Reporting Fraud, Waste, and Abuse
Submit a form or call the Office of Auditor General (OAG) hotline at 571-423-1333
Our objective is to provide FCPS employees and the general public a confidential means, in accordance with School Board Policy 1106, "Protection Against Retaliation When Engaged in Protected Activity", for reporting suspected wrongdoing involving fraud, waste, and abuse of school assets and resources. Violations include, but are not limited, to the following:
- Theft or misuse of school funds or property.
- Records falsification (such as personnel records, time and attendance, or procurement.)
- Abuse of authority or using position for personal gain.
- Receiving kickbacks.
- Corruption and bribery.
What are fraud, waste, and abuse?
Refer to School Board Policy 1107, "Fraud, Waste, and Abuse".
How to report fraud, waste, and abuse complaints?
If you are unsure how to proceed with a concern, you may contact us during operating hours Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at 571-423-1320 for guidance prior to calling the hotline or completing the fraud, waste, and abuse form. If we are helping other clients at the time of your call, please leave your name and number and someone will return your call. Form is linked below as a fillable pdf.
By phone: The fraud, waste, and abuse hotline at 571-423-1333 may be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This is a voicemail box only; you may leave a message. Callers may remain anonymous as long as you do not leave your name and number.
Office of Auditor General main line is 571-423-1320. If we are helping other clients at the time of your call, please leave your name and number and someone will return your call.
- By e-mail: [email protected], e-mail is not anonymous.
- Online: Complete and submit the webform online.
- In person: The Office of Auditor General for Fairfax County Public Schools is located in the Gatehouse Administration Building, 8115 Gatehouse Road, Suite 5500, Falls Church, Virginia, 22042.
What will happen after you report?
We take all complaints and reports seriously and will make every effort to investigate the reports according to the applicable laws, codes, policies, or regulations. You can assist us in our investigation by providing as much information as possible.
Please describe the suspicious activity complete with names, departments and schools, date of occurrence, and the date you became aware of the activity. Please provide as much information as possible.
You are encouraged to leave your contact information to enable us to gather or clarify information as needed. If you choose to remain anonymous, ensure that you provide thorough and detailed information to enable a review of your complaint.
For further information, please refer to School Board Regulation 1410, "Procedures for Reporting and Investigating Embezzlement, Fraud, Waste or Abuse, and Other Financial Wrongdoing.
You may want to consider contacting the Office of the Ombuds for situations which are not related to fraud, waste, and abuse. They provide an independent, confidential resource for students, families, community members, and employees who are seeing informal help to answer questions, resolve concerns, and voice complaints regarding Fairfax County Public Schools matters.