal hygiene
- Describe ways to stay safe, prevent injuries, and identify people to help in an emergency
- Identify strategies for making friends
- Demonstrate appropriate behaviors and polite refusal skills
Engages in the creative process to develop artworks and express meaning
- Develops ideas for artwork before beginning
- Reflects on art and art making by describing and explaining own artwork
- Expresses personally relevant ideas in artwork
Applies art media and techniques appropriately to produce artworks
- Uses a variety of art materials to produce artwork
- Follows appropriate steps in art making
- Uses art materials safely and appropriately
Demonstrates an understanding of art by engaging with art history, culture, criticism, and aesthetics
- Engages in discussions about artworks from different places and time to inform art making
- Responds to own and other’s artwork
- Uses art vocabulary appropriately to identify and describe artwork
- Uses and applies knowledge from other subject areas when creating artwork
Develops and Demonstrates competency in motor skills
- Demonstrate locomotor and non-locomotor skills, differentiate between locomotor skills
- Demonstrate critical elements used in manipulative skills, stationary and moving
- Demonstrate moving to a rhythm and different directions, levels, pathways, and speed
- Demonstrate jumping rope skills
- Demonstrate a roll
Applies basic anatomy and physiology and movement concepts and principles, to improve motor skills
- Explain that muscles and bones help the body move
- Identify that the heart is a muscle and explain that moving faster makes the heart beat faster
- Demonstrate the concept of personal space
Applies knowledge of fitness and active lifestyles to evaluate and plan for personal fitness
- Explain that physical activity helps the body grow, stay healthy, and is fun to do with friends and family
Demonstrates skills and behaviors leading to personal and group success in physical activity, both in and out of school
- Demonstrate safe behaviors
- Demonstrate general and personal space
- Identify classroom rules
Demonstrates knowledge of the basic nutrition and fitness concepts of energy balance
- Explain that food provides energy
- Identify fruits and vegetables and explain they help keep the body moving
General Music
Develops and demonstrates skills in singing
- Explore the voice, distinguishing between singing/speaking
- Begin to match pitch
- Vocally demonstrate expressive qualities of music, including loud/soft & fast/slow
- Vocally improvise melodic patterns
Develops and demonstrates skills in playing instruments
- Play selected classroom instruments, imitating appropriate technique
- Perform and improvise rhythmic patterns and accompaniments for songs, chants and stories
Responds to music with movement
- Demonstrate the steady beat
- Participate in action songs
- Perform and improvise movement to a variety of music
Develops and demonstrates music literacy skills
- Recognize patterns
- Discriminate attributes of music
- Recognize graphic notation of melody
- Use words or syllables when reading rhythms in graphic or traditional notation
Applies critical thinking skills when responding to and connecting with music
- Distinguish and classify sound sources
- Identify and express feelings evoked by music
- Recognize that music is part of daily life in cultures around the world
World Languages
Communicates effectively in the target language in a variety of situations and for multiple purposes
- Recognize a few individual words in children’s songs, simple rhymes, poems, chants, or book titles
- Repeat songs, rhymes, poems, or chants about parts of the face, numbers, colors, and shapes in the target language
- Follow simple classroom instructions or routines such as sit down, stand up, line up, push your chair
- Greet peers and teachers in the target language
- Repeat and answer a few simple questions
- Repeat and name favorite things related to content
- Name letters of the alphabet, characters, simple words, or numbers related to content in other classes
- Trace or write letters of the alphabet, characters, simple words, or numbers related to content in other classes
Interacts with cultural competence and understanding
- Identify and repeat names of typical products from native and other cultures
Communicates effectively in the target language in a variety of situations and for multiple purposes
- Recognize sounds, words, phrases, or simple facts related to content taught
- Recognize sounds, letters, characters, numbers, shapes, and words in children’s songs, simple rhymes, poems, chants, or books
- Ask and answer a few simple questions about personal and everyday life
- Exchange some personal or content information by copying, writing, or drawing learned information
- Present very simple information related to content topics
- Produce letters or characters and copy/write text related to personal or content information
Interacts with cultural competence and understanding
- Identify tangible products and practices of own and other cultures while listening or viewing/reading
- Interact with multilingual staff to ask and answer a few simple questions to meet basic daily needs using learned words, phrases, gestures, and pictures
- Exchange simple culturally appropriate greetings and emotional expressions using texts or pictures
- Rank a few favorite items and compare them to other cultures
- Copy/list personal or content related items and compare them to own and other cultures