Excellence, Equity, and Opportunity
FCPS Path to Success
Excellence, Equity, and Opportunity - The FCPS Path to Success

Fairfax County Public Schools believes that learning happens best in community. When we have equally high expectations for each and every one of our students, everyone benefits. In FCPS, we believe excellence, equity, and access to opportunity are essential for success in all aspects of life. Together, they foster growth, development, and high achievement for each and every student, as they prepare for a world yet to be imagined.
Excellence means...
Striving for the highest standards of performance, quality, and achievement for all students. It means setting innovative, creative, and ambitious goals, and working tirelessly to achieve them. In FCPS, we expect our students to set their sights on and reach for the stars, to never settle for mediocrity, and to always strive for excellence in all that they do.
- The average 2022 SAT score for FCPS students was 1185 — higher than both the state average (1124) and the global average (1050).
- In the 2021-22 school year, 73% of FCPS high school students took an Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, or Dual Enrollment course.
- The FCPS Class of 2022 was awarded a total of $145,251,585 in college scholarships.
- FCPS has 238 National Merit Semifinalists and 842 Commended Students in the 2023 National Merit Scholarship Program.
- FCPS students earned 16,415 industry credentials in 2021-22.
Equity means...
Ensuring that everyone has access to the same opportunities and that individual circumstances do not hold anyone back from reaching their full, unique, and limitless potential. In FCPS, we believe that everyone has the potential to excel. We value the backgrounds, identities, and experiences that our students bring to our schools every day. We work to create an affirming environment that promotes lifelong learning.

Together, excellence and equity mean...
Every student has access to the educational opportunities, rigor, and resources they need for success. We believe that by fostering a culture of excellence and equity, we can empower our students to reach their full potential, build stronger communities through innovation, and create a better world for all. Because we believe learning happens best in community, we invite you to join us in our mission to achieve excellence, equity, and opportunity in all that we do.

Strategic Plan 2023-30

Equity and Cultural Responsiveness