District Performance and Transparency
The annual budget is communicated throughout the previous fiscal year as it is developed. Students, parents, employees, and citizens are urged to participate in the budget process, to contact their School Board members, and to testify at School Board and Board of Supervisors meetings. The most current information on the budget is posted online.
Student demographic information is updated by the end of September during each school year and posted on the individual school websites. Division demographic information, including the numbers of students eligible for free- and reduced-price meals, receiving special education services, and enrolled in English for speakers of other languages, are reported to VDOE and are available.
School division and individual school report cards, based on the results of the annual Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) tests, are available.

Energy-efficient buildings help protect the environment while saving money via the EPA ENERGY STAR Program. Environmental consciousness results in FCPS having the most ENERGY STAR certified schools in the U.S.

Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund III Requirements
Fund requirements include seeking public input and take that input into account.

Impact Aid Student-Parent Survey
Impact Aid programs and grants are designed to assist local school districts that enroll federally connected students.

Fairfax County School Board: State and Federal Legislative Program
Learn more about the legislative positions and priorities of the Fairfax County School Board.

Student Population Reporting
Key information on each Fairfax County public school. Each profile includes contact information, special programs offered, recent test score data (including SOL, AP, IB test sccores), and basic statistics, such as enrollment and staffing.

Title I Program
This main Title I page includes the listing of FCPS Title I schools. The page also contains information about how schools are selected for Title I funding; how Title I federal funds are distributed; and how schools use Title I funding to improve teaching and help students learn.

Transparency promotes accountability and provides information for residents about the activities of Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS).