Academic Matters at School Board Meetings
A portion of School Board meetings is used to provide updates on important academic topics
Academic Matters is a segment during which updates on important academic topics are presented at School Board meetings. The segment was first introduced on Thursday, November 3, 2022. Below are the topics covered to date.
National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)
In the Academic Matters section of the School Board meeting, I discussed the National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP), which is also called “The Nation’s Report Card” and was developed as a measure of the educational achievement and progress of students in grades 4 and 8. While the report shows that we have work to do as a state and a country, we need to be careful as we draw any kind of local conclusions about this assessment. In FCPS, NAEP testing was limited to eight elementary and 13 middle schools in 2024. Only 466 FCPS students (less than 2% of FCPS 4th and 8th graders) participated in NAEP testing. This represented just 0.25% of all enrolled FCPS students in K-12. FCPS does not receive student, school, or division results because NAEP results are only reported at the state and national levels.
Because of the limited scope of NAEP, it’s useful to draw conclusions at the division level using other assessments, such as the Standards of Learning (SOL) exams. Our SOL exams had a much larger sample size (26,020 FCPS students tested, compared to less than 500 with NAEP). As you can see from the chart above, FCPS students made up 14% of the total 4th and 8th grade SOL test takers in Virginia and surpassed the state average in reading and math. As the largest school division in the Commonwealth, our students are raising the standard! We are proud of the work our students, our educators, and all those who support educators do on a daily basis.
NAEP Proficient vs. SOL Pass Rates
NAEP 2024
- Grades 4 and 8
- 466 tested in FCPS (1.8% of FCPS enrolled)
- ~3,600 tested in VA (1.9% of VA enrolled)
- Sample from 4th and 8th graders statewide
SOL 2024
- Grades 4 and 8
- ~26,020 tested in FCPS (98% of FCPS enrolled)
- ~182,000 tested in VA (98% of VA enrolled)
- Expected of all 4th and 8th graders statewide
Reading Achievement
NAEP Proficient (Virginia)
- 4th graders: 31%
- 8th graders: 29%
SOL Pass Rate
- 4th graders: 73% pass
- 8th graders: 72% pass
- 4th graders: 75% pass
- 8th graders: 79% pass
Math Achievement
NAEP Proficient (Virginia)
- 4th graders: 40%
- 8th graders: 29%
SOL Pass Rate
- 4th graders: 71% pass
- 8th graders: 70% pass
- 4th graders: 74% pass
- 8th graders: 76% pass
Lighthouse Schools
January 23, 2025
In the Academic Matters section of the School Board meeting, I discussed Lighthouse Schools, which is a partnership between FCPS and the International Society for Technology Education (ISTE) and the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD). It aims to pilot emerging practices and technologies with a cohort of schools, measure outcomes and impact, and scale successful innovations throughout the school Division. To date, Lighthouse Schools have included:
- 17 teams.
- 1,837 educators.
- 840 hours of school leadership action planning.
- 12,200 hours of professional development for school champions and leaders.
- 15,645 hours of self-paced professional development for teachers.
- 17,750 FCPS teachers provided access to ISTE membership.
With artificial intelligence tools like Gemini Advanced — which we have access to as part of a partnership with Google — teachers and staff in Lighthouse Schools are empowered to enhance lesson planning, engage students, and provide meaningful feedback. My presentation included this video, in which you can hear from educators in the first year pilot from Madison High School, McLean High School, and Bryant High School on how the Lighthouse program fosters creativity, collaboration, and impactful learning experiences. As a result of this pilot program, we are accelerating innovative practices, using technology as a catalyst, and building repeatable practices and empowering staff for ongoing improvement.
Algebra 1
December 19, 2024
In the Academic Matters of last Thursday’s School Board meeting, I discussed Algebra 1, specifically the 2023-30 Strategic Plan Goal 3: Academic Growth and Excellence, Measure C, which is successful completion of Algebra 1 by eighth grade for all students. The strategy to do so is to expand the Middle School Algebra Access Network Improvement Community (AANIC) each year to build school-specific systems and supports that will ensure student success in Algebra 1. There are currently 18 schools in all six regions in AANIC, and we want to expand by four schools each year in 2025-26 and in 2026-27. The data from AANIC is promising:
- South County Middle School: 17 percentage point increase in enrollment since joining AANIC and 7 percentage point increase in students earning verified credit (2023-24 school year).
- Longfellow Middle School: 19 percentage point increase in enrollment since joining AANIC and 7 percentage point increase in students earning verified credit (2023-24 school year).
- All AANIC schools: The percentage of eighth grade students who enrolled in Algebra 1 or higher has increased from 56% in 2021-22 to 70% this school year.
AANIC Data Points
- 18 Schools representing all six regions.
- Expand by 4 schools in 2025-26 and 2026-27
- Cohort 1 - 4 schools
- Cohort 2 - 15 schools
- Cohort 3 18 schools
Percent of Grade 8 Students Enrolled in Algebra 1 or Higher
All Cohorts
- 2021-22 - 56%
- 2022-23 - 58%
- 2023-24 - 65%
- 2024-25 - 70%
Cohort 1
- 2021-22 - 49%
- 2022-23 - 54%
- 2023-24 - 59%
- 2024-25 - 64%
Cohort 2
- 2022-23 - 48%
- 2023-24 - 54%
- 2024-25 - 59%
Cohort 3
- 2023-24 - 63%
- 2024-25 - 68%
Completing Algebra 1 by eighth grade is important because it lays a strong foundation for advanced math and STEM subjects in high school and beyond. Early mastery of algebra helps students develop critical problem-solving skills and logical thinking, which are essential for success in areas like science, engineering, and technology. Additionally, students who complete Algebra 1 early have the opportunity to take higher-level math courses in high school, such as Geometry and Algebra 2, which can improve their chances of excelling in college admissions and pursuing competitive careers. This work matters!!
December 5, 2024
In the Academic Matters section of the School Board meeting, I discussed inclusion. Last week was Inclusive Schools Week, and in past years, our schools have celebrated with many incredible activities, such as:
- Floris Elementary: Annually, Floris provides 4th - 6th grade students with an opportunity to take part in our annual awareness program called Walk in My Shoes to complete activities aimed at building empathy by putting them in situations that simulate how students with disabilities interact in our world.
- Many schools participate in Spirit Week to promote acceptance and inclusion. This year, Key Center’s themes are:
• Show Your Strengths (workout clothes day)
• Come As You Are (pajama day)
• Unite in Spirit (spirit/colors day)
• Kaleidoscope Day (tie dye or mismatched colors)
• The Future is Bright (bright colors) - Many of our high schools, like Annandale, West Springfield, and Woodson, sponsor buddy clubs, which are after-school clubs to welcome students of all abilities and hold monthly events.
- Robinson, Annandale, Frost, and Woodson all participate in Special Olympic Unified Sports programs to promote inclusion in sports teams.
- Herndon High School is fostering collaboration between the Work Awareness and Transition (WAT) Program and Astronomy classes to work on a special constellation project.
I also discussed Universal Design for Learning (UDL), which is an educational approach for how we meet the needs of every student with an emphasis on minimizing barriers to learning, and how we’re re-envisioning inclusive practices in FCPS. There will also be an FCPS Family Summit on March 15, 2025, that will feature a keynote by inclusive schooling experts Julie Causton and Kristie Pretti-Frontczak. See tuned for more information on this in 2025!
Chronic Absenteeism
November 14, 2024
During the Academic Matters section of the School Board meeting, I discussed student attendance and engagement, in particular reducing chronic absenteeism. As we all know, regular attendance is important because:
- Missing just 10% of school (the definition of chronic absenteeism) negatively affects a student’s academic performance. That is just two days a month.
- Only 17% of students who were chronically absent in both kindergarten and first grade were reading proficiently in third grade, compared to 64% of those with good attendance.
- Students who fail to read at grade level by the end of third grade are four times more likely than students who achieve proficiency to drop out of high school.
- By sixth grade, chronic absenteeism becomes a leading indicator that a student will drop out of high school.
After the pandemic, chronic absenteeism in FCPS rose to a high of 17.1% in the 2022-23 school year, but thanks to our multi-tiered system of support, we reduced that to 12.8% in 2023-24. This is the result of much hard work and strong partnerships between our schools, staff, and families. We are making good progress and I’m confident our efforts will continue to pay off in this area!
What Is Chronic Absenteeism?
Chronic absenteeism is defined as missing 10% or more of school for any reason, including excused absences, unexcused absences, and disciplinary suspensions. It differentiates chronic absenteeism from truancy (unexcused absences only) and average daily attendance (the daily presence of students at school).
- In 2015-16, FCPS reported a chronic absenteeism rate of 8.6%, while Virginia's rate was 10.4%.
- In 2016-17 the rate was 9.4% for FCPS and 11.9% for Virginia.
- In 2017-18, the rate decreased to 8.2% for FCPS and 11.0% for Virginia.
- In 2018-19, rates for FCPS increased slightly to 8.5%, but declined to 10.6% for Virginia.
- In 2019-20, rates increased to 9.6% for FCPS and 11.8% for Virginia.
- 2020-21 saw a significant decrease in rates, with FCPS at 5.1% and Virginia at 11.0%, likely influenced by school closures or adaptations during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Chronic absenteeism surged in 2021-22, with FCPS at 15.3% and Virginia at 20.1%.
- In 2022-23, the rates increased to their highest levels for FCPS at 17.1% but declined slightly to 19.3% for Virginia.
- In 2023-24 chronic absenteeism improved, with FCPS at 12.8% and Virginia at 16.1%.
Watch Dr. Reid’s presentation.
Fairfax County Youth Survey
October 24, 2024
In the Academic Matters section of the School Board meeting, I discussed the results of the 2023-24 Fairfax County Youth Survey, which covers topics such as substance abuse, mental health, physical health and nutrition, and bullying and aggressive behavior. As I reported in an issue of Weekly Reflections last month, some good news from the survey is that most students reported no use of any substances. Alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use continued to decrease in 2023. This year’s rates were the lowest since 2010, and are lower than those reported nationally for most substances (see data below). Students in 8th, 10th, and 12th grade also reported lowered levels of mental health challenges (rates of stress, sadness, and markers of mental health crises). We measure the health of our community by the health of our children. When our children are well, our community is well! More information about the Youth Survey can be found at https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/data/youth-survey/.
- Overall Decline: Most students reported no use of alcohol, tobacco, or other substances, continuing a downward trend since 2010. The current rates are the lowest since that year.
- Key 2023 Stats:
- 88% of students reported no use of any substances.
- 93% reported no alcohol use.
- 95% reported no use of substances other than alcohol.
- Historical Trends (2010–2023): There is significant decline in the percentage of students using substances (alcohol, marijuana, cigarettes, and painkillers) over time, with a steep drop in 2023. The youth survey wasn’t conducted in 2020 due to the pandemic.
- Comparison to National Averages: Fairfax County youth reported lower substance use rates than the national average, particularly in alcohol, vaping, marijuana, and cigarettes.
Watch Dr. Reid's presentation.
2024 Virginia Accreditation and SAT Outcomes
October 10, 2024
In the Academic Matters portion of the School Board meeting, I discussed 2024 Virginia Accreditation and SAT Outcomes. As you may recall from last week’s Weekly Reflections, all 199 FCPS schools have been accredited by the Virginia Department of Education, and the Fairfax County class of 2024 performed well above state and global averages on the SAT. As you can see from the data below, the Fairfax County average score for the class of 2024 (1178) was higher than the state average (1101) and the global average (1024). These results show that the hard work of our students, staff members, and parents is paying off.
