What's Happening at FCPS

Letter from the Fairfax County Health Department About High Flu Activity
The Fairfax County Health Department reports that Fairfax County is seeing very high levels of influenza (flu) illness. Learn how to prevent or reduce the spread of illness.

♥️ Waynewood Elementary Shares Love Through Handmade Valentines
At Waynewood Elementary School, kindness isn’t just a lesson — it’s a way of life. On January 24, students put their hearts into action by creating handmade Valentine’s Day cards for people facing serious health challenges.

Superintendent's Weekly Reflections
Dr. Reid writes about all the great things happening in Fairfax County Public Schools. This week, she met with the Boundary Review Advisory Committee and leaders from Real Food for Kids, attended an Honor Roll celebration at Langston Hughes Middle School, several sporting events, and more!
Fairfax County Public Schools inspires and empowers students to meet high academic standards.

We're the 9th largest school system in the U.S. -- 199 schools

We teach nearly 183,000 enrolled students

FCPS employs over 25,000 full-time staff

Our school bus fleet is the largest in the country--over 1,600 buses
FCPS on the Move
These videos showcase our amazing students--and the staff that help make Fairfax County Public Schools a nationally recognized school division.

Discover how Fairfax County Public Schools Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) is prioritizing Student Voices in menu planning. FNS ensures meals are enjoyable for students through: annual food shows where students sample diverse menu options; small focus groups for detailed feedback; and a commitment to student-tested and approved menu items. Decisions are made through the lens of what is best for students, recognizing their unique preferences. This approach aligns with Goal 2 of the Strategic Plan: Safe, Supportive, and Empowered.

The "Readers are Leaders" program at Braddock Elementary School is a collaboration with Annandale High School basketball players who mentor young students. The high schoolers help the younger kids sound out words and read more fluently. The program provides extra enrichment, helping students understand more of their reading material.

CTE Summer Academy (CSA) and Tech Adventure Camp (TAC) are hands-on enrichment programs for students in grades K-11, offering an exciting opportunity to explore Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs, develop new skills, and begin career exploration. Open to FCPS students, private school students, homeschoolers, and non-Fairfax County residents, CTE summer camps are the perfect way to discover CTE electives offered through FCPS.
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