College and Postsecondary Planning
Step 1: Identify Your Plan
There are so many options for life after high school! Start planning now by:
- Speaking with their School Counselor.
- Speaking with the College and Career Specialist at their high school.
- Using available resources such as Naviance to explore their postsecondary options.
Postsecondary Options

College Education Planning
You want to go to college? Explore the resources on this page to help figure out which college is best for you.

Explore military opportunities to help students prepare for the transition from high school.

Apprenticeships and Training
Explore apprenticeship and training opportunities to help students prepare for the transition from high school.

Employment Options after High School
Explore employment opportunities to help students prepare for the transition from high school.

Gap Year
Explore gap year opportunities to help students prepare for the transition from high school.
Step 2: Document your Plan
Seniors Survey
For Seniors, a Senior Survey occurs every year. The data collected is used to build scattergrams in Naviance. The information provided helps our schools and the district create resources, opportunities, and supports for future classes. Schools contact the students with more information and directions to complete the senior survey.
Each school will share their own school specific junior focus activities, materials, and events. All schools will have their own school specific, transcript request form and process, senior planning and recommendation packets, and additional processes dedicated to postsecondary planning. For more information, contact your school counselor or College and Career Specialist.
Here are some items that may be included in your senior packet:
- Postsecondary Planning Worksheet
- Resume
- Student-Parent Questionnaire
- Student Records Request
- Teacher Recommendation Request
- Teacher Comment Form
- Transcript Release Form
- Parent Release Form
Step 3: Celebrate your Plan
All FCPS seniors are encouraged to share their plans for life after high school.
- What are you planning to major in and which college are you planning to attend?
- What entry level career are you planning to begin and with which company?
- Why did you plan to do a gap year and with which gap year program?
- Why are you planning to join the military and with which branch have you signed up?
Use Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Don't forget to tag your high school and #ourFCPS and #celebrateyourplan.