Key Points:
- FCPS seniors consistently outperform both Virginia and global averages.
- While there is a slight decline in Fairfax's scores in 2024, this drop is smaller than the statewide decline.
- Despite these score declines, SAT performance in Fairfax remains strong, accompanied by an increase in SAT participation since 2021, which is now close to pre-pandemic levels.
Fairfax (FCPS) Mean SAT Scores:
- 2018: 1,212
- 2019: 1,218
- 2020: 1,211
- 2021: 1,201
- 2022: 1,185
- 2023: 1,181
- 2024: 1,178
Virginia Mean SAT Scores:
- 2018: 1,117
- 2019: 1,119
- 2020: 1,116
- 2021: 1,151
- 2022: 1,124
- 2023: 1,113
- 2024: 1,101
Global Mean SAT Scores:
- 2018: 1,068
- 2019: 1,059
- 2020: 1,051
- 2021: 1,060
- 2022: 1,050
- 2023: 1,028
- 2024: 1,024
Watch Dr. Reid's presentation.
Literacy in Elementary School
September 29, 2024
During the Academic Matters segment of the School Board meeting, I provided an update on literacy in elementary school. My presentation included updates on Benchmark Advance Training, the Virginia Literacy Act (VLA) Implementation Playbook, topics of Benchmark units, home-school connections of the program, and supports for students (including multilingual learners, special education students, and advanced learners). I also want to provide a heartfelt note of gratitude and thanks to all the educators working so hard to implement new curriculum materials and strategies; it matters.
I’m thrilled about our new curriculum and how it provides a cohesive learning experience for our students by linking reading, writing, and word study lessons. Each of the curriculum’s nine units have topics across a variety of subject matters which align through sixth grade. Those topics are Life Science; Character Matters; Government and Citizenship; Perspectives in Literature; Technology and Society; Themes Across Cultures; History, Culture, and Geography; Earth Science; and Economics.
Benchmark also provides resources for our families to reinforce learning at home with home-school connection magazines and activity calendars.
During the presentation I also showed a video of the Benchmark implementation at Chesterbrook Elementary School. See how this implementation has been a big (and positive!) shift for teachers. Moving forward with Benchmark and VLA, our school division will be bolstering the implementation by:
- Providing teachers with professional development, coaching, and support.
- Deepening teacher experience through VDOE training.
- Partnering with families for students with additional needs.
Watch Dr. Reid's presentation.
VBOE School Accreditation and Accountability Changes
September 12, 2024
During the Academic Matters segment of the School Board meeting, I shared a presentation on school accreditation and accountability changes from the Virginia Board of Education (VBOE). The VBOE has adopted a new Virginia School Performance and Support Framework to report and monitor school performance. The framework involves revisions to the Standards of Accreditation (SOA) and Virginia’s Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Consolidated State Plan. It will go into effect in the fall of 2025. Under this new system, schools' accreditation will be based on whether they follow certain rules, called the Standards of Quality (SOQs), and not on their academic performance. This is a big change, as before, schools were accredited based on how well students performed academically.
The goal of this new system is to move away from using high-stakes testing to judge schools. Schools will be rated using a point system that looks at things like student growth, readiness, and graduation rates. The point system will categorize schools as distinguished, on track, off track, or needing intensive support. Federal support will also depend on how schools perform compared to the lowest 5% of schools in the state. This new model will influence how schools receive support from the Virginia Department of Education based on their performance and federal status.
View the slides for updates to the state accountability framework and school accreditation system.
Annual Pass Rates - SOL and VAAP Tests and National Merit Semifinalists
August 29, 2024
During the Academic Matters segment I presented information on FCPS’ annual pass rates for the Standards of Learning (SOL) and Virginia Alternate Assessment Program (VAAP) tests. As you can see from the data below, FCPS continues to outperform the state average in all subjects
“Annual Pass Rates on SOL and VAAP Tests” Data
Key Points: Fairfax improved in math and science and held steady in reading, outperforming Virginia in all subjects. FCPS math pass rates increased even while more students took accelerated math courses:
-6.8% increase in 5th graders taking Advanced Math
-9.5% increase in 8th graders taking Algebra I or higher
Data for FCPS “All Students” Rates Compared to Virginia - 2 Years:
-FCPS (n= 91,699): 78%
-Virginia: 73%
-FCPS (n= 91,621): 78%
-Virginia: 73%
-FCPS (n= 96,318): 75%
-Virginia: 69%
-FCPS (n= 96,158): 76%
-Virginia: 71%
-FCPS (n= 44,691): 72%
-Virginia: 67%
-FCPS (n= 44,621): 73%
-Virginia: 68%
Lastly during Academic Matters, I provided an update on FCPS’ National Merit Semifinalists. As you can see below, the FCPS class of 2024 had 264 students named National Merit Semifinalists — our highest number since 2016, even accounting for the pandemic. These students were part of the less than 1% of all U.S. high school seniors who achieved this recognition!
"National Merit Semifinalists" Data
Key Points: FCPS offers the PSAT/NMSQT® annually to students in their junior year. The NMSC identifies students as semifinalists based on their score on the exam junior year. 264 FCPS students in the class of 2024 were named National Merit Semifinalists.
Data for FCPS Students Identified by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) as National Merit Semifinalists on the PSAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT®):
2016: 237 FCPS students
2017: 213 FCPS students
2018: 223 FCPS students
2019: 254 FCPS students
2020: 237 FCPS students
2021: 212 FCPS students
2022: 214 FCPS students
2023: 238 FCPS students
2024: 264 FCPS students
Watch Dr. Reid's presentation.
Global Classroom Project
June 20, 2024
During the Academic Matters segment of last Thursday’s School Board meeting, I presented on the Global Classroom Project (GCP). The GCP is built around the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), involves 73 FCPS schools, and spans 48 countries. It connects to many of our 2023-30 Strategic Plan goals, including Goal 2: Safe, Supported, Included, and Empowered; Goal 3: Academic Growth and Excellence; Goal 4: Equitable Access and Opportunity; and Goal 5: Leading for Tomorrow’s Innovation.
Through this program, students across FCPS have engaged in authentic learning experiences using Portrait of a Graduate skills to address global challenges while reflecting on and learning problem-solving approaches. At Lewis High School, 9th and 10th grade students collaborated with a partner class in Poland to address hunger issues while honing their reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills through hands-on activities. Fifth and sixth grade students at Kent Gardens Elementary School enhanced their collaboration and communication skills by partnering with a class in Italy to explore the interconnectedness of quality education, clean water, and sanitation. They created infographics and dioramas to raise awareness about the impact of problems on local water resources.
On April 30, the 7th annual Global Classroom Project Showcase highlighted student ideas for collective action impacting the SDGs. Kindergarten to 12th grade students from each FCPS region presented their work, which you can see in this video. This last school year, we had more than 3,500 FCPS students who participated in the GCP! I’m excited to see this program continue to grow and empower even more students to develop global cooperation, deepen their content knowledge, and understand globalization's impact on their lives!
Watch Dr. Reid's presentation.
Limited Early Release Mondays
June 6, 2024
During the Academic Matters segment of last week’s School Board meeting, Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid discussed limited early release Mondays for elementary schools for the 2024-25 school year. This initiative will provide elementary teachers with additional time on site to meet new professional development requirements for the Virginia Literacy Act and other demands on their time.
A steering committee of school leaders, teachers, and families is being created to ensure that this work is both supported and implemented with fidelity across all of our elementary schools. Employee and community conversations with Dr. Reid were held in June 2024 to gain feedback.
Watch Dr. Reid's presentation. Visit the Early Release Mondays webpage.
Standards of Learning (SOL) Growth Reports
May 23, 2024
During the Academic Matters segment of the School Board meeting, Superintendent Dr. Michelle C. Reid presented information on the Virginia Department of Education’s new Standards of Learning (SOL) Growth Reports for families of students in grades 3-8. These new reports are designed to give a yearlong look at student performance by combining information from earlier Virginia Growth Assessment (VGA) results with SOL results.
It’s important to remember that any assessment score is just one data point reflecting a student's performance on a particular day. Taken alongside other information, including report cards, other assessments, and teacher observations, we’re able to get a clearer picture of how we can best support our students — whether that’s additional academic support or accelerating their coursework.
FCPS’ reporting plan for spring assessment results was created with accessibility in mind, using multiple formats and translatable report texts and samples. Our families are our partners in helping students succeed, and we’ve created a new SOL Grade 3-8 Results webpage with resources to help them understand assessment results and plan for continued learning during the summer time!
Watch Dr. Reid's presentation or view her slides.
Portrait of a Graduate
May 9, 2024
During the Academic Matters segment of the School Board meeting, Superintendent Dr. Michelle C. Reid presented on the Lewis High School Leadership Program. Since 2022, the program has offered personalized pathways to leadership development supporting success during and after high school. In just a few short years, it’s provided big opportunities for its participants, including:
- 59 field trips since August 2022
- 73 guest speakers since August 2022
- 103 students earning High-Quality Work-Based Learning (HQWBL) credit this school year
One important aspect to this program is that teacher and student voices are central to its design and implementation. Empowering our learners in this way helps them feel more connected and propels them towards success. I’m thrilled with the work our students have been doing, which connects to FCPS’ 2023-30 Strategic Plan Goal 4: Equitable Access and Opportunity (consistent availability of and accessibility to electives, extracurricular, co-curricular, and enrichment activities) and Goal 5: Leading for Tomorrow’s Innovation (availability of, accessibility to, and participation in multiple pathways and work-based learning opportunities).
Watch Dr. Reid’s presentation or view her slides.
April 25, 2024
During the School Board meeting, Superintendent Dr. Michelle C. Reid presented on FCPS’ Get2Green initiative during the Academic Matters segment. Get2Green is FCPS’ sustainability program and supports green teams at schools with hands-on environmental projects to improve the sustainability of the school and community.
Green teams are active at many schools with student-driven activities such as reducing waste, planting and maintaining wildlife habitats, conserving energy, and tending edible gardens.
Watch Dr. Reid’s presentation or view her slides.
April 11, 2024
During the Academic Matters segment of the School Board meeting, Dr. Reid celebrated the 10th anniversary of our Portrait of a Graduate (POG) program at FCPS. POG focuses on “future-ready” attributes of success for our students by building communication skills, collaboration, ethical and global citizenship, creative and critical thinking, and being goal directed and resilient. These skills increase engagement, build confidence, and support academic success. We will continue to build on our last decade of success with the following commitment for all students by 2025-26:
- Expanded Access and Opportunity
- Increasing Portrait of a Graduate Presentations of Learning (POG POL) participation across all schools in order to reach the VDOE State Designation and the measures of POG POL within the Strategic Plan
- Currently, staff from 82 elementary schools, 18 middle schools, and 20 high schools, alternative programs, and Academies
- Increasing Portrait of a Graduate Presentations of Learning (POG POL) participation across all schools in order to reach the VDOE State Designation and the measures of POG POL within the Strategic Plan
- Continued Integration with FCPS Priorities
- Enhancement Plan for Students with Disabilities
- Universal Design for Learning
- Leveraging Technology and the use of AI
Watch a video with students talking about POG. Watch Dr. Reid’s presentation or view her slides. Learn more about Portrait of a Graduate.
Applying Math Concepts in Real World
March 21, 2024
During the Academic Matters segment of the March 21 School Board meeting, Dr. Reid shared how FCPS is strengthening numeracy — the ability to apply math concepts in the real world — in primary grades.
FCPS has been investing in professional development through Add+Vantage Math Recovery © (AVMR), and teachers are using a scripted intervention curriculum to support numeracy instruction. Each FCPS elementary school has at least one AVMR-trained teacher, who:
Is trained to help students build flexibility with foundational numeracy.
Observes student behaviors to make instructional decisions.
- Provides instruction that is targeted at the edge of the child's current knowledge; accelerating their learning.
Our younger students in AVMR get to use different things like blocks and toys to understand math in the real world. They also learn by asking questions, practicing math, and talking about the many ways to solve problems
See students demonstrating their numeracy. Watch Dr. Reid’s presentation or view her slides.
Literacy Development for Multilingual Learners
March 7, 2024
In the Academic Matters segment of last week’s School Board meeting, Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid shared information on literacy development of multilingual learners (students who are learning the English language). Of the more than 180,000 FCPS students, over 48% have a home language other than English, and 20% are multilingual learners (as of January 2024).
Dr. Reid emphasized that the school division’s Equitable Access to Literacy Plan applies to ALL students, including multilingual learners. She shared some of the supports that exist for these students, including new elementary language arts basal resources. View presentation slides to learn more.
STEAM and Computer Science
February 22, 2024
In the Academic Matters segment of last week’s School Board meeting, Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid addressed how STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics) and computer science are building the foundation for our students’ future careers. Access to STEAM and computer science is part of Goal 4 of the 2023-30 Strategic Plan. View the presentation slides to learn more.
National School Counseling Week
February 8, 2024
During the Academic Matters segment of the School Board meeting, Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid recognized National School Counseling Week. School Counselors are vital to supporting our students in terms of academics, college and career aspirations, social-emotional wellness, and more. Their roles are also in direct support of each of the five goals of our 2023-20 Strategic Plan, as you can see below.
- Strong Start: Pre-K-12 - Support relationship-building, managing transitions and building academic, social, and emotional skills that contribute to being ready to learn.
- Safe, Supported, Included, & Empowered - Contribute to the creation of a school culture where students and families are engaged, students attend regularly, students participate in meaningful extracurricular activities, and discipline disproportionality is reduced.
- Academic Growth and Excellence - Encourage student mindsets with a positive attitude towards learning, self-confidence in one’s ability to succeed, belief in the ability to achieve high-quality results and outcomes, and removing barriers.
- Equitable Access and Opportunity - Advocate for every student to access high-quality and rigorous programs (K-12) and utilize the MTSS framework to identify students in need of support and intervention.
- Leading for Tomorrow’s Innovation - Prepare students for a wide range of career pathways, starting in elementary school, through academic and career exploration and planning.
Academic Advising and Advanced Coursework Selection
January 25, 2024
During the Academic Matters segment of the School Board meeting, Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid presented information on FCPS’ academic advising and advanced coursework selection. Advanced coursework is one focus of the 2023-30 Strategic Plan’s Goal 3, Academic Growth and Excellence. We have an abundance of advanced coursework options available through open enrollment for our middle and high school students:
- Each middle school offers numerous Honors level courses across content areas
- Each high school offers Advanced Placement (AP) International Baccalaureate (IB), and/or Dual Enrollment (DE) courses
- FCPS practices open enrollment making advanced course options accessible to all students
Beyond empowering students to pursue their personal interests, exposure to rigorous and college-level coursework through AP, IB, and/or DE participation is correlated with increased high school and college graduation rates and enables students to earn college credits while still in high school. As you can see below, we continue to invest in removing the roadblocks between our students and their opportunities for advanced coursework.
Investing in College-Level Opportunities
FCPS invests in opportunities for our high school students to experience rigorous, college-level coursework and exams.
- The first six AP and IB exams are funded for any student enrolled in an AP/IB course.
- Students who receive Free and Reduced Meals do not pay AP/IB Exam fees for any additional exams beyond the first six.
- FCPS Dual Enrollment (DE) courses, available in partnership with Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA), are available at no cost to FCPS students
Graduation and Dropout Rates
January 11, 2024
During the Academic Matters segment of the School Board meeting, Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid shared the latest data on graduation and dropout rates.
For both graduation and dropout cases, she presented five-year trends from 2019 (pre pandemic) until 2023.
Graduation Rates
The five-year, on-time graduation trends are consistently above state outcomes. Our rates have also improved more than two percentage points since 2019, compared to Virginia’s improvement of less than .5 percentage point. Looking at specific demographic groups, Hispanic students saw the greatest five-year increase in graduation rates. We are also pleased to see that central supports put in place for nine of our high schools resulted in 2.2 times stronger gains in graduation rates compared to Fairfax high schools not identified for additional supports. It is important to measure what matters to validate that we are putting energy behind programs that work, and we are glad to see these efforts have proved to be successful.
Graduation Rates: Five-year trends for Fairfax and Virginia
- Fairfax graduation rates show consistent performance above statewide outcomes for the past four years.
- FCPS graduation rates have improved more than 2 percentage points since 2019, compared to Virginia’s improvement of less than 0.5 percentage point.
- Slightly lower rates since 2021 result from the loss of statewide graduation flexibility, originally introduced during the pandemic.
The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) reported graduation rates in the graphic above as of September 7, 2023.
- 91.3% - FCPS on-time graduation rate
- 91.5% - Virginia on-time graduation rate
- 93% - FCPS on-time graduation rate
- 92.5% - Virginia on-time graduation rate
- 94.6% - FCPS on-time graduation rate
- 93% - Virginia on-time graduation rate
- 94% - FCPS on-time graduation rate
- 92.2% - Virginia on-time graduation rate
- 93.4% - FCPS on-time graduation rate
- 91.9% - Virginia on-time graduation rate
Dropout Rates
Dropout rates look at students who did not successfully earn a diploma, GED, certificate of completion, or did not remain enrolled. We have significantly reduced our dropout rates over the five-year trend from 7.3 to 5.5 and now we are closely aligned with statewide rates. Our goal is always zero, and we will continue to work on this measure.
Dropout Rates: Five-year trends for Fairfax and Virginia
- Although FCPS is outperforming the state on graduation outcomes, FCPS dropout rates have been higher than statewide levels for each of the past five years except 2022.
- FCPS can celebrate a significant reduction in dropout rates over the past five years of nearly 2 percentage points.
- As with graduation rates, loss of pandemic flexibility has impacted some students contributing to higher dropout rates.

The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) reported dropout rates in the graphic above as of September 7, 2023.
- 7.3% - FCPS dropout rate
- 5.5% - Virginia dropout rate
- 6.2% - FCPS dropout rate
- 5.1% - Virginia dropout rate
- 4.7% - FCPS dropout rate
- 4.3% - Virginia dropout rate
- 4.8% - FCPS dropout rate
- 5.2% - Virginia dropout rate
- 5.5% - FCPS dropout rate
- 5.4% - Virginia dropout rate
Fairfax County Youth Survey
December 4, 2023
During the Academic Matters segment of the School Board meeting, Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid presented findings of the Fairfax County Youth Survey. The survey provides insights into the behaviors and attitudes that affect the health and well-being of Fairfax County youth.
Most Fairfax County students reported they feel safe at their school. Overall, the percentage of students who reported risky behaviors continued to decrease in many areas including substance use, sexual activity, and aggressive and delinquent behavior.
Mental health indicators including feelings of sadness/hopelessness, suicidal ideations, and suicide attempts also improved noticeably compared to 2021. Students who reported the recommended amount of physical activity increased compared to the prior year as well.
Read more about the report’s findings, and view the full report on the county’s website.
Protective Factors Support Healthy Habits and Positive Choices
Survey data shows that students with at least three protective factors have a lower likelihood of reporting mental health challenges and engaging in a variety of risky behaviors, including substance and opioid abuse. Protective factors are individual, family-based, school-based, and community-based assets (such as participating in extracurricular activities, having parents available for help, or having teachers recognize good work) that support healthy habits and positive choices.
Student Attendance and Engagement
November 9, 2023
During the Academic Matters segment of the School Board meeting, Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid discussed student attendance and engagement. Attendance and absenteeism rates are one measure of Goal 2 of our Strategic Plan.
Chronic absenteeism — which is defined as a student missing 10% or more of school for any reason — is a concern across Virginia school districts. Although FCPS continues to outperform the state average in attendance rates, we are tracking chronic absenteeism closely and stressing the importance of attendance to students and parents while providing a multi-tiered system of intervention.
Attendance is critical for academic success. Data shows that:
- Missing just 10% of school — just two days a month — negatively affects a student’s academic performance.
- Only 17% of students who were chronically absent in both kindergarten and first grade were reading proficiently in third grade, compared to 64% of those with good attendance.
- Students who fail to read at grade level by the end of third grade are four times more likely than students who achieve proficiency to drop out of high school.
- By sixth grade, chronic absenteeism becomes a leading indicator that a student will drop out of high school.
FCPS Pass Rates and Accreditation Outcomes
October 26, 2023
Dr. Reid discussed FCPS’ annual pass rates and accreditation outcomes, stating that we’re seeing a return to baseline levels in pass rates at FCPS. Post-pandemic assessment growth has leveled off.
Reading, mathematics, and science pass rates for FCPS are up by an average of almost 9% since the 2021-22 school year. FCPS’ annual pass rates on state assessments continue to be higher than the state average by an average of 5%.
The Virginia Board of Education’s accreditation ratings are based on six-to-nine school quality indicators. These include state assessment results and achievement gaps; graduation and dropout rates; and participation in college/career readiness programs.
For the 2023 accreditation ratings, 99.5% of Fairfax County public schools are accredited (compared to the state average of 89%). The remaining 0.5% are accredited with conditions.
Watch Dr. Reid's presentation on YouTube or view the slides.
SAT Outcomes
October 12, 2023
Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid shared SAT outcomes and opportunities for FCPS students.
As in years past, the FCPS class of 2023 average score of 1181 was higher than the state average (1113) and the global average (1028). The percentage of FCPS seniors taking the SAT has also remained consistent, despite the sharp decrease in participation statewide.
Watch Dr. Reid's presentation on YouTube or view the slides.
Reading by Third Grade
September 29, 2023
Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid provided information about the division-wide goal of reading by third grade, which is part of Goal 3 of the strategic plan. A video about the literacy program at Woodlawn Elementary School was presented. The school's science-based approach to literacy is hugely impactful — not just on the students’ reading skills and assessment scores, but on their confidence and their enjoyment of reading.
FCPS’ COVID-19 Compensatory Education Plan
September 14, 2023
Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid provided an update on the school division’s actions regarding FCPS’ COVID-19 Compensatory Education Plan. As a reminder, the plan was created to support the needs of students with disabilities whose learning was impacted during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Since last December, FCPS has held more than 30,000 individualized education plan (IEP) and Section 504 meetings with families and provided more than 27,000 compensatory service hours to students. Through the compensatory meeting process, the school division has allocated more than $5.5 million in reimbursements to families for private services.
FCPS Enrolled Students
- 30,656 Complete - IEP team held meeting and determined outcomes
- 427 Incomplete - Ongoing conversations or in-process documents
- 621 - Not Started - Continuing to reach out to families
Grand Total: 31,704, 96.7% complete
As our Compensatory Education Plan winds down, we’ll be continuing to engage families to schedule outstanding meetings and address outstanding reimbursement requests.
For more updates, please watch Dr. Reid’s presentation on YouTube or view the slides.
2023 Summer Programming
August 31, 2023
At the August 31 School Board meeting, Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid presented data from learning programs that took place during the summer.
Nearly 34,000 students participated in 23 programs at 87 sites across the county. They included Extended School Year, High School Credit Recovery, Institute for the Arts, Career and Technical Education summer camps, and others.
The image is titled ""Summer 2023 Program by the Numbers." The numbers are as follows:
- Number of students: 33,398
- Number of staff: 3,826
- Number of programs: 23
- Number of sites: 87
Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) program
July 13, 2023
During the board meeting, Dr. Reid shared plans to grow the Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) program throughout FCPS. AVID is a college and career readiness program, which will be added to five of our schools this year. This will bring the total number of FCPS elementary and secondary schools offering this important program to 35! AVID directly supports the work of our Portrait of a Graduate (POG) program and its continued expansion throughout FCPS will help prepare each and every one of our students for their futures in an interconnected world -- the future yet to be imagined.
As you can see in the chart above for the 2021-22 school year, AVID participation has a proven track record of success in FCPS. Averaging across all of the categories, about 76% of AVID students participated in AP/IB/DE courses, compared to 43% of their peers.
The graph is entitled “Avid Students Outperform Their Peers.” The graph shows participation of AVID vs Non-AVID students in Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB) , and Dual Enrollment (DE) during 2021-22. (Note: Dual Enrollment allows high school students to take college-level classes.
The graph numbers are as follows:
- Black students - for those in the AVID program, 80% participated in AP/IB/DE vs. only 60% for non-AVID students
- Hispanic students - for those in the AVID program, approximately 85% participated in AP/IB/DE vs. only approximately 50% for non-AVID students
- English Learner students - for those in the AVID program, approximately 78% participated in AP/IB/DE vs. only approximately 17% for non-AVID students
- Free and Reduced Meals students - for those in the AVID program, approximately 85% participated in AP/IB/DE vs. only approximately 50% for non-AVID students
- Students with Disabilities - for those in the AVID program, approximately 58% participated in AP/IB/DE vs. only approximately 30% for non-AVID students
Two highlighted facts are presented:
- 84% is the percentage of AVID 8th graders who took at least one honors course
- 85% is the percentage of AVID 12th graders who took at least one AP/IB/DE
Special Education Enhancement Plan
June 26, 2023
Dr. Reid shared information about the community-guided and data-backed Special Education Enhancement Plan. The Special Education Enhancement Plan goal is to improve outcomes for students with IEPs and 504s, celebrate their diversity, and foster their strengths in their least restrictive environment so they can thrive today, tomorrow, and in the future. This five-year plan guides the work to improve outcomes and to engage students with IEPs and Section 504 Plans in rigorous learning in the least restrictive environment. The plan outlines supports and structures to build staff capacity and increase staff retention. We want to ensure that we continue to have the best educators to support our diverse student population. Finally, there are actions to improve communication and partnership with our families. Effective home and school partnerships are vital to student success.
Celebrating Student Successes Across the Content Areas
June 15, 2023
Dr. Reid presented a roundup of the many FCPS student successes across all content areas including:
- Science and Engineering
- Career and Technical Student Organizations
- Scholastic Art and Writing Awards
- Theatre Arts & Dance
- Music and Performing Ensembles
- And much more!
VDOE Student Assessment
May 25, 2023
As part of a state data initiative, the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) recently developed a new data reporting tool intended to provide valuable information for parents and educators regarding student progress on required state assessments. All Virginia scchool divisions will be distributing a report to parents, called the Student Assessment Summary Report, which will provide a summary of each student’s state SOL assessment history. Learn more about the Student Assessment Summary Report.
May 11, 2023
Dr. Reid reported on Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), PSAT, and SAT testing. Students who enroll in AP and IB courses are more likely to graduate high school on time, enroll in college at higher rates and save time and money while in college. Data was shared about the number of students participating in these offerings. AP exams mean scores have increased since 2021 in passing rates and number of students participating.
Performance in the AP programs rebounded after the pandemic. Exam numbers, mean scores, and percent passing increased between 2021-2022.
- Number of exams - 37,234
- Mean score - 3.47
- % passing - 77%
- Number of exams - 36,080
- Mean score - 3.4
- % passing - 75%
- Number of exams - 33,483
- Mean score - 3.17
- % passing - 68%
- Number of exams - 35,223
- Mean score - 3.32
- % passing - 72%
AP exams are scored on a scale of 1-5, with a score of 3 considered passing.
The number of participants in IB exams have also increased since 2021. FCPS invests in these opportunities to allow students to experience rigorous, college level exams. The first six AP and IB exams are funded for any student enrolled in an AP/IB course. This year, the PSAT testing that is done during school on October 11, will be digital for the first time. FCPS reaches out to parents of rising 10-12 graders to ensure that they have time and understand the process to apply for accommodations soon.
Watch the presentation or view the presentation slides.
Teletherapy Services
April 27, 2023
Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid presented about the partnership between FCPS and Hazel Health to offer teletherapy to high school students at no cost.
Hazel’s therapists can help students address the following:
- Mood/behavior changes, motivation, grief/loss
- Anxiety, worry, fears
- Social skills, bullying, peer & family relationships
- Academic stress
“Hazel Health has been surprisingly user-friendly for both staff and families,” says Sara Brewer, a school counselor at West Potomac High School. “We were skeptical that it sounded too good to be true, as it offers services for ALL families (including those that need language support for intake services). We were pleasantly surprised that our first referral was processed within THREE days because the family was so responsive and appreciative.”
How to Access Hazel Health Teletherapy Services
In order for high schoolers to participate in teletherapy services, caregivers must complete three steps:
- Give Permission for FCPS to share basic demographic information with Hazel in ParentVue.
- Consent for Hazel Mental Health services on the Hazel Health FCPS website.
- Students must be referred to therapy by a guardian or designated school staff member. You can refer your child by calling 571-749-2940 or by contacting an FCPS school counselor, social worker, psychologist, or director of student services.
Visit the FCPS Teletherapy website for more information.
Science Traditions
April 13, 2023
At the latest School Board meeting, Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid highlighted science traditions in Fairfax County Public Schools, including the regional science fair, which has taken place for 68 years.
Family-Facing Curriculum
March 30, 2023
At the March 30 School Board meeting, Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid presented updates to curriculum overview now available on the FCPS website during the Academic Matters segment. Parents/caregivers can see what their students are learning in their core classes by grade level. We hope this information will allow us to better partner with parents and caregivers to support academic success.
As stated on each grade level and course page, the objectives and outcomes for each unit are common across FCPS and based on the Virginia Standards of Learning. The pacing provides an example of how the curriculum can be organized throughout the year. Teacher teams may adjust the pacing or order of units to best meet the needs of students.
Information will be updated at the start of each school year.
Learn more about family-facing curriculum.
Work-Based Learning Experiences
March 9, 2023
Superintendent Reid shared information on work-based learning experiences for students that help develop career readiness. Work-based learning might include guest speakers, work-based tours, college and career fairs, job shadowing, internships, and apprenticeships. Learn more about work-based learning. Learn more about Career and Technical Education (CTE).
Early Childhood Education and STEAM
February 23, 2023
During a presentation on Early Childhood Education, Superintendent Reid talked about how STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics) and Computer Science learning is advancing our youngest students.
With STEAM. students are:
- Problem solving through play-based learning
- Building a foundation of critical thinking and collaboration skills
- Advancing language development and content learning
- Creating original designs and solutions
- Imagining themselves as innovators in the careers of the future
With Computer Science (CS), students are:
- Developing problem solving skills as students as they:
- Explore, design, test, & improve (Engineering practices)
- Break apart complex problems, look for patterns, simplify, and sequence (CS practices)
- Use code to program and control robots (CS practices)
- Fostering curiosity, interest, and self-efficacy in CS
Dr. Reid also showed a video about the PreK environment and STEAM.
School-Based Mental Health Services Grant
February 9, 2023
Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid presented information on a recent U.S. Department of Education five year, $13.5 million grant awarded to FCPS to support a School-Based Mental Health (SBMH) Services project. The goal of the project is to increase school mental health services through the recruiting, hiring and retaining of school-based counselors, psychologists, and social workers. The additional staff will enhance the ability to:
- Provide prevention and early intervention services,
- Increase student access to school-based mental and hehavioral health services,
- Provide targeted and timely mental health consultation to families and teachers, and
- Reduce caseloads and ensure greater attention to student needs.
Equitable Access to Literacy
January 26, 2023
In 2021, the School Board committed to change the approach to literacy in Fairfax County. The FCPS instructional team developed a five-year plan that outlines the school division's efforts to align practices with science-based reading research. The research provides an understanding of how students learn to read and what professional learning is necessary for teachers. During the School Board meeting, Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid offered a presentation about the Equitable Access to Literacy plan and major milestones that have been made since 2021.
Additional information: FCPS video "Every Student Has the Right to Learn to Read" and the Equitable Access to Literacy (EAL) Plan webpage.
Virginia Growth Assessments
January 12, 2023
During the Academic Matters segment, Dr. Reid shared updates on the Virginia Growth Assessments (VGA). In 2021, legislation was passed in Virginia requiring schools to perform content standards testing in the fall and winter. Dr. Reid reflected that there are opportunities for improvement in the timeliness of the information being shared with schools between the two assessment windows.
Families will receive fall and winter math and reading results together in the next eight weeks. FCPS’ fall results indicate that the school division is outperforming other Virginia districts in every area, in every grade level.
COVID Relief Spending
December 15, 2022
Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid presented on how ESSER III funds are being used to support students and address learning loss caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Overall, approximately $102.8 million of ESSER III funding has been allocated for student academic and wellness support. In the summer of 2021, FCPS served 34,000 students with robust, tuition-free summer programming. In 2022, we served 32,000 students.
The rate of FCPS academic recovery is outpacing Virginia as a whole. Reading performance is almost back to pre-pandemic levels after just one year. Math performance is progressing toward the pre-pandemic baseline. Watch the full presentation on YouTube.
ESSER III plans for each individual school can be found on each school’s website. For more information on FCPS ESSER III funding allocations, visit the ESSER III webpage.
December 1, 2022
During the Academic Matters segment, Dr. Rich Pollio, Director of ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) Services, shared data around our English Learner students versus students who speak English and another language.
Forty-nine percent of our students speak English and at least one other language. Twenty percent of our students are receiving English language development services. Pollio talked about the value of community in supporting our English Learners in their journey.
Assessment Practices
November 14, 2022
Superintendent Reid discussed the innovative assessment practices happening in FCPS as part of our School Division of Innovation designation from the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE).
This recognition means that VDOE has approved a plan to improve student learning, educational performance, and college, career, and citizenship readiness skills. It positions FCPS as a state leader in innovative practices with the opportunity to impact statewide policy decisions. Watch Dr. Reid’s presentation.
NAEP Assessment
November 3, 2022
Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid shared some common misconceptions concerning the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) assessment. Watch the presentation on YouTube.